J3/99-229 Date: 08/30/1999 To: J3 From: Jon Steidel Subject: Minutes for meeting 150 of NCITS/J3 Minutes of Meeting 150 NCITS/J3 Committee August 23-27, 1999 Las Vegas, Nevada 1. Monday, April 23, 1999 1.1 Opening business Meeting was called to order at 8:30 am, August 23, 1999 at the Las Vegas AmeriSuites. 1.1.1 Remarks from the chair None. 1.1.2 Adoption of the agenda Approval of 147 minutes should be minutes of meeting 149. Tag meeting will be held Thursday. No tutorials are planned for this meeting. 1.1.3 Approval of minutes for meeting 149 Motion: Adopt minutes (Whitlock/Hendrickson) u.c. 1.1.4 NCITS/OMC report Tony reported there has not been much interaction with NCITS recently. He will give a preview of his NCITS presentation on J3 status to J3. 1.1.5 ISO/WG5 report Keith asked for comments on his published report of the June WG5 meeting. WG5 wishes J3 to take time for interpretation processing and has approved a two year slip in the schedule for the next standard. 1.1.6 Treasurer's Report No meeting fee per discussion in Oxford. No liabilities. $4293.69 on deposit. No meeting fees will be collected until our balance is around $2000. 1.1.7 Beginning membership report Members present: Malcolm Cohen, Jeanne Martin (for Brian Smith), Craig Dedo, Keith Bierman, Dick Hendrickson, Stan Whitlock, Rich Bleikamp, Henry Zongaro, Van Snyder, Mallory North (Treasurer and Librarian), Tony Warnok (Chair), Jon Steidel (acting secretary). 14 members. 12 present or represented. Kurt Hirchert and Matthijs van Wavern were not present. Kurt Hirchert has missed two of the last three meetings, and his membership will be lost if he is not present at meeting 151. It was noted that he is now at University of Kentucky and will try to continue his membership. Intel and University of North Carolina Supercomputing Center have expressed interest in joining. Visitors: Dan Nagle, Craig Shirley, Tom Lahey 1.1.8 Comments from members Martin: This being the sesquicentennial meeting, reminds me of the centennial meeting in June of 1986. It was hosted, fittingly, by IBM consultant George Paul in Mt. Kisco, NY (close to Yorktown Heights). There was a large cake with "Happy Centennial X3J3" written on it. I got out the pictures to bring to this meeting, but they didn't make it to my briefcase. There were 39 members at that time. Of the 38 attendees at that meeting, there is one member (other than me) in attendance at this meeting. I'll give you three guesses. Dedo: Dick Hendrickson? Martin: Correct. Tom Lahey attended the 100th meeting as an observer. 1.1.10 Subgroup Organization /jor: Stan Whitlock (head), Rich Bleikamp, Dick Hendrickson, Craig Dedo Review papers 99-174, 99-179, 99-182, 99-183, and 99-208. Process interpretation papers 99-177, 99-191, 99-192, and 99-193. /data: Malcolm Cohen (head), Jeanne Martin, Van Snyder Review papers 99-180, 99-181, 99-182, 99-184, 99-185, 99-186, 99-187, 99-188, 99-189, 99-195, 99-196, 99-197, 99-203, 99-204. Process interpretations in papers 99-178, 99-190, 99-198, 99-199, 99-200, 99-201, 99-202, and 99-207. /interop: Henry Zongaro (head), Keith Bierman, Jon Steidel Review papers 99-205 and 99-206. Many unresolved issues to discuss. /interp: Stan Whitlock (head), Henry Zongaro, Rich Bleikamp, Malcolm Cohen, Jon Steidel 1.2 Subgroup meetings The plenary meeting was recessed until 4:30 for subgroup meetings. 1.3 Subgroup reports /jor: Papers 99-212, 99-213, and 214 are now on the table for vote Tuesday. Paper 99-179 IEEE edits from pre-meeting to be voted Tuesday. Looking at questions in 99-208 and will categorize items as interpretations, edits, or no action. Working on 99-215, response to interpretation 000068. Will look at 99-182 for JOR items. /data: Looking at list of assigned papers. 99-178 and 99-207 for discussion Tuesday and straw votes. 99-190, 99-196, and 99-197 for discussion Tuesday. 99-198 and 99-201 for discussion Wednesday. 99-202 response paper will be on table for processing 99-199 and 99-200 answers will be up for vote later in the week There will be a revision of 99-180 later in the week. 99-195 will be deferred to a later meeting. /interop: Paper 99-210 is on the table now for discussion Tuesday. A revision of 99-205 will appear Tuesday afternoon. Developing 99-209, a response to 194 which will appear Tuesday. 1.4 Misc. comments Need for responses to WG5 resolutions in N1343 was noted. Next WG5 meeting is August 21-25 2000 in Finland. Miles has stepped down as convenor of WG5. Meeting was recessed until 8:30 AM Tuesday. 2. Tuesday, August 24, 1999 The meeting was called to order a 8:30 AM. 2.1 F2000 plenary /jor Motion: 99-179 as edits for IEEE modules (Whitlock/Hendrickson) u.c. /interop Discussion of paper 99-210, clarification of the difference between NAME= and BINDNAME=. Straw Vote 1: Do you wish to retain the BINDNAME= facility? Yes 8 No 1 Undecided 2 Straw Vote 2: Should BINDNAME= be allowed for procedures referenced? Yes 9 No 0 Undecided 2 /data Discussion of 99-196, baroque spelling of WITH functionality, to be voted on Wednesday. Straw vote 1: Should ASSOCIATE variable assume its type from its selector or should it get its type from the host? From selector 8 From host 0 Undecided 3 Straw vote 2: Should the selector be limited to a variable or should an expression allowed? Variable only 4 Allow expression 3 Undecided 4 Straw vote 3 Who would vote no if selector was limited to a variable and who would vote no if an expression was allowed? Vote no if limited to variable 3 Vote no if expression allowed 1 99-196 will be moved as is on Wednesday. Discussion of 99-197, interface scoping problem, to be voted on Wednesday. Straw vote: Do you prefer option 1 (IMPORT statement), option 2 (USE *), or option 3 (recursive USE statement)? Option 1 10 Option 2 0 Option 3 0 Undecided 1 99-180r1 and 99-182r1 part 2 will be voted on Wednesday. 