To: J3 13-292 From: John Reid Subject: TS requirements changes Date: 27 June 2013 Reference: N1930 Edits to N1930: --------------- Section 2. Add to para 1, after sentence 2 "Teams provide a minimal portable mechanism that can be used to enable continued execution in the presence of failed images." T1. Replace the first 3 lines by "T1: When a block of code is executed on images executing as a team," T2. Replace by "T2: While an image executes a statement it shall be a member of one and only one team. Access to variables on images of an ancestor team is permitted through syntax that refers to that team." T4. Replace the first sentence by "There shall be a construct mechanism for changing the current team, involving the synchronization of all members of the new team at the beginning and end of the construct." E3. Replace sentence 1 by "Mechanisms shall be provided to post and test an event on any image, and to wait on the executing image for an event to be posted." E4. Delete this requirement.