To: J3 07-298 From: Jim Xia Subject: Interpretation: Restrictions on dummy arguments not present for polymorphic type or paramterized derived type Date: 2007 October 12 NUMBER: F03/ TITLE: Restrictions on dummy arguments not present for polymorphic type or paramterized derived type KEYWORDS: dummy argument, present, polymorphic, parameterized derived type DEFECT TYPE: Error STATUS: Erratum DISCUSSION In, rules at [273:7-10] say that if a POINTER/ALLOCATABLE optional dummy argument is not present then it can not be supplied as an actual argument corresponding to an optional nonpointer/non- allocatable dummy argument. The same reasons underlying these constraints also apply to the following two situations: 1.) a polymorphic optional dummy argument that is not present is supplied as an actual argument corresponding to an optional non-polymorphic dummy argument; 2.) a non-present optional dummy argument of derived type with an assumed type parameter is supplied as an actual argument corresponding to an optional dummy argument that does not have the same assumed type parameter One of the reasons that these rules should apply is due to the non- present dummy argument is supplied as the actual argument to a procedure using a different calling convention (pass-by-the-dought-factor to pass- by-address). It appears that the current standard overlooked these two cases. An edit is supplied to correct this oversight. EDITS: [273:10+] Add two paragraphs "(8a) If it is polymorphic, it shall not be supplied as an actual argument corresponding to an optional nonpolymorphic dummy argument." "(8b) If it is of a derived type and has an assumed type parameter, it shall not be supplied as an actual argument corresponding to an optional dummy argument with the corresponding type parameter not being assumed." SUBMITTED BY: Jim Xia HISTORY: m182 Submitted