2.2 Interpretation processing /jor Motion: 99-212 response for interpretation 000066 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) u.c. Motion: 99-213 response for interpretation 000067 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) withdrawn to add edit to note incompatibility with Fortran 90. Motion: 99-214 response for interpretation 000069 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) u.c. /data Discussion of 99-216, response for interpretation 000070, to be voted on Wednesday. A revision of 216 will appear for action this week. Discussion of 99-217, response to interpretation 000071, to be voted on Wednesday. Straw vote 1: Do you prefer option i and/or ib, or ii as an answer to question 2? Option i or ia 7 Option ii 3 Undecided 1 Straw vote 2: Do you prefer option i or ib Option i 4 Option ib 5 Undecided 2 Motion 99-218, response for interpretation 000072 (Cohen/Martin) u.c. Discussion of 99-190, response for interpretation 000073 Straw vote: Padding is allowed in storage sequences. In favor 11 Opposed 0 Undecided 0 A revision of 99-190 will appear for voting. 2.3 Subgroup meetings The plenary sessions was recessed until 4:30 for subgroup meetings. 2.4 Subgroup reports /interop: Paper 99-209 is on the table. Discussion and vote on edit /jor: Paper 99-213r1 response to interpretation 00067 to be voted on Wednesday /data: For vote Wednesday 99-180r1, 99-196, 99-197, 99-199r1, and 99-200r1. 99-203r1 to be voted on soon. 99-204 subsumed by 203r1 99-181r1, 99-184r1, 99-185r1 will be on table Wednesday for Thursday vote Still working on 99-186 and 99-187 Paper 99-213r1 response to interpretation 00067 to be voted on Wednesday Meeting was recessed until 8:30 AM Wednesday. 3. Wednesday, August 25 1999 The meeting was called to order a 8:30 AM. 3.1 F2000 plenary /jor No action. /interop Motion: 99-209, response to 99-194 (Zongaro/Bierman) u.c. /data Motion: 99-180r1, fix for ALLOCATABLE attribute (Cohen/Snyder) withdrawn for further revision Motion 99-196, specs, syntax and edits for of "WITH" functionality (Cohen/Snyder) Motion modified to specs and syntax only u.c.. Edits will be modified and voted later later Motion 99-197, spec and syntax, option 1, (Cohen/Snyder), as amended (no type and parameter restriction) u.c. 99-185r2 will is now on table 99-203r1, 99-216r1, 99-217r1 to be voted Wednesday afternoon 3.2 Interpretation Processing /jor Motion: 99-213r1, response to interp 000067 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) u.c. /data Motion: 99-199r1, response for interpretation 000076 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. A revision may appear with additional supporting evidence Motion: 99-200r1, response for interpretation 000077 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c 3.3 Subgroup Meetings The plenary session was recessed until 4:30 PM for subgroup meetings 3.4 Subgroup meeting reports/processing /jor For voting on Thursday 99-183 ready for voting Thursday 99-215, on table, for voting Thursday 99-221 response to 99-208, Japanese requests for interpretation, for vote Tuesday 99-220 for voting Thursday /interop For discussion Thursday AM, possible vote Thursday PM 992-205r1 For vote Thursday AM 99-211 Other papers in progress /data For vote Thursday AM 99-180r2, 99-185r3, and 99-224 For discussion Thursday AM and vote Thursday PM 99-223 99-182r1 to be revised for vote Thursday afternoon Also for vote Thursday afternoon 99-186r1 and 99-187r1 Papers 99-196r1, 99-184r1, 99-188r1, and 181r1 to appear Thursday for later action 3.5 Interpretation processing /data Motion: 99-216r1, response to interpretation 000070 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. Motion: 99-217r1, response to interpretation 000071 (Cohen/Snyder) withdrawn 3.6 F2000 plenary /data Motion :99-203r1, remove initializer/finalizers (Cohen/Snyder) amended u.c. 3.6 Other comments Tony discussed his plan for an upcoming report to NCITS. The meeting was recessed until 8:30 AM Thursday. 