Edits - I/O - Response to 98-168 by Craig T. Dedo August 11, 1998 This paper is a response to two Action Items that Richard Maine raised in paper J3 / 98-168 for the features of Named Scratch Files and Derived-Type I/O. Page and line references are to J3 / 98-007r2. 1. Named Scratch Files In 98-168, the first Action Flag, Richard Maine notes that paragraph 6 of C.6.4 directly contradicts the normative part of the standard. This is correct. Make the following change. Delete paragraph 6 of C.6.4 [371:44-372:2]. 2. Derived-Type I/O In 98-168, the last Action Flag, Richard Maine notes that there should be an exception to the rule in section 9.9 which restricts recursive I/O. This is correct. Change the third paragraph of section 9.9 [181:12] to read: [Begin edit] A recursive data transfer statement shall not identify an external unit, unless it is a child data transfer input / output statement that identifies the parent data transfer input / output statement external unit ( [End of edit] References X3J3 / 98-168, Edits incorporated in 98-007r2 [End of J3 / 98-187]