J3/97-185 page 1 of 13 To: X3J3 From: Rich Bleikamp Subject: Revised syntax and partial edits for Async I/O Date: May 14, 1997 (a revision of J3/97-102) Issues resolved in this revision: - ID= variables will be default integer type - The list items in asynchronous I/O lists are now required to be evaluated (i.e. an address or descriptor computed) when the async I/O statement is executed. This requirement is implicit in the lack of rules about when implied DO variables can be referenced/modified, and the value of such variables after an I/O statement is executed. Some explicit statement of this intent is probably needed to help implementors. This means a statement such as READ(...)n,(a(i), j=1,n) will probably never be performed asynchronously. This change solves a class of problems, such as using function calls in subscript calculations in the I/O list, where such a function (even if PURE) can read a global variable. Such behavior is extremely difficult to prohibit in standardese, and not useful (in subgroups opinion). This also allows simplification of the standardese having to do with implied DO variables, and when they can be redefined or referenced. I/O statements with implied DO loops can be still be performed in an asynchronous manner, but the processors I/O library cannot read/write from/into the implied DO variables after the async I/O statement is executed. - A dummy argument with the ASYNC attribute now forces the containing procedure to have a visible explicit interface. This allows the processor to know that it must use call by address/descriptor. A dummy argument is required to have the ASYNC attribute if the corresponding actual argument has the ASYNC attribute. Remaining issues: - The presence of an ASYNC attribute for a dummy arg in a visible interface for a called routine requires the processor to pass by address or pass by descriptor. We need to prohibit those cases where such parameter passing mechanisms violate other parts of the standard, or cannot be implemented reasonably. These include vector valued subscripts actual arguments when the indexed array was in the I/O list of a pending async I/O operation, and those cases where interp 125 requires copyin/copyout (if any). "Notes to the reader" are not notes to be included in the standard. Text to be included in the standard is either "quoted" or indented. J3/97-185 page 2 of 13 Edits to 96-007R1: In rule 214 (specification-stmt), add: or asynchronous-stmt In rule R426 (component-attr-spec), add: or ASYNCHRONOUS In rule R503 (attr-spec), add: or ASYNCHRONOUS and add a new section (page 57): ASYNCHRONOUS attribute The ASYNCHRONOUS attribute may be specified for any variable, in any scoping unit. A variable that : 1) is used in an asynchronous data transfer statement input/output list, or 2) is in a namelist group that is used in an asynchronous data transfer statement, and is actually read or written by that data transfer statement, or 3) is specified in a SIZE= specifier in an asynchronous data transfer statement or is associated with such a variable shall have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute, or be a subobject of an object with the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute, in a given scoping unit, if : 1) that variable is referenced, defined, or used as an actual argument in a scoping unit other than the scoping unit containing the asynchronous data transfer statement, and 2) any executable statement in such a scoping unit might be executed while the asynchronous data transfer operation is pending. A variable with the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute (implicitly or explicitly) shall not be passed as an actual argument unless the corresponding dummy argument has the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute. Note: A pending data transfer operation exists when a READ or WRITE statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, but the corresponding wait operation has not yet been executed. Note to reader: we allow any variable to have the asynchronous attribute so users can remove ASYNCHRONOUS specifiers from data transfer statements without having to delete the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute. J3/97-185 page 3 of 13 Note: The ASYNCHRONOUS attribute is similar to the VOLATILE attribute provided by some processors, and is intended to facilitate traditional code motion optimizations in the presence of asynchronous input/output. Variables in asynchronous input / output lists implicitly have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute in the scoping unit of that asynchronous READ or WRITE statement, but shall have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute in other scoping units when those variables are referenced, defined, or otherwise used in a scoping unit, and ANY executable statements in that scoping unit might be executed while the asynchrounous I/O is pending. Other variables associated (argument and storage association) with such variables must also have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute under those same circumstances. -- End Note Add a new section, 9.2.10 (and renumber 9.2.10 and later sections): 9.2.10 ASYNCHRONOUS statement R5xx asynchronous-stmt is ASYNCHRONOUS [::] The