4.0 Thursday, August 26, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 8:37 AM. 4.1 F2000 Plenary /jor Motion: 99-183, ERRMSG= problems on ALLOCATE, (Whitlock/Dedo) amended u.c. Motion: 99-220 Edits suggested by 99-182r1 and N1335 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) u.c. /interop Motion: 99-211, SELECTED_REAL_KIND type results for values of the C withdrawn Discussion of 99-205r1, edits for global data interoperability. A revision will appear Thursday afternoon for Friday vote. /data Motion: 99-180r2, improved definition of allocatable attribute (Cohen/Snyder) amended u.c. Motion: 99-185r3, unresolved issues 78 and 141 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. Motion: 99-181r1, edits for procedure pointers (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. Motion: 99-184r1, more work on deferred type parameters (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. Motion: 99-188r1, unresolved issues 138 and 140 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. Motion: 99-224, /data issues from WG5/N1356 (Cohen/Snyder) u.c. 4.2 Interpretation processing /jor Motion: 99-215, response to interpretation 000068 (Whitlock/Dedo) amended u.c. Motion: 99-221, classification of Japanese interpretation requests (99-208) (Whitlock/Dedo) withdrawn /data Discussion of 99-223 interpretation request 000079 4.3 Subgroup meetings The plenary session was recessed until 3:00 PM for subgroup meetings. 4.4 Subgroup reports/processing /jor Motion: 99-221, classification of Japanese interpretation requests (99-208) (Whitlock/Dedo) as amended u.c. Friday discussion and vote 99-222 /interop For voting Friday 99-205r2 and 99-226, and possibly 211r1 /data For discussion and vote Friday 99-219 Motion: 99-182r2 miscellaneous edits (Cohen/Snyder) amended u. c. Motion: 99-186r1, unresolved issue 79 (Cohen/Snyder) u. c. Motion: 99-187r1, unresolved issue 134 (Cohen/Snyder) u. c. Motion: 99-223, response to interpretation request 000079 (Cohen/Snyder) 6 for, 4 against Discussion of 99-196r1 for Friday vote Discussion of 99-217r2 for Friday vote The meeting was recessed until 8:30 AM Friday. 5. Friday, August 26,1999 5.1 F2000 Plenary /jor Motion: 99-222r1, response to WG5/n1356 (Whitlock/Dedo) amended with J3 note in 99-228 (paragraph, not u.c. 99-174 asked for changes in introductory remarks in chapter 1. The editor added the content of 99-174 added these to the document after meeting 149. /interop Motion: 99-205r2, global data edits (Zongaro/Steidel) u.c. Motion: 99-226, response a comment in 99-181r1 (Zongaro/Steidel) u.c. Motion: 99-211r1, changes to floating point kind type parameters for interoperability (Zongaro/Steidel) amended, u.c. /data Motion: 99-196r1, "WITH" functionality (Cohen/Snyder) amended u.c. Motion: 99-219, unresolved issue 14 (Cohen/Snyder) amended u.c. Motion: 99-227 response to WG5 resolutions of June 1999 meeting (Whitlock/Hendrickson) amended u.c. 5.2 Interpretation processing /data Motion 99-217r2, response to interpretation 000071 (Cohen/Snyder) amended, u.c. 5.3 Closing Business 5.3.1 Review of action items Warnok: send out 99-227 to WG5 Warnok: report to NCITS Whitlock send response to Japanese and Matthijs for 99-221 5.3.2 Future meetings Meeting 151 will be November 29 - December 3, 1999 in Las Vegas Nevada, USA Meeting 152 will be March 6-10, 2000 in Las Vegas Nevada, USA Meeting may be at the Desert Research Institute instead of AmeriSuites Meeting 153 will be May 29-June 6, 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Meeting 154 will be September 18-22, 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Meeting 155 will be December 11-15, 2000 in Las Vegas Nevada, USA 5.3.3 Treasurer's report Paper will be 99-225. 5.3.4 Closing membership report No changes. 12 members represented. Kurt Hirchert and Matthijs van Wavern absent. Kurt Hirchert has missed two of the past three meetings, and his membership will be lost if he does not attend meeting 151. 5.4 Comments from members Jeanne Martin noted we 33 papers passed, resolved 31 issues, and processed 10 interpretations at this meeting. There will be a letter ballot for interpretations between meeting 150 and meeting 151. Motion to adjourn (Hendrickson/Whitlock) u.c. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM. ------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix A: Meeting Agenda Draft Agenda for J3 Meeting 150 =============================== 1. Monday, August 23, 1999 8:30 am -------------------------------- 1.1 Opening business T. Warnock Remarks from the chair T. Warnock Adoption of agenda T. Warnock Approval of Meeting 147 minutes T. Warnock NCITS/OMC report (if any) T. Warnock ISO/WG5 report K. Bierman Treasurer's report M. North Beginning membership report T. Warnock Local arrangements M. North Comments from members 1.2 Subgroup organization T. Warnock 1.3 F95 interpretation organization S. Whitlock 1.4 Subgroup meetings 1.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 2. Tuesday, August 24, 1999 8:30 am --------------------------------- 2.1 F2000 Plenary (99-010) Subgroup Heads 2.2 F95 interpretation processing (99-006) S. Whitlock 2.3 Tutorials (if needed) 2.4 Subgroup meetings 2.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 3. Wednesday, August 25, 1999 8:30 am ----------------------------------- 3.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup Heads 3.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 3.3 Tutorials (if needed) 3.4 Subgroup meetings 3.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 4. Thursday, August 26, 1999 8:30 am ---------------------------------- 4.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup Heads 4.