J3/16-236 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Noncontiguous array with unspecified locality Date: 2016 June 09 1. Introduction There is a problem with copy-in/copy-out affecting adjacent elements of an array when unspecified locality is used. This paper attempts to correct the requirements and semantics in this case. 2. Example SUBROUTINE outer(x) REAL x(:) INTERFACE PURE SUBROUTINE set(a,j,v) INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: j REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: a(*) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: v END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE ... DO CONCURRENT(I=1:N) ... CALL set(x,i,1.5*i) ! Potential copy-in/out of all of x. ... END DO END SUBROUTINE ! PURE SUBROUTINE set(a,j,v) INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: j REAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: a(*) REAL,INTENT(IN) :: v a(j) = v END SUBROUTINE If X is contiguous, no copy-in/out is expected to occur, and each element of X is only assigned to once, and not referenced in any other iteration. However, if X is discontiguous, copy-in/out is expected; unless X is already implicitly LOCAL (by virture of being previously defined), this is likely to cause strange behaviour if the DO CONCURRENT is parallelised. There are two possibilities: (1) disallow this case; (2) continue to allow this case, effectively disabling parallelisation and other such optimisations in this case. An edit is suggested to disallow this case. 3. Edits to 16-007r1 [26:14+] Fortran 2008 compatibility, "Fortran 2008 permitted a noncontiguous array that was supplied as an actual argument corresponding to a contiguous INTENT (INOUT) dummy argument in one iteration, without being previously defined in that iteration, to be defined in another iteration; this document does not permit this." [185:28+] Additional semantics for DO CONCURRENT constructs, p4, insert additional bullet point after the first: "- if it is noncontiguous and is supplied as an actual argument corresponding to a contiguous INTENT (INOUT) dummy argument in an iteration, it shall either be previously defined in that iteration or shall not be defined in any other iteration;" {Treat this as referencing the whole array.} ===END===