11-175r2 To: J3 From: Nick Maclaren / Toon Moene / Bill Long Subject: Interop TR: CFI_section and strides Date: 2011 June 29 Reference: N1854, 11-168, 11-175 For clarity, this doesn't repeat the discussion in 11-175 and proposes only the second alternative. This separates out the bounds and strides and makes CFI_section essentially a C equivalent of Fortran section syntax. During the meeting, it was pointed out that the proposal in 11-168 means that the attribute argument is unnecessary, and serves only to introduce a source of error. It is therefore removed. Edits to N1854 -------------- [17:7-8] Delete "CFI attribute t attribute," and replace "const CFI_dim_t dim[]" by "const CFI_index_t lower_bounds[], const CFI_index_t upper_bounds[], const CFI_index_t strides[]". [17:18] Delete the specification of the attribute parameter. [17:19-24] Replace the paragraph specifying the dim argument by: "lower_bounds points to an array specifying the subscripts of the element in the given array that is the first element, in Fortran array element order ( of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010), of the array section. If it is NULL, the subscripts of the first element of source are used; otherwise, the number of elements shall be source->rank. upper_bounds points to an array specifying the subscripts of the element in the given array that is the last element, in Fortran array element order ( of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010), of the array section. If it is NULL, the subscripts of the last element of source are used; otherwise, the number of elements shall be source->rank. strides points to an array specifying the strides of the array section in units of elements of argument source; if an element is 0, the section subscript for the dimension is a subscript and the corresponding elements of lower_bounds and upper_bounds shall be equal. If it is NULL, the strides are treated as being all 1; otherwise, the number of elements shall be source->rank." [17:26-28] Replace "The attribute argument determines whether the C descriptor describes an assumed-shape array or pointer object. The value of result->rank is source->rank minus the number of dim entries for which the extent member is equal to -1." by "The value of result->rank is source->rank minus the number of stride elements which have value 0." [17:29] Replace "the C descriptor established" by "an established C descriptor". [17:34-39] and [18:1-2] Replace the example by: "the following code fragment updates a C descriptor to describe the array section A(3::5). CFI_index_t lower_bounds[] = {2}, strides[] = {5}; CFI_CDESC_T(1) section; int ind; /* Establish the C descriptor section. */ ind = CFI_section ( (CFI_cdesc_t *) §ion, source, lower_bounds, NULL, strides ); If source already points to a C descriptor for the rank-two assumed-shape array A declared in Fortran as real A(100,100) the following code fragment updates a C descriptor to describe the rank-one array section A(:,42). CFI_index_t lower_bounds[] = {source->dim[0].lower_bound,41}, upper_bounds[] = {source->dim[0].upper_bound,41}, strides[] = {1,0}; CFI_CDESC_T(1) section; int ind; /* Establish the C descriptor section. */ ind = CFI_section ( (CFI_cdesc_t *) §ion, source, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, strides ); "