To: J3 J3/21-121 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Enum types edits Date: 2021-February-27 1. Introduction This paper contains the edits for "Better interoperable enums". 2. Better interoperable enums [intro] In "Data declaration", insert or append the sentence "An interoperable enumeration can be given a type name." {Vague, but perhaps sufficient to draw people's attention to it.} [56:12+] Type specifier syntax, , append new production "<> " {Allow in ALLOCATE and TYPE IS.} [56:16+] , After "<> TYPE()" insert new production "<> TYPE ( )". {And in declarations.} UNRELATED EDITORIAL CHANGE: [56:27] "C707 (R702) ... comma." Set this constraint in obsolescent font. {The thing it is talking about only occurs for "CHARACTER*something [,]".} [56:39] p2, append "An specifies the named enum type." {I have no idea why the equivalent of this is here for and , instead of being with the BNF terms which are defined elsewhere, but that's how we wrote it.} [57:7] TYPE type specifier, p1, Change "of an intrinsic or derived type" to "of an intrinsic, derived, or enum type" making that whole paragraph read "A TYPE type specifier is used to declare entities that are assumed- type, or of an intrinsic, derived, or enum type." {Add enum types to the semantics of the TYPE type specifier.} [58:4] CLASS type specifier, p5, After "A nonpolymorphic entity is type compatible only with entities of the same declared type" insert ", except that an entity of an interoperable enum type is also type compatible with an expression of type integer if the expression has a primary that is an enumerator of that enum type". {This is the compromise to maximise usability of the interoperable enum type without sacrificing much of its type safety.} OPTIONAL EDITORIAL: in that subclause, Move paras 5 and 6 and NOTE 1 to follow para 7 as a separate subclause "Type compatibility", changing the refs for type compatibility to this new subclause. {Type compatibility is important enough not to be buried inside a subclause on the CLASS type specifier.} [72:15] Component definition statement, C749, After "previously defined derived type" insert "or enum type" making the whole constraint read "C749 (R737) If neither the POINTER nor the ALLOCATABLE attribute is specified, the declaration-type-spec in the component-def-stmt shall specify an intrinsic type or a previously defined derived or enum type." {Actually, I don't think it's possible to circularly define things with an enum type, but it's simpler to keep the same define-before-use rule.} [88:1] 7.6 Enumerations and enumerators, change subclause title to "Interoperable enumerations and enum types". {Not strictly necessary if we don't add true enumerations, but clearer anyway.} [88:2-3] 7.6, replace entire first paragraph with "An interoperable enumeration is a set of interoperable enumerators, optionally together with an interoperable enum type. An defined an interoperable enumeration. An interoperable enumerator is a named integer constant; all the enumerators defined by a particular have the same kind. An interoperable enum type is a user- defined type that is not a derived type; it has no type parameter." {Terminology: "enum type" as it is not a simple enumeration. It is not a derived type either, as those are structures.} [88:8] 7.6, R760 , append "[ :: ]". {Add the new syntax.} [88:12+] After constraint "C7111 (R761) If = appears in an enumerator," insert new rule and constraint "R763a <> C7111a An in an shall be the name of a previously defined enum type." [88:13-14] p2, in the first sentence, change "For an enumeration, the kind is selected such that an integer type with that kind is" to "The kind type parameter of each enumerator defined by an is the kind that is" {Sentence continues "interoperable (18.3.1) with the corresponding C enumeration type". This is clearer than the dubious concept of giving a kind value to a set.} [88:16+] After p2, insert new paragraph, "If appears in an , the defines the enum type with that name. An enum type is an interoperable type." {An enum type also obviously has the BIND(C) attribute, as BIND(C) appears on the .