ASYNCHRONOUS statement specifes the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute for a list of objects. In rule R905 (OPEN statement connect-spec), add, after PAD= (on its own line)(pg. 140): or ASYNCHRONOUS Add section (page 142/143): ASYNCHRONOUS specifier in the OPEN statement If the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is specified for a unit in an OPEN statement, then READ and WRITE statements for that unit may include the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier in the control information list. The presence of an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier in a READ or WRITE statement permits, but does not require, a processor to perform the data transfer asynchronously. The WAIT, CLOSE, and file positioning statements may be used to wait for asynchronous data transfer operations to complete, and the INQUIRE statement may be used to inquire whether or not asynchronous data transfer operations have completed. Note to the reader: the above rules imply only external unit input / output (not including the "*" unit) may specify an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier for READs and WRITEs, since internal files and the "*" external unit are not OPENed. J3/97-185 page 4 of 13 In section 9.3.5 (CLOSE statement), page 143, add the following paragraph and notes after line 5: Execution of a CLOSE statement causes the processor to wait for all pending data transfer operations for the specified unit to complete. If a CLOSE statement is executed for a unit with pending data transfer operations, that CLOSE statement is considered to be the corresponding wait operation for the READ or WRITE statements that initiated those pending data transfer operations, and the CLOSE statement is considered to be a data transfer statement for purposes of end of file, end of record, and error processing. Deleted a big paragraph that discussed when a variable needed the asynchronous attribute. In rule 912 (io-control-spec) (page 144), add: or ASYNCHRONOUS or ID = Add the following constraint after the constraint on line 19, page 145: Constraint: An ASYNCHRONOUS specifier shall be present if an ID= specifier is present. Constraint: An ASYNCHRONOUS specifier shall not be specified if the is an or "*". Note to the reader: the first constraint implies an ID= specifier, typically used in a corresponding WAIT statement, is NOT required in an asynchronous READ or WRITE statement. The user would have to CLOSE the unit (or execute another wait operation) before referencing any storage locations in an input list or namelist, and to NOT define any storage locations referenced by an output list or namelist in an output statement. This allows a knowledgeable user to READ or WRITE massive amounts of data to a file, without ever waiting for completion, as long as they close the file or perform some other wait operation before modifying or referencing any storage locations referenced by an input / output list or namelist. J3/97-185 page 5 of 13 Insert a new section: In section (page 147), first sentence, insert without an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier before "terminates", and add the following as the last sentence of that paragraph: If an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is present, the variable specified in the SIZE= specifier, if any, will become defined, with the value described above, when the wait operation corresponding to the non-advancing input statement is executed. Note: A CLOSE, INQUIRE or a file positioning statement, as well as a WAIT statement, can be a wait operation (9.3.5). Asynchronous specifier The ASYNCHRONOUS specifier indicates that this data transfer operation can be performed asynchronously. Records read or written by asynchronous data transfer statements will be read, written, and processed in the same order as they would have been if the data transfer statement did not contain the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier. The ASYNCHRONOUS specifier shall not be present in a READ or WRITE statement unless the OPEN statement for the unit referenced in the READ or WRITE statement contained an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier. When a data transfer statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, the program shall not execute any statements that would cause any variable in the input / output list, namelist, or the variable specified in a SIZE= specifier to become undefined as described in 14.7.6, until the corresponding wait operation is performed. When a namelist group name is specified in data transfer statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier, any variables in the namelist group that are not actually read or written by the data transfer statement are not subject to the restrictions described in this paragraph. When a data transfer statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, the program shall not execute any statements that would cause the pointer association status of any variable in the input / output list, namelist, or a variable specified in the SIZE= specifier to change, or would cause any such variable to become associated with a different target, as described in 14.6.2, until the corresponding wait operation