07-228 To: J3 From: Van Snyder Subject: Whole arrays Date: 2007 May 10 Introduction ------------ [96:13-14] and [123:10-11] say superficially similar but subtly different things about whole arrays. The material at [96:13-14] is more nearly correct because it doesn't permit whole arrays as arguments to specification functions that require the shape, which the material at [123:12-13] appears to allow. OTOH, it doesn't mention the appearance of assumed-size arrays in nonexecutable statements. In any case, discussion of both whole arrays and assumed-size arrays shouldn't be spread between (Assumed-size array) and 6.2.1 (Whole array). We can at least get all of the material about one of them into one place. Edits below put all of the material about whole arrays into 6.2.1. Edits ----- [96:13-14] Editor: Replace "name ... required" by "shall not appear in a context that requires its shape". Notice that this replaces text edited by 07-188r1. [123:10] Editor: After "executable construct" insert "or specification expression". [123:9-13] Editor: After doing the previous edit, join the paragraphs and move the second sentence to the end.