J3/09-111 To: J3 From: Van Snyder Subject: Editorial stuff concerning namelist Date: 2009 January 13 Reference: 09-007 Subclause 10.11.3 concerning namelist input is imprecise and duplicative. Coarrays are not prohibited in 5.6, but are not described in 10.11.3. [269:1-3] -------------------------------------------------- This paragraph is hopelessly vague, in the wrong place, and some of it duplicates material in the right place ( Editor: Delete the paragraph. Its non-duplicative specifications will reappear. [269:7] ---------------------------------------------------- Coarrays are not prohibited in 5.6, but image selectors are not mentioned here. Editor: Delete "and". After "expressions" insert ", and image selectors". [269:8] ---------------------------------------------------- Editor: After "specified." insert "A substring range shall not specify a zero-length character string." [269:10] --------------------------------------------------- Editor: After "(R601)." insert "If a section subscript list appears, the number of section subscripts shall be equal to the rank of the object. A section subscript shall not specify a zero-size array." [269:3] --------------------------------------------------- Editor: At the end of the paragraph append a sentence "If an image selector appears, the number of cosubscripts shall be equal to the corank of the object." [269:29-31] ------------------------------------------------ The "termination" part of the first sentence duplicates The "after transference" part isn't needed when a value is followed by a value separator other than slash, so it isn't needed here either. The second sentence duplicates the last sentence of Editor: Delete the paragraph. [269:32-33] ------------------------------------------------ The "except a slash" part is contradicted by The remainder of the paragraph duplicates, and if it hadn't, it should have been in that subclause. Editor: Delete the paragraph.