is performed. When a namelist group name is specified in a data transfer statement, variables in the namelist group not actually read or written by the data transfer statement are not subject to the restrictions described in this paragraph. J3/97-185 page 6 of 13 Note: These last two restrictions ensure that certain variables referenced in asynchronous data transfer statements must still exist and reference the same storage locations when the corresponding wait operation is performed, including the implicit CLOSE for open units when a program is exiting. When an input data transfer statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, the input list or namelist items, and the variable specified in the SIZE= specifier, if any, become undefined until the corresponding wait operation is executed (9.3.5, 9.5). When a namelist group name is specified in a data transfer statement, variables in the namelist group not actually read by the data transfer statement do not become undefined. When a data transfer statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, the item list or namelist items shall not be redefined until the corresponding wait operation is executed (9.3.5, 9.5). When a namelist group name is specified in such an data transfer statement, variables in the namelist group not written by the data transfer statement may be redefined before the corresponding wait operation. When a READ statement with the ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is executed, the program shall not execute any procedure call where any variable : 1) in the input / output list or namelist, or 3) specified in a SIZE= specifier, or subobject or parent object thereof, is passed as an actual argument, until the corresponding wait operation is executed, unless : 1) the actual argument passed does not include any storage location defined or referenced by the data transfer statement, 2) the corresponding dummy argument is an assumed shape array, or 3) the corresponding dummy argument has the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute. Note: This restriction prevents interactions between actual arguments passed with so-called copyin/copyout semantics and asynchronous I/O. J3/97-185 page 7 of 13 Insert a new section ID= specifier The ID= specifier identifies a variable that is assigned a processor dependent value during the execution of an asynchronous data transfer statement. This value can be used in a WAIT statement to force the processor to wait for a particular data transfer operation to complete. In section 9.4.4, list item (5), change "namelist" to namelist, except that if the ASYNCHRONOUS= specifier was also present, the entities specified in the input/output list or namelist become undefined In section 9.4.4, list item (8), change "defined" to defined, except that a variable specified in a SIZE= specifier becomes undefined if an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier was also specified In section, page 152, before the paragraph that starts "On output ...", insert the following paragraphs: If an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is specified in a data transfer statement, the actual list processing and data transfers may occur during execution of the input statement, during execution of the corresponding wait operation, or anywhere in-between. The data transfer operation is considered to be a pending data transfer operation until a corresponding wait operation is performed. If an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is specified on an input statement, the list items or namelist variables, and the variable specified in the SIZE= specifier, if any, become undefined until the corresponding wait operation is executed (9.3.5, 9.5). When a namelist group name is specified in a data transfer statement, variables in the namelist group not actually read by the input statement do not become undefined. If an ASYNCHRONOUS specifier is specified on an output statement, the list items or namelist variables shall not be redefined until the corresponding wait operation is executed (9.3.5, 9.5). When a namelist group name is specified in an output statement, variables in the namelist group not actually written by the data transfer statement are not subject to the restrictions described in this paragraph. J3/97-185 page 8 of 13 When a data transfer operation is performed asynchronously, any errors that would have caused the ERR= branch on a non-asynchronous READ or WRITE to be taken, and the IOSTAT variable to be defined with a non-zero value, may instead occur during execution of the corresponding wait operation (a WAIT, CLOSE, INQUIRE or file positioning statement) and take the ERR= branch of that wait operation instead. If an ID= specifier is not present in the initiating READ or WRITE statement, the errors may occur during the execution of any subsequent data transfer statement for that same unit, and not just during the corresponding wait operation. Insert a new section 9.5, and renumber every section thereafter appropriately: 9.5 WAIT statement Execution of a WAIT statement causes the processor to wait for one of more previously initiated (pending) asynchronous data transfers to complete. R919 is WAIT () R920 is [UNIT = ] or IOSTAT = or ERR =