} [89:1+] After p4 (before NOTE 4), insert new BNF, constraint and paragraph, "R763b <> ( ) C7111b The in an shall be of type integer or be a . An enum constructor produces a scalar value of the specified type, with the specified internal representation. The value of shall be representable in objects of that type." {Provide the constructor. Note that already requires the type to have been defined previously, so we need no constraint for that.} [89:1+2] NOTE 4, "Example of an enumeration definition" -> "Example of an interoperable enumeration definition". {Improve clarity.} [89:2-] At the end of the subclause after the existing NOTEs, insert a new NOTE 6: " NOTE 6 Here is an example of a module that defines two interoperable enum types. \begin{alltt} Module enum_mod Enum,Bind(C) :: myenum Enumerator :: one=1, two, three End Enum Enum,Bind(C) :: flags Enumerator :: f1 = 1, f2 = 2, f3 = 4 End Enum Contains Subroutine sub(a) Bind(C) Type(myenum),Value :: a Print *,a ! Prints the integer value, as if it were Print *,Int(a). End Subroutine End Module \end{alltt} Here is a simple program that uses that module and the enum constructor. \begin{alltt} Program example Use enum_mod Type(myenum) :: x = one ! Assign enumerator to enum-type var. Type(myenum) :: y = myenum(12345) ! Using the constructor. Type(myenum) :: x2 = myenum(two) ! Constructor not needed but valid. Call sub(x) Call sub(three) Call sub(myenum(-Huge(one))) End Program \end{alltt} Here is an example of invalid usage. \begin{alltt} Program invalid Use enum_mod Type(myenum) :: z = 12345 ! Integer expr with no enumerator. Call sub(999) ! Not type-compatible (constructor needed). Call sub(f1) ! Wrong enum type. End Program \end{alltt} " [90:35+] 7.8 Construction of array values, C7116, After "If specifies an intrinsic type" insert "or enum type" and later in the sentence change "shall be of an intrinsic type" to "shall be of a type" making the whole constraint read "C7116 (R770) If type-spec specifies an intrinsic type or enum type, each ac-value expression in the array-constructor shall be of a type that is in type conformance with a variable of type type-spec as specified in Table 10.8, or be a boz-literal-constant." {Add enum types to the same rule as for intrinsic types. Alternatively we could have a new constraint just for enum types, e.g. "C7117a (R770) If specifies an enum type, each shall be type-compatible with objects of that type." but I think the obvious combination with intrinsic type is simpler.} [113:20+] 8.6.7 DATA statement, R849 data-stmt-constant, append production "<> " {Allow in DATA. It is likely easier to implement than to implement the rejection thereof.} [113:23] C888, After "If a data-stmt-constant is a structure-constructor" insert "or enum-constructor" making the whole constraint read "C888 (R849) If a data-stmt-constant is a structure-constructor or enum-constructor, it shall be a constant expression." {The necessary constraint.} [145:20+] Primary, R1001 primary, After "<> " insert "<> " {Allow enum constructors in expressions.} [162:10+] 10.1.11 Specification expression, p2, After "(6) a structure constructor where each component is a restricted expression," insert "(6a) an enum constructor whose is a restricted expression,". {Allow in specification expressions.} [163:23+] 10.1.12 Constant expression, p1, After item (3) "a structure constructor..." insert new item "(3a) an enum constructor whose is a constant expression," {Allow in constant expressions.} [165:23+8+] Intrinsic assignment statement, in Table 10.8 "Intrinsic assignment type conformance", after the "derived type" entry, add new entry "enum type & same enum type, or integer; if of type integer, a primary in shall be an enumerator of the enum type". {Qualified type conformance for assignment.} [168:1-] Interpretation of intrinsic assignments, After NOTE 5 "For nondefault character kinds..." insert a new para "For an intrinsic assignment where the variable is of enum type, if is of type integer, it is converted to the type of the variable as if by the enum ( "interoperable enumerations". [538:10] Annex A, "the kind type parameter of each enumeration and its enumerators" -> "the kind type parameter of the enumerators of an interoperable enumeration". {This is just wording cleanup, as seeing as how an enumeration has always been just a set, "its kind" is somewhat dubious.} ===END===