J3/15-253 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Interp F08/0109 revisited Date: 2015 October 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0109 TITLE: LOCK_TYPE and unlimited polymorphic KEYWORD: LOCK_TYPE, unlimited polymorphic DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Assume type LOCK_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_Fortran_Env is available. Q1. Is allocation of X%C permitted? TYPE t TYPE(LOCK_TYPE),ALLOCATABLE :: c END TYPE TYPE(t) :: x[*],y[*] ALLOCATE(y%c) ALLOCATE(x%c,SOURCE=y%c) Q2. Is allocation of C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C type(lock_type), intent(in) :: L[*] allocate ( C, source=L ) Q3. Is allocation of C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C allocate ( LOCK_TYPE :: C ) Q4. Is pointer assignment to C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C type(lock_type), intent(in), target :: L[*] c => L Q5. Is this ALLOCATE statement conforming? CLASS(*),ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: C[:] TYPE(LOCK_TYPE), SAVE :: X[*] ALLOCATE(C,MOLD=X) ANSWER: A1. Allocation of X%C is not intended to be allowed. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements on allocation of LOCK_TYPE. A2. Allocation of C is not intended to be allowed. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements on allocation of LOCK_TYPE. A3. This allocation of C is permitted. It cannot violate C1302 because that is a syntax constraint. Only things that are statically detectable static properties of the program source text can be syntax constraints. That means that "type" in C1302 can only mean "declared type". C is CLASS(*) so has no declared type and therefore cannot violate C1302. Edits are given to fix C1302 to say "declared type" explicitly to avoid this confusion. Note that it is impossible to actually use the allocated target of C in any useful fashion; SELECT TYPE cannot access it because the associate-name would be a named lock variable, but it is not a coarray so that would not be allowed. So this is permitted, but useless, and because it is useless it is also harmless. A future revision could disallow this without the concomitant incompatibility inconveniencing any programs. A4. Pointer assignment to C is permitted. As in A3, this is useless but harmless. A future revision could disallow this without the concomitant incompatibility inconveniencing any programs. A5. This statement was intended to be permitted. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements. EDITS: [6:7+] After definition parent component, insert new term " potential subobject component nonpointer component, or potential subobject component of a nonpointer component (4.5.1)". [127:8-9] Syntax, C642, Change "C_PTR," to "C_PTR or" Delete ", LOCK_TYPE ... LOCK_TYPE". [127:9+] Insert new constraint "C643a (R627) If SOURCE= appears, the declared type of shall not be LOCK_TYPE or have a potential subobject component of type LOCK_TYPE." [127:18-19], p4, "If" -> "If an ALLOCATE statement has a SOURCE= specifier and an", {There is no problem with MOLD=. "subcomponent" works ok here because we have an object not a type.} [399:17] LOCK_TYPE, C1302 "variable of type LOCK TYPE" -> "variable with declared type LOCK_TYPE". SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 14-164 m204 F08/0109 submitted 14-164r3 m204 As amended, passed by J3 meeting 14-258 m205 Failed the J3 letter ballot #31 14-233r1 15-nnn m208 Revised ----------------------------------------------------------------------