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 3.3 Tutorials (if needed) 4.4 Subgroup meetings 4.5 Subgroup reports (3:30 pm if TAG) 4.6 TAG meeting (4:00) (if needed) K. Bierman 5. Friday, August 27, 1999 8:30 am -------------------------------- 5.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup heads 5.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 5.3 Closing business Review of action items (if any) Future meetings M. North Treasurer's report M. North Closing membership report T. Warnock Comments from members Adjournment =============================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix B: Register of documents, J3/99-000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR 1999 99-000.TXT Revised October 28, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp site: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/x3j3/doc/meeting ftp mirror site: ftp.drfc.nasa.gov/pub/x3j3/ncsa/doc/meeting J3 World Wide Web site URL: http://www.ionet.net/~jwagener/J3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Standing Documents Paper Number Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/99-000 Register of Documents J3/99-001 Membership List J3/99-002 Unassigned J3/99-003 J3 Member References J3/99-004 Journal of Requirements J3/99-005 J3 Resolutions and Responses to WG5 Resolutions J3/99-006 Defect Report J3/99-007r2 Draft Revision to Fortran 2000 J3/99-008 Editorial Considerations for F2000 Draft Review J3/99-009 Technical Proposals for Future Revisions J3/99-010 J3 Work Plan J3/99-011r2 Editor's List of Unresolved Issues J3/99-012 - J3/99-099 are unassigned -------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. 1999 Papers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 148 KIHEI, HAWAII, MARCH 1 - 6, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/99-101 981202 Maine Interp. Question on public components txt of private types J3/99-102 990113 Maine Edits incorporated in 99-007 txt J3/99-103 990113 Maine Changes to list of unresolved issues txt J3/99-104r2 990203 Snyder Specifications, syntax, and edits for ps M.23: Access to status error messages J3/99-105r2 990203 Snyder Specifications, syntax, and edits to ps access standard unit numbers J3/99-106r2 990203 Snyder Unresolved issues 72-76, 78, and 79 ps concerning explicitly typed allocations J3/99-107 990209 Snyder Comments and questions concerning ps 99-007 J3/99-108r1 990211 Hirchert INITIAL/FINAL Edits txt,ps,rtf J3/99-109 990215 Walter DIN comments on derived type I/O txt J3/99-110r1 990301 Cohen Stream I/O - suggested changes txt (Unresolved issue 68) J3/99-111 990302 Bleikamp Response to DIN DT I/O comments txt J3/99-112 990302 Bleikamp Edits for R4b: Additions to the character set J3/99-113r2 990302 Bierman C_LOC doc,htm,ps J3/99-114 990302 Cohen Unresolved issues 71 and 84 txt J3/99-115r1 990303 Bleikamp Edits for J3 notes, Chapters 9 - 10 txt J3/99-116r1 990303 Steidel Edits for Enums doc,ps J3/99-117r2 990303 Bierman Some Glossary terms doc,htm,ps J3/99-118r1 990303 Zongaro Interop edits txt J3/99-119r1 990303 Cohen Unresolved isues 73, 77, 80 txt J3/99-120 990304 Cohen Miscellaneous fixes plus some 99-107 txt edits J3/99-121r1 990304 Snyder Syntax improvements from 99-007 ps J3/99-122r1 990304 Bierman Unresolved issue # 11 doc,htm,ps J3/99-123r1 990305 North Meeting 148 Treasurer's Report txt J3/99-124r1 990305 Zongaro Meeting 148 Minutes txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 149 OXFORD, ENGLAND, JUNE 7 - 11, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/99-007r2 Maine Draft Revision to Fortran 2000 Frame, mif, pdf, ps, scripts J3/99-011r1 Maine Editor's List of Unresolved Issues txt J3/99-125r2 990322 Snyder Two more parameters to put in the ps ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module J3/99-126 990322 Snyder Even more stuff to put in the ps ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module J3/99-127r2 990412 Snyder Unnecessary irregularity: ADVANCE= ps cannot be specified in OPEN statements J3/99-128 990412 Snyder Misplaced syntax rule and constraint ps about type aliases J3/99-129 990412 Snyder Unnecessary irregularity: PAD= ps specifier can appear only in OPEN statements J3/99-130 990412 Snyder Determining the size of records ps J3/99-131r2 990412 Snyder Resolving issue 15 ps J3/99-132 990412 Snyder Simplifying wording in Chapter 10 ps J3/99-133 990412 Snyder Comments on C interoperability ps J3/99-134r3 990412 Snyder Remedying oversights in 98-121r1 -- ps edits for procedure pointers J3/99-135 990412 Snyder Comments about derived type I/O ps J3/99-136 990412 Snyder Comments and questions concerning ps 99-007r1 J3/99-137 990412 Snyder Comments about SELECT TYPE ps J3/99-138 990429 Maine Changes to list of unresolved issues txt J3/99-139 990429 Maine Edits incorporated in 99-007r1 txt J3/99-140r2 990510 Snyder Comments and questions concerning ps initialization and finalization -maybe resolving issue 191 J3/99-141r1 990510 Snyder Issues 134, 135, 136 ps J3/99-142 990522 Clodius C Interoperability Terminology txt J3/99-143r2 990521 Snyder Observations concerning Section 12 ps J3/99-144r1 990524 Clodius Fortran's Future txt J3/99-145 990524 Maine BINDNAME= txt J3/99-146r3 990525 Cohen Unresolved issue 9 txt J3/99-147r2 990527 Cohen Unresolved issue 143 txt