To: J3 J3/14-189 From: R. Bader Subject: Suggested Fortran features from DIN members Date: 2014 June 10 References: WG5/N1830 With this paper, the German delegation to WG5 submits suggestions for functionality that should be considered for inclusion into the next Fortran standard. (This paper was submitted to WG5 for vote in the joint meeting and is made available to J3 as a reference). Additional Feature List: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A) SELECT RANK block construct 1. Introduction and Motivation TS29113:2012 added assumed-rank arrays. While TS29113 defines the CFI_cdesc_t struct and CFI_ functions, which make assumed-rank arrays accessible from C, assumed-rank variables are essentially inaccessible in a pure Fortran program due to the restrictions on this feature. (The only exception are contiguous assumed-rank arrays that have the TARGET attribute, for which C_LOC and C_F_POINTER can be used.) This proposal adds SELECT RANK which makes such arrays also accessible from Fortran, improving the abstraction features of the language for code that need to work for multiple ranks across nested library interfaces. The next two subsections provide a preliminary description of syntax and semantics that may serve as a starting point for the specification. 2. Proposed Syntax ::= [] ... end-select-stmt ::= [ :] SELECT RANK () ::= END SELECT [] ::= CASE [] ::= ( ) | DEFAULT Constraint: The shall be an assumed-rank variable. Constraint: For a given , the same shall not be specified in more than one . Constraint: If the of a specifies a , the corresponding shall specify the same . If the of a does not specify a , the corresponding shall not specify a . If a specifies a , the corresponding shall specify the same . The constraint C535b of TS29113 shall be modified by appending: "or as selector in a . 3. Semantics A SELECT RANK construct selects at most one block to be executed. A matches the selector if the dynamic rank of the selector is the same as the one specified by the statement. Within the block following a which is not DEFAULT, the associating entity is an assumed-shape array with the specified rank if the selector is a nonpointer, nonallocatable variable, otherwise it is a deferred-shape array. If an assumed-size array is an actual argument to the variable, the associating entry shall not appear in a designator or expression except as an actual argument corresponding to a dummy argument that is assumed-rank, the argument of the C_LOC function in the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module, or the first argument in a reference to an intrinsic inquiry function. 4. Example A solver procedure that can be applied to physical scenarios in 2, 3, or higher dimensions might be written along the following lines: SUBROUTINE solve_physics(data, params, result) TYPE(simulation_data), INTENT(in) :: data(..) CLASS(simulation_params), INTENT(in) :: params TYPE(simulation_result), INTENT(out) :: result SELECT RANK ( data ) CASE (2) ! process two-dimensional case DO i=1, size(data,2) DO j=1, size(data,1) result = ... data(j,i) ... END DO END DO CASE (3) ! process three-dimensional case DO i=1, size(data,3) DO j=1, size(data,2) DO k=1, size(data,1) result = ... data(k,j,i) ... END DO END DO END DO CASE (...) ! and so on for higher dimensions CASE DEFAULT : ! usually used for error handling : ! rank remains assumed here END SELECT : ! outside the block construct, do operations : ! on data that do not require explicit rank information. : ! E.g. invoke procedures that themselves have : ! assumed rank dummy arguments. END SUBROUTINE 5. Estimated impact On standard: minor. On processors: minor. Conformance with Markham resolution: improves internal consistency of the standard by making a feature that already can be used from C available within Fortran. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (B) Extension to SELECT TYPE construct 1. Motivation The following situation may arise in object-oriented programming scenarios and leads to quite cumbersome coding: Assume that a subprogram takes multiple polymorphic arguments subroutine foo_xyz(a, b, c, ...) class(x) :: a class(y) :: b class(z) :: c : end subroutine Then, performing type resolution inside the subprogram often requires multiple nested SELECT TYPE blocks, even though in many cases only a small subset of combinations requires resolution. 2. Suggested solution Add semantics to SELECT TYPE that permits simultaneous resolution of multiple objects. For example, generic type-bound operators illustrate the usefulness of the feature, since the function result typically will have the same type as the most extended type of the two arguments: function add(s1, s2) result(s) ! generically bound to base as ! operator(+) via first argument class(base), intent(in) :: s1 type(base), intent(in) :: s2 class(base), allocatable :: s allocate(s, mold=s1) select type(s, s1) ! multiple associations type is (base, base) : ! do addition for base type is (ext, ext) : ! do addition for extension type ext of base class default : ! throw error end select end function In order to keep the impact on the standard as well as implementations small, it is suggested to limit the type resolution clauses to the non-polymorphic TYPE IS i.e. apart from CLASS DEFAULT no CLASS IS blocks are permitted if multiple associations are established in a SELECT TYPE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C) Placement allocation 1. Motivation: The Fortran standard presently does not provide a facility to decouple the allocation of memory from its initialization if objects of a type with default initialization are produced; this is of significant disadvantage with respect to performance on systems with NUMA memory characteristics. Also it is desirable to be able to make explicit use of memory with specified access characteristics ("fast memory") if supported by a system. This paper therefore suggests, as a working item for Fortran 2015, an extension to Fortran memory management facilities that permits use of system-provided features. Note that C++ provides the concept of "placement allocation" that serves a similar purpose. 2. Informal description of desired functionality Because Fortran semantics guarantee automatic deallocation if an allocatable object goes out of scope, an idea how to provide this feature is to allow specification of two optional procedure arguments in an ALLOCATE statement: one for a custom allocator, and a second one for custom deallocation. These should have the following abstract interfaces: ABSTRACT INTERFACE TYPE(c_ptr) FUNCTION PLACEMENT_ALLOC(bytes, rank, shape) INTEGER(c_size_t), VALUE :: bytes ! size of an (array) element ! in units of bytes INTEGER(c_int), VALUE :: rank ! zero for a scalar INTEGER(c_size_t), OPTIONAL :: shape(*) ! NULL for a scalar, ! otherwise rank elements END FUNCTION SUBROUTINE PLACEMENT_FREE(ptr) TYPE(c_ptr), value :: ptr END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE A problem that needs solving is whether allocators for coarrays need additional information (perhaps an additional argument?). Also, because custom allocators are more likely to be provided as C library routines, interoperable procedures with otherwise the same interface should be permitted as actual arguments. Implementations of these two routines that are tailored to some desired placement strategy might then be provided by the programmer or the processor (the latter are expected to be processor-dependent). The processor remains responsible for performing any required initializations, which must be done after the customized allocation has been performed. 3. Examples: a) Assuming a type declaration type :: data real :: x(3) = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] integer :: i = 5 end type TYPE(data), ALLOCATABLE :: obj(:,:) Using the following programmer-provided C function would now permit preparing a large object of the default initialized type above to be placed appropriately on a system with NUMA characteristics: void *my_data_placer(size_t bytes, int rank, const size_t shape[]) { size_t i,ie,j; if (rank != 2 || shape == NULL) return NULL; // will cause ALLOCATE to fail char *p = (char *) malloc(bytes * shape[0] * shape[1]); if (p == NULL) return p; char *q = p; #pragma omp parallel collapse(2) schedule(runtime) for (j=0; j