J3/15-106r1 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen, Toon Moene Subject: Lifted restrictions from TS 29113 Date: 2015 February 25 Reference: 15-007 1. Introduction Fortran 2015, via the interoperability TS, relaxes several prohibitions on the usage of noninteroperable arguments to the procedures in ISO_C_BINDING. The relaxing of these restrictions is not noted in the Introduction; this applies to C_LOC, C_FUNLOC, C_F_POINTER, and C_F_PROCPOINTER. Secondly, with C_F_POINTER, although 8.1 states that this restriction is removed, in fact it remains. This is clearly an unintended defect. Edits are supplied to correct these defects. 2. Example It might be thought that since we made assumed-shape et al "interoperable", this is a difference without a difference. Here is a trivial example that would still be prohibited by the current wording; in particular, the call to C_F_POINTER is invalid. PROGRAM test USE Iso_C_Binding TYPE t REAL,POINTER :: p(:) END TYPE TYPE(t),TARGET :: x(100) CALL sub(C_LOC(x),SIZE(x)) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sub(a,n) TYPE(C_PTR) a TYPE(t),POINTER :: b(:) CALL C_F_POINTER(a,b,[n]) IF (ASSOCIATED(b,x)) THEN PRINT *,'ok' ELSE STOP 'FAIL' END IF END SUBROUTINE END PROGRAM 3. Additional wordsmithing The "X or its target" phrasing is unwieldy, and more so when it is repeated more than once. By changing to say that X is the effective argument, the need for the "or its target" is removed. The shape specification of FPTR is already repeated; instead of repeating it a third time, we will move it outside of the Case structure. 4. Edits to 15-007 [xvix] Introduction, bullet for TS 29113, append new sentences "The argument to C_LOC can be a noninteroperable array. The FPTR argument to C_F_POINTER can be a noninteroperable array pointer. The argument to C_FUNLOC can be a noninteroperable procedure. The FPTR argument to C_F_PROCPOINTER can be a noninteroperable procedure pointer.". {Admit to the existence of these new features. I have ordered them by semantics rather than alphabetically.} [445:17] C_F_POINTER, p3 Arguments, FPTR, initial paragraph, After "It is an INTENT (OUT) argument.", Insert (wordsmithed) sentence from [445:21-22]: "If FPTR is an array, its shape is specified by SHAPE and each lower bound is equal to 1.". [445:20-22] C_F_POINTER, p3 Arguments, FPTR, Case (i), Replace sentences "In this case, FPTR becomes pointer associated with the target of CPTR. If FPTR is an array, its shape is specified by SHAPE and each lower bound is 1.". with the following: "If the target T of CPTR is scalar, FPTR becomes pointer associated with T; if FPTR is an array, SHAPE shall specify a size of 1. If T is an array, and FPTR is scalar, FPTR becomes associated with the first element of T. If both T and FPTR are arrays, SHAPE shall specify a size that is less than or equal to the size of T, and FPTR becomes associated with the first PRODUCT(SHAPE) elements of T (this could be the entirety of T)." [445:24] C_F_POINTER, p3 Arguments, FPTR, Case (ii), After "FPTR shall be a nonpolymorphic" Delete "scalar". {Remove inconsistent prohibition.} [445:24] C_F_POINTER, p3 Arguments, FPTR, Case (ii), After "noninteroperable" (on line 23), change "argument X," to "effective argument X,". [445:25] Same case, next sentence, Delete "or its target if it is a pointer". [445:27-28] Same case, Replace final sentence "FPTR becomes pointer associated with X or its target." with the following: "If X is scalar, FPTR becomes pointer associated with X; if FPTR is an array, SHAPE shall specify a size of 1. If X is an array and FPTR is scalar, FPTR becomes associated with the first element of X. If both X and FPTR are arrays, SHAPE shall specify a size that is less than or equal to the size of X, and FPTR becomes associated with the first PRODUCT(SHAPE) elements of X (this could be the entirety of X)." {Specify precisely what happens in all the possible cases. Note that X is required not to have been a zero-sized array, so there is always at least one data object there for FPTR to become associated with. Of course we could require arrayness(FPTR)==arrayness(X) or even PRODUCT(SHAPE)==SIZE(X), but that seems excessively strict.} ===END===