J3/15-244r1 To: J3 From: Bill Long Subject: EVENT_QUERY Date: 2015 October 14 Reference: J3/15-007r2 Discussion ---------- The EVENT_QUERY function defines its INTENT(OUT) argument COUNT in the case of an error condition. This is contrary to the semantics for Atomic subroutines. The proposed solution is to change EVENT_QUERY to be in the class Subroutine. Note that 8.5.2 Segments para 2 already allows event variables to be referenced without regard to segment ordering, independent of whether EVENT_QUERY is an atomic subroutine. Additionally, the STAT argument description omits the description of how it is defined. Edits are provided for these issues. Edits to 15-007r2: ------------------ [327:Table 13.1] For the EVENT_QUERY entry in Table 13.1, in the Class column, change "A" to "S". [359:13] In 13.8.71 EVENT_QUERY, in the Class designation, change "Atomic subroutine" to "Subroutine". [359:16] In 13.8.71 EVENT_QUERY, at the end of the description of the EVENT argument add: "The EVENT argument is accessed atomically with respect to the execution of EVENT POST statements in unordered segments, in exact analogy to atomic subroutines." [359:21] In 13.8.71 EVENT_QUERY, append to the end of the description of the STAT argument: "If the STAT argument is present, it is assigned a processor-dependent positive value if an error condition occurs; otherwise it is assigned the value zero. If the STAT argument is not present and an error condition occurs, error termination is initiated."