To: J3 J3/18-204r1 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Country comment JP072 Date: 2018-June-13 1. Introduction The statements "EXIT simulation" on the 3rd line from the bottom of p.559 and on the 9th line of p.560 violate the restriction C1167 because they belong to the CHANGE TEAM construct. A GOTO statement branching to the statement "END TEAM simulation" can be used instead. In the second case, "EXIT iter" could be used instead. While examining this example, subgroup noticed an additional syntax error which needs to be fixed. 2. Discussion A superior solution is to allow EXIT to belong to a CHANGE TEAM or CRITICAL construct. Edits are supplied. 3. Edits to N2146 Introduction, "Features previously described by ISO/IEC TS 18508:2015" bullet, append sentence "An EXIT statement can be used to complete execution of a CHANGE TEAM or CRITICAL construct." Page 204, 11.1.12 EXIT statement, C1167, split into two constraints "C1167 An exit-stmt shall not appear within a DO CONCURRENT construct if it belongs to that construct or an outer construct. C1167a An exit-stmt shall not appear within a CHANGE TEAM or CRITICAL construct if it belongs to an outer construct." Same page, p3, append to that paragraph "If the EXIT statement belongs to a CHANGE TEAM construct, the effect is the same as transferring control to the END TEAM statement; if that statement contains a STAT= or ERRMSG= specifier, the \si{stat-variable} or \si{errmsg-variable} becomes defined as specified for that statement." Page 560, C.6.8 Example involving failed images, p2, Change "END TEAM simulation (STAT=status)" to "END TEAM (STAT=status) simulation" {Fix BNF violation.} ===END===