To: J3 Members J3/16-152 From: Van Snyder Subject: Unhelpful feature of associate names Reference: 16-007 Date: 2016 January 27 1. Introduction =============== It is unhelpful that the associate name can be polymorphic, but that it cannot have the ALLOCATABLE attribute. This precludes intrinsic assignment to it if it is polymorphic. See It is more useful that it be polymorphic than that it be nonpolymorphic with the declared type of the selector. Therefore it would be useful if it could have the ALLOCATABLE attribute. To allow intrinsic assignment, allow to specify that the associate name has the ALLOCATABLE attribute, but only if the selector has the attribute. It would be weird to do this with the ALLOCATABLE attribute and not the POINTER attribute. In addition to enabling polymorphic intrinsic assignment, it would enable allocation, deallocation, pointer assignment, and test for pointer association of associate names. This is a NEW FEATURE, and as such it is OUT OF ORDER at this time, even though it corrects a serious blunder. The purpose of this paper is to put notice of the problem into the archive. But if we want to correct the blunder now.... 2. Proposed NEW FEATURE ======================= There are two ways to address the problem. (1) Allow a before the in R802 and R847. Specify that an ALLOCATABLE statement that mentions an associate name confers the ALLOCATABLE attribute, and that a POINTER statement that mentions an associate name confers the POINTER attribute, but only if the selector has the attribute. In the absence of those statements, the associate name does not have the attribute. This is the way argument association works. Specify that an associate name has the ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE attribute if its selector has the attribute, but that, rather than iff, the ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE statement can add the attribute to an associate name within the scope of the (as in the BLOCK construct), even if the selector does not have the attribute; there's no way to subtract the attribute (nor is there a way to do this in the BLOCK construct). Other declarations in the specification part work as they do for the BLOCK construct. (2) Allow a reduced specification part that admits only ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS, POINTER, and VOLATILE statements, and can only specify their attributes for associate names, working as described above. I can't think of a reason to do this instead of the first proposal. Indeed, a ought to be allowed before every construct's . Both of these proposals are compatible with the current standard; neither one would invalidate an existing program. 3. Draft edits for proposed NEW FEATURE ======================================= [172:7+ R802] Insert a row in the definition of : " " [173:5-6] Delete "and only if". [173:6] Before "The associating entity" insert "If the associating entity is a variable, the ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE attribute may be specified for it within the ." [173:6-7] Delete "and only if". [173:7+] Insert a paragraph: "The associating entity does not have the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute unless the attribute is specified within the [; the attribute shall not be specified unless the selector has the attribute. The ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE attribute may be specified for an if the corresponding is a variable. The TARGET attribute may be specified for an if the corresponding is not coindexed and is not an array section with a vector subscript.] {Material in the above paragraph in brackets might not be needed, in light of constraints introduced in 8.1.4.} If the associate name has the TARGET attribute and the selector does not have either the TARGET or POINTER attribute, any pointers associated with the associate name become undefined when execution of the construct completes." [174:10 C808+] Introduce constraints: "C808a A shall not specify any attribute of an other than ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS, POINTER, TARGET, or VOLATILE." "C808b The ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute shall not be specified for an if the corresponding does not have the attribute." "C808c The TARGET attribute shall not be specified for an if the corresponding is coindexed or is an array section with a vector subscript." "C808d The ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE attribute shall not be specified for an if the corresponding is not a variable." {Maybe C808d isn't needed -- or maybe it's even harmful.} [174:14 8.1.4p2] Delete "the". After "statements" insert ", or an ALLOCATABLE, POINTER, or TARGET statement that specifies the attribute for an associate name". Replace "BLOCK construct" with "". [174:15 8.1.4p2] Delete "BLOCK". [174:16 8.1.4p2] Replace "BLOCK construct" with "". [187:7+ R843] Insert a row in the definition of : " " [190:2+ R847] Insert a row in the definition of : " "