J3/17-244 To: J3 Members From: Lorri Menard Subject: Comment GB038; regarding DEFAULT (NONE) Date: 2017 October 17 References: N2141, 17-007r2 1. Introduction: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [191:17] Form of the DO construct The syntax permits DEFAULT (NONE) to appear more than once in a single concurrent header in a DO CONCURRENT statement. 2. Discussion: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In subgroup we then asked "Is it legal to have LOCAL, LOCAL_INIT, and SHARED repeated in a given concurrent-locality?" The syntax certainly permits it and it matches OpenMP's behavior. However we could not come up with any other Fortran statements or constructs where keywords can be repeated. Straw vote relative to locality specs on a DO CONCURRENT statement 1) No locality spec should be repeated 2) Only DEFAULT(NONE) cannot be repeated 3) They all can be repeated (status quo) 4) Undecided 3. Possible edits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If straw-proposal 1 wins: After C1126, insert new constraint: [191:17]+ "C1126a No <> shall appear more than once in a given <>." If straw-proposal 2 wins: After C1126, insert new constraint: [191:17]+ "C1126a The DEFAULT ( NONE ) <> shall not appear more than once in a given <>." If straw-proposal 3 wins: No edits are required If straw-proposal 4 wins: Subgroup will ponder deeply the implications.