To: J3 J3/22-118r1 From: Bill Long Subject: Reply to J3/22-118 Date: 2022-March-04 Discussion: ----------- Paper 22-118 proposes to change the interpretation of the SHAPE argument of C_F_POINTER in the ISO_C_BINDING module to make the numerical entries in the SHAPE argument be interpreted as the upper bounds for the corresponding dimensions of the FPTR pointer instead of its shape. Thus, a call to C_F_POINTER of the form CALL C_F_POINTER (CPTR, FPTR, SHAPE=[3,3], LOWER=[-1,0]) would result in a Fortran pointer FPTR that has an actual shape of [5,4], inconsistent with the current standard and programmer expectations. As noted in paper 22-118, a previous proposal to explicitly specify upper bounds (instead of the shape) in C_F_POINTER was not accepted. Irrespective of the merits of the proposal, now that the CD for F202x has been completed, the window for new features is closed. The proposal in 22-118 is judged to be a sufficiently significant change to constitute a new feature. Therefore, subgroup recommends No Action for this paper at m226 of PL22.3. Feature proposals deemed as too late for F202x can be submitted for consideration in a future revision.