To: J3 J3/14-105 From: Reinhold Bader Subject: Corrections to A.2.1 Date: 2014 January 23 References: N1996, N1999, 13-347r2 Discussion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ As noted in N1999, there are some minor issues with the EVENT_QUERY example; furthermore there is the following more serious problem: the program may not terminate because worker images that received non-empty work items from the last "master" iteration will continue their "worker" loop and then hang in the EVENT WAIT. This is resolved by worker images deregistering themselves at the master once the first empty work item arrives. The master will terminate once all worker images are deregistered. A potential problem with image control statements not working properly after the first image failure may need resolution for this program to continue working if an image fails. Furthermore, it is not clear how EVENT WAIT should behave on a non-failed image in the face of an image failure - this is however considered outside the scope of this paper. Edits: ~~~~~~ Replace [37:20] - [38:44] by "PROGRAM USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_fortran_env USE :: mod_work ! provides TYPE(work), create_work_item, ! repeat_work_item, process_item, ! WORK_ITEM_EMPTY TYPE(event_type) :: submit[*] TYPE :: asymmetric_event TYPE(event_type), ALLOCATABLE :: event(:) LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: available(:) END TYPE TYPE(asymmetric_event) :: confirm[*] TYPE(work) :: work_item[*] INTEGER :: count, i, status IF (this_image() == 1) THEN ! ! set up master-side data structures ALLOCATE(confirm%event(2:num_images())) ALLOCATE(confirm%available(2:num_images()), SOURCE = .TRUE.) DO i = 2, num_images() EVENT POST (confirm%event(i)) END DO ! ! work distribution loop master : DO image : DO i = 2, num_images() IF (.NOT. confirm%available(i)) CYCLE image CALL event_query(confirm%event(i), count, status) IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) THEN confirm%available(i) = .FALSE. CYCLE image ELSE IF (status /= 0) THEN ERROR STOP END IF IF (count > 0) THEN ! avoid blocking if processing on worker ! is incomplete EVENT WAIT (confirm%event(i), STAT=status) IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) THEN confirm%available(i) = .FALSE. CYCLE image ELSE IF (status /= 0) THEN ERROR STOP END IF work_item[i] = create_work_item() EVENT POST (submit[i], STAT=status) IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) THEN CALL repeat_work_item() ! previous item re-created in next iteration confirm%available(i) = .FALSE. CYCLE image ELSE IF (status /= 0) THEN ERROR STOP END IF END IF END DO image IF ( .NOT. any(confirm%available) ) EXIT master END DO master ELSE ! ! work processing loop worker : DO EVENT WAIT (submit) CALL process_item(work_item, status) IF (status == WORK_ITEM_EMPTY) & confirm[1]%available(this_image()) = .FALSE. EVENT POST (confirm[1]%event(this_image())) IF (status == WORK_ITEM_EMPTY) EXIT worker END DO worker END IF END PROGRAM"