J3/99-148r2 990527 Cohen Unresolved issue 16 txt J3/99-149r1 990527 Cohen Unresolved issue 35 txt J3/99-150r1 990527 Cohen Unresolved issue 77 and 131 - 133 txt J3/99-151r1 990527 Cohen Unresolved issue 139 txt J3/99-152 990607 Snyder Printing ps J3/99-153 990607 Clodius Comments on Section 15 txt J3/99-154 990607 Cohen Problems in the IEEE Modules txt,doc J3/99-155 990607 Van Waveren Resolution of unresolved issues 147, ps 150, 152, 156, 158 J3/99-156r1 990607 Steidel Miscellaneous Interop edits txt,doc J3/99-157r2 990607 Cohen Problems with SELECT TYPE txt J3/99-158r1 990608 Reid Edits re IEEE modules txt,doc J3/99-159r1 990608 Maine Recursive I/O txt,doc J3/99-160r1 990608 Bierman Fixups to 16.2.6 txt,doc J3/99-161r1 990608 Moene Items not in the Index yet txt J3/99-162 990608 Cohen Unresolved issue 76 txt J3/99-163r1 990608 Cohen Unresolved issue 130 txt J3/99-164r1 990608 Cohen Unresolved issue 44 txt J3/99-165r1 990609 Reid Edits re IEEE modules (cont'd) txt J3/99-166 990609 Reid Unresolved Issue 10 txt J3/99-167r2 990610 Reid Edits re IEEE modules (cont'd) txt J3/99-168r1 990610 Wagener Edits to the Foreword txt J3/99-169r1 990610 Wagener Edits to Section 1 txt J3/99-170 990610 Maine Editor's edits txt J3/99-171 990611 Cohen Baroque spelling of 'WITH' txt functionality J3/99-172 990611 North Meeting 149 Treasurer's Report txt J3/99-173 990611 Van Waveren Meeting 149 Minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 150 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AUGUST 23 - 27, 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/99-007r2 990624 Maine Draft revision to Fortran 2000 txt, ps, pdf, frame, mif, scripts J3/99-011r2 990625 Maine Editor's list of unresolved issues txt J3/99-174 990624 Wagener Edits to Section 1.5.2 txt J3/99-175 990624 Maine Edits incorporated in 99-007r2 txt J3/99-176 990624 Maine Changes to list of unresolved issues txt J3/99-177 990712 Zongaro Interpretation request on I/O errors txt J3/99-178 990712 Zongaro Interpretation request on constant txt spec. expressions J3/99-179 990721 Reid Edits re IEEE modules txt J3/99-180r3 990728 Snyder Improve definition of the ALLOCATABLE ps,txt attribute J3/99-181r1 990728 Snyder Remedying oversights in 98-121r1 -- ps edits for procedure pointers J3/99-182r3 990728 Snyder Comments, questions and miscellaneous ps edits concerning 99-007r2 J3/99-183r1 990728 Snyder More work on ERRMSG= ps J3/99-184r1 990728 Snyder More work on deferred type parameters ps J3/99-185r4 990728 Snyder Unresolved issues 78 and 141 ps J3/99-186r1 990802 Snyder Numerous changes in, J3/99-187r1 990802 Snyder Unresolved issue 134 ps J3/99-188r1 990802 Snyder Unresolved issues 138 and 140 ps J3/99-189 990802 Snyder Type parameters are distinguished ps along the wrong axis J3/99-190 990804 Bierman Is padding allowed in storage txt sequences? J3/99-191 990804 Bierman What is a numeric character? J3/99-192 990804 Bierman Asterisks as I/O units txt J3/99-193 990804 Bierman Writing zeros txt J3/99-194 990804 Snyder Comments on C interoperability ps J3/99-195 990806 Snyder Unresolved issue 13 and topics ps inspired by it J3/99-196r2 990806 Cohen Baroque spelling of 'WITH' txt functionality J3/99-197r1 990806 Cohen Interface scoping problem txt J3/99-198 990806 Cohen Interpretation request on argument tx passing J3/99-199r1 990809 Cohen Interpretation request on INTENT(IN) txt and implied DO J3/99-200r1 990809 Cohen Interpretation request on NULLIFY txt and INTENT(IN) J3/99-201 990809 Cohen Interpretation request on PURE txt procedures J3/99-202 990809 Cohen Interpretation request on generic txt procedures J3/99-203r2 990809 Cohen Unresolved issues 178 - 201 txt (initial and final) J3/99-204 990809 Martin Unresolved issue 195 txt J3/99-205r2 990809 /Interop Edits for the sharing of global data txt between Fortran and C J3/99-206 990809 van Waveren Unresolved issue 150 txt J3/99-207 990809 Bierman Interpretation request on LEN of null txt J3/99-208 990810 Takata Interpretation requests of Japan txt J3/99-209 990822 /Interop Response to 99-133 and 99-194 txt,doc J3/99-210r1 990822 /Interop BINDNAME revisited txt,doc J3/99-211r1 990823 /Interop When C_FLOAT etc. are invalid txt J3/99-212 990823 Bleikamp Interpretation request 66 on I/O txt errors J3/99-213r1 990823 Bleikamp Interpretation request 67 txt J3/99-214 990823 Bleikamp Interpretation request 69: What is a txt numeric character? J3/99-215r1 990823 Dedo Interpretation request 68: asterisks txt,ps,wpd as I/O units J3/99-216r1 990823 /Data Interpretation request 70 on constant txt spec. expressions J3/99-217r3 990823 Cohen Interpretation request 71 on txt character array constructors J3/99-218 990823 Cohen Interpretation request 72 on generic txt procedures and elementals J3/99-219r1 990824 Cohen Unresolved issue 14 txt J3/99-220 990825 Bleikamp Edits suggested by 99-182r1 and txt N1335 J3/99-221r1 990825 Dedo J3 responses to interpretation txt,ps,wpd requests from Japan J3/99-222r2 990825 Dedo JOR responses to WG5/N1356 txt,ps,wpd J3/99-223 990825 Cohen Interpretation request on pointer txt assignment and allocatable arrays J3/99-224 990825 Cohen /Data-related issues from WG5/N1356 txt J3/99-225 990826 North Meeting 150 treasurer's