To: J3 J3/19-149r1 From: Dan Nagle Subject: Require reports of ignorance Date: 2019-February-14 At 218, during discussion of 138r1, a desire was expressed to address the issue of a too-long line having characters that are silently ignored. This paper proposes to add a requirement that processors report whenever characters at the end of a too-long line are ignored. During research for this paper, an edit missing from 138r1 was noted; it is addressed herein. The missing edit should have removed a distinction between default and non-default characters affecting line length, which no longer applies. Edits { 4.2 Conformance } { disallow silent ignorance of too-long a line } [26:11+p2] add a new numbered bullet: "(1+) it reports when a line or statement is longer than allowed by Clause 6, if the extra characters are not processed;" { portability requires notice of source form errors } { Free form line length } { remove mooted sentence } [49:14-15p1] remove the last sentence of the paragraph "If a line contains any character that is not of default kind, the maximum number of characters allowed on the line is processor dependent." { no longer applicable } { end }