To: J3 J3/18-198 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Country comment GB-069 Date: 2018-June-12 1. Introduction In C.1 "Fortran 2008 features not mentioned in its Introduction", bullet point beginning "All transformational functions", the references to functions from the modules IEEE_ARITHMETIC and IEEE_EXCEPTIONS are inappropriate. Some of these functions were mis-characterized in Fortran 2003 as inquiry functions and were re-classified as transformational functions in Fortran 2008 Technical Corrigendum 4. Allowing these transformational functions in constant and specification expressions involved no change to the language because they were previously inquiry functions and therefore allowed in such expressions. In Fortran 2003, it was unstated whether the functions in ISO_C_BINDING were pure or not (pure function references being permitted in specification expressions). This issue was not addressed until Fortran 2008. So this reference is correct. 2. Response GB069 is accepted as is. 3. Edit to N2146 Page 543, C.1 "Fortran 2008 features not mentioned in its Introduction", In the bullet point beginning "All transformational functions" change "modules IEEE_ARITHMETIC and... IEEE_EXCEPTIONS, and" to "module". This makes the whole bullet point read "All transformational functions from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING can be used in specification expressions." ===END===