09-273 To: J3 From: Bill Long and John Reid Subject: UTI 167 Date: 2009 July 27 References: 09-007r2 Discussion: UTI 167 notes inconsistent and unclear wording in Note 8.32. The term "permanent memory location" should be used consistently. The actions of atomic memory operations should not be deferred to a later point in the segment as is described in the previous paragraph for non-atomic actions. ------------ Edits to 09-007r2: [189:Note 8.32] In the penultimate Note of "8.5.2 Segments" make the following changes: In the first sentence of the second paragraph, replace "permanent location" with "permanent memory location". Replace the third (last) paragraph with: "The value of the ATOM argument of an atomic subroutine might be accessed or modified by another concurrently executing image. Therefore, execution of an atomic subroutine that references the ATOM argument cannot rely on a local copy, but instead always gets its value from its permanent memory location. Execution of an atomic subroutine that defines the ATOM argument does not complete until the value of its ATOM argument is accessible from its permanent memory location by all other images."