report txt J3/99-226 990826 /Interop Responses to issues in 99-182r1 txt and N1356 J3/99-227 990826 Warnock J3 response to WG5 resolutions txt J3/99-228 990827 Bierman Correspondence on rounding txt,doc J3/99-229 990827 Steidel Meeting 150 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Future meetings and distribution/Secretarial Assignments Meeting Conventions: - Four meetings per year - Attempt to schedule second full week of the month - Attempt to schedule meeting contiguous with WG5 annual meeting Future meeting schedule: 151 November 29 - December 3, 1999, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: November 15, 1999 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Acting secretary: Keith Bierman 152 March 6 - 10, 2000, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: February 21, 2000 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Acting secretary: Richard Hendrickson 153 May 29 - June 2, 2000, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: May 15, 2000 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Acting secretary: Kurt Hirchert 154 September 18 - 22, 2000, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: September 4, 2000 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Acting secretary: Van Snyder 155 December 11 - 15, 2000, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: November 27, 2000 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Acting secretary: Henry Zongaro Committee materials availability: Agenda and meeting notice available at the J3 web site and from the J3 ftp server. Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail. REQUIREMENT: Distribution 4 weeks prior to meeting (SD-2 4.3.3) Pre- and post-meeting distribution available at the J3 ftp and web sites. Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail. REQUIREMENT: Distribution of premeeting 2 weeks prior to meeting. (documents for action - two week rule: SD-2 4.3.4:1) Meeting minutes are available at the J3 web and ftp sites. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp site: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/x3j3/doc/meeting/149 ftp mirror site: ftp.drfc.nasa.gov/pub/x3j3/ncsa/doc/meeting/149 J3 World Wide Web site URL: http://www.ionet/~jwagener/J3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix D: Committe orgainzation ------------------------------------------- Officers and Management Chair T. Warnock International Rep. K. Bierman Secretary Open (Steidel acting for Mtg. 150) Treasurer M. North Librarian M. North Editor R. Maine (WG5 appointment) Maintenance S. Whitlock Vocabulary Rep. K. Hirchert Future Meetings M. North Membership List K. Hirchert Subgroups JOR: Responsible for the maintenance of the Journal of Development (standing document 004) an dmanaging the following Fortran 2000 requirements: R1, R2, R8, and all MTE and B items. S. Whitlock (head) R. Bleikamp, R. Hendrickson, Craig Dedo DATA: Responsible for language design topics related to data and data structures; manages the following Fortran 2000 requirements: R3, R4, R6, and R7. M. Cohen (head), J. Martin, V. Snyder NUMERIC: Responsible for R4. Inactive at this meeting. T. Warnock (head) INTEROP: Responsible for R9. H. Zongaro (head), K. Bierman, J. Steidel INTERP: Responsible for evaluating interpretation requests, providing responses to such requests, and maintaining statnding document 006. (The following core membership of this subgroup all have other subgroup assignments, and other members of the committee may be called upon to provide expertise for specific issues.) Inactive at this meeting. S. Whitlock (head), R. Bleikamp, M. Cohen, J. Steidel, H. Zongaro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Appendix E: Membership summary ------------------------------------------- J3 Meeting Attendance (Principal Members) Meeting # 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Location (state/country) NV NV CO NV LA IN CA NV HI UK NV Date (month year) 02 05 08 11 02 05 08 11 03 06 08 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 Name Affiliation Bierman, Keith Sun V V V V V V V V V V V Bleikamp, Richard HP RP RP RP RP V V A V V A V Cohen, Malcolm NAG V V V R V V R V V V V Dedo, Craig self V V V V V V V V A A**V Hendrickson, Dick self V V A V V V V V A V V Hirchert, Kurt U of IL V V V V V V V V V A A** North, Mallory Rose-Hulman V V V V V V V V V V V Smith, Brian U of NM R R R R R A R R R A R Snyder, Van JPL/Caltech P V V V V A V V V V V Steidel, Jon SGI/Cray RP RP RP RP V V A A**V**V V van Waveren, Matthijs Fujitsu P V A V A Warnock, Tony LANL V V V V V V V V V V V Whitlock, Stan DEC V V V V V V V V V A V Zongaro, Henry IBM V V V V V V V V V A V V present and voting other voting attendees R absent but represented A absent and not represented P present but not voting RP represented by previous member non-voting attendees E excused Dan Nagel Q resigned Craig Shirley ** missed two of last three meetings Tom Lahey *** lost membership membership changes since last meeting Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 146 14 Majority 8 Quorum 5 Total Membership at end of Meeting 146 14 Total Members Attended or Represented at 146 12 Total Attendees at Meeting 