11-208r1 To: J3 From: Bill Long/Steve Lionel Subject: CFI_select_part Date: 2011 June 29 Reference: N1854 During the meeting, it was pointed out that the proposal in 11-168 means that the attribute argument to CFI_select_part is unnecessary since the resulting C descriptor is already established with the correct attribute. It is therefore removed. Similarly, the type argument is also not needed, and is removed. Additionally, the element length will be set in result for all cases except character type. The current description also allows CFI_type_other, which is not correct. Edits to N1854 -------------- [18:4] Delete "CFI_attribute_t attribute,". [18:5] Delete "CFI_type_t type,". [18:15] Delete description of attribute argument. [18:16] Delete description of the type argument. [18:21] In the first sentence of the elem_len argument, delete "CFI_type_other or". [18:21-23] In elem_len, delete the second sentence. [18:28-29] Replace the last sentence of para 3 with "In the C descriptor pointed to by result, the attribute member shall be CFI_attribute_assumed or CFI_attribute_pointer and the type member shall be the specifier for the type of the part." [18:30-31] Replace "the object ... established" with "the C descriptor pointed to by result is updated" [18:31] Replace "object" with "C descriptor". [19:2-4] Replace CFI_select_part call (and blank line before) with: "CFI_cdesc_t * comp_cdesc = (CFI_cdesc_t *)&component; CFI_index_t extent[] = {100}; ind = CFI_establish (comp_cdesc, NULL, CFI_attribute_assumed, CFI_type_double_complex, sizeof(double _Complex), 1, extent); ind = CFI_select_part (comp_cdesc, source, offsetof(t,y), 0);"