To: J3 J3/14-111r2 From: John Reid and Reinhold Bader Subject: Coarray intrinsics Date: 2014 February 13 References: N1996, N1999 Discussion ---------- We add the optional argument TEAM to FAILED_IMAGES because it may be undesirable to exit the team execution context to obtain information about which images in an ancestor team have failed (see the vote of Reinhold Bader in N1999). Edits to N1996: --------------- [24:1] Change line to 7.4.12 FAILED_IMAGES ([TEAM, KIND]) [24:3+] Add <> TEAM (optional) shall be a scalar of the type TEAM_TYPE defined in the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV intrinsic module. Its value shall represent an ancestor team. If TEAM is present, its value specifies the team; otherwise, the team specified is the current team. [24:4-6] Remove "Argument." and indent the rest of the paragraph in the usual way for an argument description. [24:9] After "failed images" add "in the specified team". [24:10] Change "current" to "specified". [32:1-] In the table entry for FAILED_IMAGES, change "KIND" to "TEAM, KIND".