J3/13-241 From: Van Snyder To: J3 Date: 2013 February 11 Subject: Ada Rapporteur Group liaison charge At PL22.3 meeting 200, PL22.3 appointed Van Snyder to be our liaison to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG), the ISO Standards Committee for the Ada programming Language. The charge to the liaison is: To report to PL22.3 any questions and/or positions taken by the ARG which may affect the Fortran standard, or which the ARG requests that the liaison report to PL22.3; and To report to the ARG the position expressed by PL22.3 by recorded PL22.3 vote on any questions made or issues raised by the ARG to which the ARG requests a reply from PL22.3, or any issue regarding which PL22.3 by recorded PL22.3 vote wishes to make its point of view known to the ARG.