146 15 Appendix F: Members and Alternates ---------------------------------- ------------------------- PRINCIPALS ------------------------- Keith H. Bierman Sun Microsystems, Inc. UMPK 16-304 901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto CA 94043 Email: keith.bierman@sun.com Phone: (650) 786-9296 Fax: (650) 786-9551 Alternate: Michael Ingrassia ------------------------- Richard Bleikamp Hewlett-Packard Company 3000 Waterview Parkway Richardson TX 75080 Email: bleikamp@rsn.hp.com Phone: (972) 497-4133 Fax: (972) 497-4245 ------------------------- Malcolm Cohen The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd Wilkinson House Oxford OX2 8DR ENGLAND Email: malcolm@nag.co.uk Phone: 44 (1865) 51 1245 Fax: 44 (1865) 31 0139 Alternate: Richard Maine ------------------------- Craig T. Dedo 17130 W. Burleigh Place Brookfield WI 53005 Email: Craig_Dedo@execpc.com Phone: (414) 783-5869 Fax: (414) 783-5928 ------------------------- Richard A. Hendrickson 50 Melbourne Ave SE Minneapolis MN 55414 Email: dick.hendrickson@worldnet.att.net Phone: (612) 378-9694 ------------------------- Kurt W. Hirchert 1502 Sandpiper Champaign IL 61821 Email: k.hirchert@worldnet.att.net Phone: (217) 398-8506 Alternate: Murray Freeman ------------------------- Dr. C. Mallory North, Jr. Professor of Mechanical Engineering Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 5500 Wabash Ave. Campus Box 150 Terre Haute IN 47803 Email: Charles.M.North@Rose-Hulman.Edu Phone: (812) 877-8216 Fax: (812) 877-8025 Alternate: Patricia Brackin ------------------------- Brian T. Smith University of New Mexico Computer Science Dept. 339 Farris Engineering Center Albuquerque NM 87131 Email: bsmith@arc.unm.edu Phone: (505) 277-5500 Fax: (505) 277-0813 Alternate: Jeanne T. Martin ------------------------- Van Snyder Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Mail Stop 300-323 Pasadena CA 91109-8099 Email: vsnyder@math.jpl.nasa.gov Phone: (818) 354-6271 Fax: (818) 393-6720 ------------------------- Jon Steidel Cray Research 655F Lone Oak Drive Eagan MN 55121 Email: jls@cray.com Phone: (651) 683-5734 Fax: (651) 683-5307 Alternate: David Phillimore ------------------------- Matthijs van Waveren Fujitsu European Centre for Information Technology Ltd. 2, Longwalk Road, Stockley Park Uxbridge, Middlesex UB11 1AB ENGLAND Email: waveren@fecit.co.uk Phone: 44 (181) 6064646 Fax: 44 (181) 6064422 ------------------------- Tony Warnock Los Alamos National Lab. MS B265 CIC-3 P.O. Box 1663 Los Alamos NM 87545 Email: ttw@lanl.gov Phone: (505) 667-2225 Alternate: Alex Marusak ------------------------- Stan Whitlock Digital Equipment Corp. ZK02-3/N30 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua NH 03062 Email: stan.whitlock@compaq.com Phone: (603) 884-2011 Fax: (603) 884-0120 ------------------------- Henry Zongaro IBM Canada Ltd. 3T/123/1150/TOR 1150 Eglinton Avenue East North York Ontario M3C 1H7 CANADA Email: zongaro@ca.ibm.com Phone: (416) 448-6044 Fax: (416) 448-6057 Alternate: Wai Ming Wong ------------------------- ALTERNATES ------------------------- Dr. Patricia Brackin Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 5500 Wabash Ave. Campus Box 165 Terre Haute IN 47803 Email: Patricia.Brackin@Rose-Hulman.edu Phone: (812) 877-8106 Fax: (812) 877-3198 Alternate to: C. Mallory North ------------------------- Murray F. Freeman FOSI Limited P.O. Box 184 Paupack PA 18451-0184 Email: x3t2mf@delphi.com Phone: (717) 857-0658 Fax: (717) 857-1378 Alternate to: Kurt Hirchert ------------------------- Michael Ingrassia Sun Microsystems, Inc. UMPK 16-304 901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto CA 94043 Email: michael.ingrassia@sun.com Phone: (650) 786-8998 Fax: (650) 786-9551 Alternate to: Keith Bierman ------------------------- Richard Maine NASA Dryden M/S D-2033 P.O. Box 273 Edwards CA 93523 Email: maine@altair.dfrc.nasa.gov Phone: (805) 258-3316 Fax: (805) 258-3567 Alternate to: Malcolm Cohen ------------------------- Jeanne T. Martin 11 Manti Terrace Alamo CA 94507 Email: jeannetm@pacbell.net Phone: (925) 837-2691 Fax: (925) 362-0144 Alternate to: Brian Smith ------------------------- David Phillimore 1 Cabbot Road Hudson MA 01749 Email: dphillim@boston.sgi.com Phone: (978) 562-4800 Fax: (978) 562-4755 Alternate to: Jon Steidel ------------------------- Wai Ming Wong IBM Canada, Ltd. (3T/123) 1150 Eglinton Ave. East North York Ontario M3C 1H7 CANADA Email: wmwong@vnet.ibm.com Phone: (416) 448-3105 Fax: (416) 448-4414 Alternate to: Henry Zongaro ------------------------- OBSERVERS ------------------------- David Mattoon 1547 North Sheridan Road Lake Forest IL 60045 Email: dmattoon@ix.netcom.com Phone: (312) 567-4716 ------------------------- Ivor R. Philips The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707 #MS 7l_22 Seattle WA 98124-2207 Email: ivor.r.philips@boeing.com Phone: (206) 865-3522 ------------------------- Michael Ross Intel Corp. JF3-363 2111 NE 25th Ave Hillsboro OR 97124-7902 Email: Michael_L_Ross@ccm.jf.intel.com Phone: (503) 264-0567 Fax: (503) 264 -7902 ------------------------- OMC Secretary ITIC Suite 200 1250 Eye Street NW Washington D.C. 20005 Email: x3sec@itic.nw.dc.us Phone: (202) 626-5740 Fax: (202) 