J3/10-181 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Final interp 5: PURE INTENT(OUT) arguments Date: 2010 June 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: TITLE: PURE INTENT(OUT) finalization KEYWORDS: PURE INTENT(OUT) FINAL DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider MODULE m TYPE t ... CONTAINS FINAL f END TYPE INTEGER :: fcount = 0 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE f(x) TYPE(t),INTENT(INOUT) :: x ... fcount = fcount + 1 END SUBROUTINE PURE SUBROUTINE zap(x) ! (1) TYPE(t),INTENT(OUT) :: x END SUBROUTINE PURE SUBROUTINE bad(y) TYPE(t),INTENT(INOUT) :: y CALL zap(y) ! (2) END SUBROUTINE END MODULE Clearly, even though subroutine zap is pure, invoking it causes impure final subroutine f to be called and so therefore it cannot be invoked in any context that requires it to be pure. Thus the call marked (2) is invalid. The question is whether the subroutine definition itself (marked (1)) is standard-conforming. If finalization of INTENT(OUT) arguments is considered to be done by the called procedure, then the subroutine definition is not standard-conforming. If finalization of INTENT(OUT) arguments is done by the caller, the subroutine definition might be standard-conforming. It would certainly seem a bit strange to be able to define a PURE procedure that cannot be invoked anywhere purity is required. ANSWER: Yes, it is strange to be able to uselessly specify that a procedure is PURE without that enabling it to be used where purity is required, but that is what the standard says. An edit is supplied to clarify that invocation of FINAL subroutines for INTENT(OUT) arguments is considered to be done by the caller. DISCUSSION: Although the phrase "When a procedure is invoked" sounds like finalization occurs in the caller of a procedure and not in the called procedure, being PURE or having a finalizable INTENT(OUT) dummy argument are not grounds for an explicit interface to be required. This would appear to require, as a matter of practicality, that the processor performs the finalization of the actual argument on entry to the called procedure. I.e., that the impure final subroutine will in actuality be called from the pure procedure. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Allowing a PURE procedure to cause invocation of impure final procedures in this way was inadvertant. An edit is supplied to clarify that any INTENT(OUT) dummy arguments of a PURE procedure must not have a relevant impure FINAL procedure. NOTE TO J3: This interpretation request has an interaction with another interpretation request ("Final interp 8"). Care should be taken to keep these consistent. (This note should be removed in due course.) EDITS to 10-007: [76:31] At the end of paragraph 8, append new sentence "The finalization caused by INTENT(OUT) is considered to occur in the context of the invocation of the procedure, not within the invoked procedure." {This is arguably the straightforward reading of "When a procedure is invoked" anyway, but it should be specified precisely.} ALTERNATIVE EDITS: [312:22+] In 12.7 after C1278, insert new constraint "C1278a An INTENT(OUT) argument of a pure procedure shall not be such that finalization of the actual argument would reference an impure procedure." {In some other constraints we use "procedure that is not pure", but "impure procedure" is a simpler way of saying the same thing.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 10-181 m192 Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------