To: J3 11-112 From: John Reid Subject: Interop: UTI TR2 Date: 2011 January 26 References: N1838 DISCUSSION Unresolved Technical Issue TR2 of N1838 points out that the first sentence of para 2 of 5.2.3 CFI_dim_t makes an incorrect assumption. The paragraph is applicable in all cases where the type component of a descriptor for an object indicates that the object is of character type. An edit is supplied to correct this EDIT to N1838: [10:20-21] In 5.2.3 CFI_dim_t, para 2, lines 1-2, replace "If the actual argument is of type CHARACTER, or is of assumed type eventually associated with an actual argument of type CHARACTER" by "If the type component of a descriptor for an actual argument indicates that the type is a character type".