To: J3 J3/18-108 From: Tom Clune Subject: Use case for generic programming Date: 2018-February-03 The contents of this paper are in paper J3/ Introduction: ------------- Large applications parallelized via domain-decomposition often contain high-level interfaces to support common communication patterns. Such patterns include gather, allgather, scatter, reduction, and guard cell (halo) updates. Low-level communications libraries such as MPI make it relatively straightforward to implement any particular case, and coarrays provide even simpler expressions. Typically, parallel applications must support these core communication abstractions for a variety of types, kinds, and ranks. With the exception of redcution operations, the algorithms are non-numerical and are ultimately about data movement. Yet even so implementing the logic for the required variety of TKR combinations results in significant code duplication. When changes and bug-fixes are introduced, developers must carefuly propagate them to complete set of procedures. Fortran currently lacks a straightforward mechanism to support such nearly identical procedure implementations. One common alternative used by developers is to leverage a preprocessor such as CPP/FPP or m4. With CPP/FPP, one typically needs 3 levels of nested includes to cover the variant operation, type+kind, and rank of the specific case. The Fortran INCLUDE statement is inadequate for this task due to the necessity of token-concaten conditional compilation for the bits of logic that _do_ change. M4 can achieve this in a single self-contained file but (1) is less familiar to most Fortran developers, (2) lacks direct compiler support, and (3) requires excessive use of quoting mechanisms to deal with "bare" commas in Fortran syntax. CPP/FPP is a bit friendlier but requires distributing the nesting across multiple files making the resulting code rather difficult to understand. Note: To provide a generic name for a collection of related procedures of the sort discussed above, a similar, albeit, smaller problem arises. Users desire a feature to ensure that each specific name for a family of related procedures is captured within an INTERFACE statement. Because of the smaller amount of involved code, these lists are often just maintained manually. But some M4 approaches have automated this aspect. Although this overload pattern arises in high-level communication support, similar code-specific solutions have emerged in many complex scientific applications. As a whole, this pattern is probably the most common nontrivial divergence from pure Fortran in many communities, and therefore has unsurprisingly generated numerous requests for a native (and presumably more-elegant) Fortran solution. The Fortran 2018 assumed rank and SELECT RANK features may reduce the complexity in some cases, but at best only slightly. Unlimited polymorphic intities from Fortrann 2003 are also of limited benefit, though technically the feature could be used. Various local variables need to have the same type as the targeted arrays, necessitating dynamic allocation. But the more serious issue is the need to work with specific types when interfacing to external libraries. (And even coarrays generaly requires non-polymorphic entities for off-image references.) A simpler and more coherent approch is strongly desired. A Real world example from NASA's GEOS Earth system model: ---------------------------------------------------------- An example of the ArrayGather.H bottom level include file from NASA GEOS model is shown below. Intermediate include files have already established values for TYPE_ and RANK_, while the "overload.macro" include file generates other tokens that depend on the values of TYPE_ and RANK_. E.g., the token DIMENSIONS_ is expanded to be the empty string for scalars or "(:)" for rank 1, (:,:), for rank 2. etc. There are many other similar file for the other communication patterns that need to be overloaded: ArrayScatter, ArraySum, ArrayHalo, Broadcast, Send, Recv, and SendRecv. ! $Id$ #ifdef NAME_ #undef NAME_ #endif #ifdef NAMESTR_ #undef NAMESTR_ #endif #define NAME_ ArrayGather_ #define NAMESTR_ 'ArrayGather_' #include "overload.macro" subroutine SUB_(local_array, global_array, grid, mask, depe, hw, rc) TYPE_(kind=EKIND_), intent(IN ) :: local_array DIMENSIONS_ TYPE_(kind=EKIND_), intent( OUT) :: global_array DIMENSIONS_ type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: