J3/10-125r2 To: J3/WG5 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Edits for ISO Secretariat comments Date: 2010 February 16 1. Introduction --------------- The ISO Secretariat comments are in paper N1788. One comment was also addressed by 10-114 but the edit in that paper was insufficient. Note that several ISO Secretariat comments had "etc." in the location. I think I have caught all the subclauses that are affected, but it is not impossible that I might have missed one or more. 2. Edits to 09-007r3 (aka WG5/N1791) ------------------------------------ [throughout] Change headers to "ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 (E)", aligned right on odd pages and left on even pages. [throughout] Change odd-page-numbered footers to "ISO/IEC copyright (c) ISO/IEC 2010 (All rights reserved) pagenumber" and even-page-numbered footers to "pagenumber ISO/IEC copyright (c) ISO/IEC 2010 (All rights reserved)" where "(c)" is a copyright symbol and "pagenumber" is the page number. [3:9] 1.3.7 associating entity, "in ... association," -> "\termqual{in ... association}", where "\termqual{x}" expands to "$\langle$x$\rangle$". {Notes: $\langle$ is supposed to be a left angle bracket, not a < sign. Yes, I do mean to swallow the comma.} {NOTE TO EDITOR: Check for correct spacing using \termqual, if that is problematic use the expansion inplace.} [4:44] 1.3.19 C address, Delete semi-colon and turn everything after it into a proper sentence in a note. [5:3-8] 1.3.21 characteristics, Replace entire definition as follows: "\termqual{procedure} the properties listed in 12.3.1 \mterm{characteristics} \termqual{dummy argument} being ... indicator) \mterm{characteristics} \termqual{dummy data object} ... \mterm{characteristics} \termqual{dummy procedure or dummy procedure pointer} ... \mterm{characteristics} \termqual{function result} ... 12.3.3" {Note: \mterm is a new macro for a multiply-defined term; it is nearly the same as \term but does not define a new hyperlink target.} [5:45] subcomponent, "of a structure," -> "\termqual{of a structure}". [6:11] 1.3.31 conformable, replace with "of two data entities," -> "\termqual{of two data entities}", "shape, or" -> "shape or". [6:33] 1.3.36 contiguous, "of a multi-part data object," -> "\termqual{a multi-part data object}", replace "; of an array," with "\mterm{contiguous} \termqual{of an array}". {Note: the subterm "simply contiguous" is under the second definition.} [6:37] simply contiguous, "of an array designator or variable," ->"\termqual{of an array designator or variable}". [7:21] 1.3.44 default-initialized, "of a subcomponent," -> "\termqual{subcomponent}". [7:28-30] 1.3.46 defined, Change "either ... data object, the" to "\termqual{data object}", Change "or, ... pointer, the" to " \mterm{defined} \termqual{pointer}". [8:3-5] 1.3.50 definition, replace entirely with "\termqual{derived type (4.5.2), enumeration (4.6), or procedure (12.6)} specification of the type, enumeration, or procedure \mterm{definition} \termqual{data object} process by which the data object becomes defined (16.6.5)". [8:8] 1.3.51 descendant, "of ... submodule," -> "\termqual{module or submodule}". [8:23-26] 1.3.53 disassociated, "either ... status of" -> "\termqual{pointer association} the pointer association status of", ", or ... status" -> " \mterm{disassociated} \termqual{pointer} having a pointer association status of disassociated". [10:17-19] 1.3.66 finalizable, "either ... of a type," -> "\termqual{type}", ", or ... entity," -> " \mterm{finalizable} \termqual{nonpointer data entity} of finalizable type". [10:31] 1.3.70 host instance, "of an ..., or of a ... procedure," -> "\termqual{..., or ... procedure"; this results in "\termqual{internal procedure, or dummy procedure or procedure pointer associated with an internal procedure}". [11:12] 1.3.78 inherit, "of an extended type," -> "\termqual{extended type}". [11:20] 1.3.80 interface, "of a procedure," -> "\termqual{procedure}", [12:3] 1.3.83 interoperable, "of a Fortran entity," -> "\termqual{Fortran entity}". [12:11] standard intrinsic, "of a procedure or module," -> "\termqual{procedure or module}". [12:14] nonstandard intrinsic, "of a procedure or module," -> "\termqual{procedure or module}". [13:22-23] 1.3.97 operator, replace with "\si{intrinsic-operator}, \si{defined-unary-op}, or \si{defined-binary-op} (R309, R703, R723)" [13:43] 1.3.101 polymorphic, "data entity" -> "\termqual{data entity}", Delete "declared with the CLASS keyword,". {Either the first part before the comma is the definition, in which case the second part after the comma is extra info which must be given in a note (or omitted), or vice versa. Since the reference goes straight to the syntax, I have chosen the "semantic" version of the definition.} [14:3] 1.3.102 preconnected, "of a file or unit," -> "\termqual{file or unit}". [15:33-36] 1.3.115 scoping unit, replace entirely with "block construct, derived-type definition, interface body, program unit, or subprogram, excluding all nested scoping units in it" {Sure, there is no syntax to nest anything in a derived-type definition, but that doesn't matter. We don't want this to be multiple separate definitions, and we do want the wording to be simple. This version accounts for the BLOCK construct fixes already passed and overrides the edit for this definition.} [16:16] 1.3.120 size, "of an array," -> "\termqual{array}". [17:6] 1.3.128 storage unit, Delete "unit of storage; a". [18:43-44] extension type, replace with "\termqual{of one type with respect to another} is the same type or is an extended type whose parent type is an extension type of the other type". {Previous version was easier to read than this, but did not have the correct form required for a term definition.} [19:12] type compatible, Replace "of one entity with respect to another, compatibility of the types of the entities" with "compatibility of the type of one entity with respect to another". [19:16-17] type parameter, Delete ", further ... available". {Useless waffle is forbidden in a term definition!} [19:20-23] assumed type parameter, Replace "which is, ... dummy argument" with " Note 1.x The other entity is ... dummy argument.". {Turn the extra info into a note. We could just delete it, but that might be slightly unfriendly here.} [19:45-20:1] 1.3.139 undefined, "either ... object," -> "\termqual{data object}", "or ... pointer, the" -> " \mterm{undefined} \termqual{pointer}". [20:9] 1.3.141 unlimited polymorphic, Delete "declared with CLASS(*),". {Either the first part before the comma is the definition, in which case the second part after the comma is extra info which must be given in a note (or omitted), or vice versa. Since the reference goes straight to the syntax, I have chosen the "semantic" version of the definition.} [24:27-33] 1.6.4, introductory sentence and bullet list: Change first "." to ":" and replace the list contents with "- the result value of the intrinsic function SIGN (when the second argument is a negative real zero); - formatted output of negative real values (when the output value is zero); - whether an expression is a constant expression (thus whether a variable is considered to be automatic)." [233:Note 9.58] 9.9 "FLUSH statement", after p4, "this standard" -> "this part of ISO/IEC 1539". {ISO-4: use name of standard instead of 'this standard'.} ===END===