J3/15-238 To: J3 From: Dan Nagle Subject: comments on clause five Date: 2015 October 09 Reference: 15-007r2 This is mostly typos and similar, perhaps this paper can be passed directly to the Editor. Edits: {values of variables need storage, not space} [92:17] replace "space" by "storage" {contiguous characters ?} [95:35-36] vs. [95:42] ? {add example of context requiring bounds} [98:31+] add Note 5.12+ "For example, an assumed-size array may not be the array argument to the intrinsic inquiry function UBOUND since the upper bounds, and hence the shape, are not all known in the scope where the array is assumed-size." {thingo,thingo-list} [99:1] is R524 right? {block data is obsolescent} [99:23] small font "or block data subprogram" {locks v events ?} [100:8-9] how 'bout event_type thingos? {use more formal English} [104:11-] In Note 5.24, in the last sentence, replace "end up at" with "encounter" {what is this trying to say?} [105:36-37] what is "If an identifier is accessed from another module and also declared locally, it has the default accessibility of a local identifier." If it is accessed via use, how did I declare it locally? {an example for implicit none external ?} [114:1-] after Note 5.39, insert Note 5.39+ "In the following example, PROGRAM USESUB IMPLICIT NONE( EXTERNAL) REAL, EXTERNAL :: G REAL :: X, Y X = F(Y) ! Illegal! F must be given the external attribute Y = G(X) ! Legal, G explicitly has the external attribute END PROGRAM USESUB the referenced function F must be explicitly given the EXTERNAL attribute. This might be done via an EXTERNAL statement, an EXTERNAL keyword on the type declaration of F, or an INTERFACE block."