mask(:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: depe integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: hw integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: rc ! Local variables integer :: status character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: IAm='ArrayGather' type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid integer, allocatable :: AL(:,:) integer, allocatable :: AU(:,:) integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: recvcounts, displs, kk integer :: nDEs integer :: sendcount integer :: I, J, K, II #if (RANK_ != 1) integer :: LX, JJ #endif integer :: de, deId integer :: I1, IN integer :: ibeg,iend integer :: gridRank #if (RANK_ > 1) integer :: J1, JN integer :: jbeg,jend #endif integer :: ISZ, JSZ integer :: destPE, myhw TYPE_(kind=EKIND_), allocatable :: var(:) integer :: deList(1) type(ESMF_VM) :: vm ! Works only on 1D and 2D arrays ! Note: for tile variables the gridRank is 1 ! and the case RANK_=2 needs additional attention ASSERT_(RANK_ <= 2) if(present(depe)) then destPE = depe else destPE = MAPL_Root end if if(present(hw)) then myhw = hw else myhw = 0 end if call ESMF_GridGet(GRID,dimCount=gridRank,rc=STATUS);VERIFY_(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(GRID,distGrid=distGrid,rc=STATUS);VERIFY_(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGRID, delayout=layout,rc=STATUS) VERIFY_(STATUS) call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, deCount =nDEs, localDeList=deList, & rc=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) deId = deList(1) call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, vm=vm, rc=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) allocate (AL(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) allocate (AU(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distgrid, & minIndexPDe=AL, maxIndexPDe=AU, rc=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) allocate (recvcounts(nDEs), displs(0:nDEs), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) if (deId == destPE) then allocate(VAR(0:size(GLOBAL_ARRAY)-1), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) else allocate(VAR(0), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) end if displs(0) = 0 #if (RANK_ > 1) if (gridRank == 1) then J1 = lbound(local_array,2) JN = ubound(local_array,2) endif #endif do I = 1,nDEs J = I - 1 de = J I1 = AL(1,J) IN = AU(1,J) #if (RANK_ > 1) if (gridRank > 1) then J1 = AL(2,J) JN = AU(2,J) end if recvcounts(I) = (IN - I1 + 1) * (JN - J1 + 1) #else recvcounts(I) = (IN - I1 + 1) #endif if (de == deId) then sendcount = recvcounts(I) ! Count I will send ibeg = 1+myhw iend = IN-I1+1+myhw #if (RANK_ > 1) jbeg = 1+myhw jend = JN-J1+1+myhw #endif endif displs(I) = displs(J) + recvcounts(I) enddo if (present(mask) .or. myHW == 0) then call MAPL_CommsGatherV(layout, local_array, sendcount, & var, recvcounts, displs, destPE, status) else #if (RANK_ > 1) call MAPL_CommsGatherV(layout, local_array(ibeg:iend,jbeg:jend), & sendcount, var, recvcounts, displs, destPE, & status) #else call MAPL_CommsGatherV(layout, local_array(ibeg:iend), sendcount, & var, recvcounts, displs, destPE, status) #endif end if VERIFY_(STATUS) if (deId == destPE) then if (present(mask)) then ISZ = size(mask) #if (RANK_ == 2) JSZ = size(GLOBAL_ARRAY,2) #else JSZ = 1 #endif allocate(KK (0:nDEs-1 ), stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) KK = DISPLS(0:nDEs-1) do I=1,ISZ K = MASK(I) II = KK(K) #if (RANK_ == 1) GLOBAL_ARRAY(I) = VAR(II) #else LX = AU(1,K) - AL(1,K) + 1 do J=1,JSZ GLOBAL_ARRAY(I,J) = VAR(II+LX*(J-1)) end do #endif KK(MASK(I)) = KK(MASK(I)) + 1 end do deallocate(KK, stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) else #if (RANK_ == 1) global_array = var ! ALT: I am not sure if this is correct #else do I = 0,nDEs-1 I1 = AL(1,I) IN = AU(1,I) J1 = AL(2,I) JN = AU(2,I) K = displs(I) do JJ=J1,JN do II=I1,IN global_array(II,JJ) = var(K) K = K+1 end do end do end do #endif end if ! if (present(mask)) end if deallocate(VAR, stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) deallocate(recvcounts, displs, AU, AL, stat=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) call ESMF_VmBarrier(vm, rc=status) VERIFY_(STATUS) RETURN_(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine SUB_ #undef NAME_ #undef NAMESTR_ #undef DIMENSIONS_ #undef RANK_ #undef RANKSTR_ #undef VARTYPE_