628-2829 ------------------------- LIAISONS ------------------------- Miles Ellis Director: Educational Technology Resources Centre University of Oxford 37-41 Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JF ENGLAND Email: Miles.Ellis@etrc.ox.ac.uk Phone: +44 1865 270528 Fax: +44 1865 270527 [WG5 Convenor] ------------------------- David Epstein Imagine1 P.O. Box 250 Sweet Home OR 97386 Email: david@imagine1.com Phone: (541) 383-4848 [Conditional Compilation] ------------------------- Jeffrey Fried Informix, Inc. 4100 Bohannon Drive Menlo Park CA 94025 Email: jfried@informix.com Phone: (415) 926-6893 Liaison from: X3H2 Database ------------------------- Michael Hennecke University of Karlsruhe Computing Center (G20.21 R210) Zirkel 2 P.O. Box 69 80 Karlsruhe D-76128 GERMANY Email: hennecke@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de Phone: 49 721 608-4862 Fax: 49 721 32550 [C Interoperability] ------------------------- Rochelle Lauer Director High Energy Physics Computing Facility Yale University, Physics Department 512 Gibbs Lab 260 Whitney Avenue P. O. Box 208121 New Haven CT 06520-8121 Email: lauer@yalph2.physics.yale.edu Phone: (203) 432-3366 Fax: (203) 432-6125 Liaison from: DECUS ------------------------- Hiroshi Matsuo Software Works Hitachi Ltd. 5030 Totsuka-cho Totsuka-ku Yokohama-shi 244 JAPAN Phone: 011 81 45 824-2311 Liaison from: WG5/Japan ------------------------- J. Steve Morgan The University of Liverpool P.O. Box 147 Liverpool L69 3BX ENGLAND Email: j.s.morgan@liverpool.ac.uk Phone: 44 (151) 794-3746 Fax: 44 (151) 794-3759 [Parameterized Derived Types] ------------------------- David T. Muxworthy EUCS JCMB King's Buildings Edinburgh EH9 3JZ SCOTLAND Email: d.muxworthy@ed.ac.uk Phone: 44 (131) 650-3305 Fax: 44 (131) 650-6552 Liaison from: BSI ------------------------- Ron Silletti IBM Corporation 500 Columbus Avenue Thornwood NY 10594 Email: rsilletti@us.ibm.com Liaison from: OMC ------------------------- UNOFFICIAL OBSERVERS ------------------------- Jeanne C. Adams NCAR Scientific Computing Division P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 Email: jeanne@ncar.ucar.edu Phone: (303) 497-1275 Fax: (303) 497-1137 ------------------------- Graham Barber Edinburgh Portable Compilers, Ltd. 17 Alva Street Edinburgh EH2 4PH SCOTLAND Email: gra@epc.co.uk Phone: 44 131 225 6262 Fax: 44 131 225 6644 ------------------------- Walter S. Brainerd Unicomp Inc. 1874 San Bernardino Ave NE Albuquerque NM 87122 Email: walt@fortran.com Phone: (505) 275-0800 Fax: (505) 856-1501 ------------------------- Joanne Brixius Cray Research Inc. 655F Lone Oak Dr. Eagan MN 55121 Email: jbrixius@sgi.com Phone: (651) 683-5873 ------------------------- Reva Cuthbertson Hewlett-Packard Company Email: sacks@cup.hp.com Phone: (408) 447-6090 ------------------------- James T. Himer Sun Microsystems of Canada Sun Life Plaza III, 9th fl. 112 - 4th Ave S.W. Calgary AB T2P 0H3 CANADA Email: jim.himer@sun.com Phone: (403) 262-0584x57584 Fax: (403) 266-4121 ------------------------- R. Baker Kearfott Department of Mathematics University of Southwestern Louisiana U.S.L. Box 4-1010 Lafayette LA 70504-1010 Email: rbk@usl.edu Phone: (318) 482-5270 Fax: (318) 482-5346 ------------------------- Tom Lahey Lahey Computer Systems Inc. 865 Tahoe Blvd Suite 204 P. O. Box 6091 Incline Village NV 89450-6091 Email: tlahe@lahey.com Phone: (702) 831-2500 Fax: (702) 831-8323 ------------------------- Keng Low Salford Software Ltd Adelphi House Adelphi Street Salford M3 6EN ENGLAND Email: keng@salford-software.com Phone: +44 161 834 2454 Fax: +44 161 834 2148 ------------------------- Bruce A. Martin Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Build 911-C Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY 11973 Email: bam@bnl.gov Phone: (516) 282-5647 ------------------------- Loren P. Meissner 2 Kerr Avenue Kensington CA 94707 Email: lpmeissner@msn.com Phone: (510) 524-5227 ------------------------- Linda O'Gara Microsoft One Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98052 Email: lindaog@microsoft.com Phone: (206) 936-6575 Fax: (206) 936-7329 ------------------------- Rex L. Page School of Computer Science University of Oklahoma 200 Felgar Street - Room 114 Norman OK 73109 Email: rlpage@cs.ou.edu Phone: (405) 325-4397 Fax: (405) 325-4044 ------------------------- John K. Reid Atlas Centre Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Oxon OX11 0QX ENGLAND Email: jkr@letterbox.rl.ac.uk Phone: 44 (1235) 44 6493 Fax: 44 (1235) 44 6626 [Exception Handling] ------------------------- Charles Ritz Fortran Journal P.O. Box 4201 Fullerton CA 92634 Phone: (714) 441-2022 ------------------------- Bob Runyan Lahey Computer Systems Inc. 865 Tahoe Blvd Suite 204 P. O. Box 6091 Incline Village NV 89450-6091 Email: bruny@lahey.com Phone: (702) 831-2500 x422 Fax: (702) 831-8123 ------------------------- Janice Shepherd IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P.O. Box 218 Yorktown Heights NY 10598 Email: janshep@watson.ibm.com Phone: (914) 945-4366 ------------------------- Jerrold L. Wagener Zvyvogs 6 East 5th Suite 308 Tulsa OK 74103 Email: Jerry@Wagener.com Phone: (918) 592-3023 Fax: (918) 592-3023 -------------------------