J3/99-267 Date: 30th November 1999 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Unresolved issues 135 and 136 1. Introduction Unresolved issue 136 says: "The 10th constraint in 4.5.5 says that type-param-values in array constructors and derived type constructors are required to be specification expressions. Why? This seems like an inappropriate restriction and appears to be a change in specification. Hmm. Actually, it looks like constructors are ok as long as they are anywhere within an ALLOCATE statement (doesn't actually have to be the part of the ALLOCATE statement that specifies the type to be allocated). Strange. The same comments apply to the same words added in" I concur. Furthermore, this constraint is totally unnecessary because s are already constrained to contain only specification expressions in [69:22-23]. No constraint whatsoever is needed at this point! Unresolved issue 135 says: "I'm not sure what purpose paper 99-106r2 had in mind in rewriting the 8th and 9th constraints in 4.5.5 (the ones about where asterisks and colons are allowed). I thought the versions in 99-007 were better in all regards. Unless I'm missing something, the new version appears to now allow them in lots of places that the old version didn't. Apparently an asterisk can be used in the declaration of a component (since that's not an entity). And both the asterisk and colon can be used in constructors and allocate statements (since those aren't declarations of anything). Looks to me like this was an attempt at wording improvement that broke the technical meaning. Note that the identical words for the colon case in were left unchanged. Why change them here but not there." I concur. "Hmm. Also I'm unsure whether belongs to be repeating these constraints or just letting the ones from 4.5.5 apply. Its not completely clear whether the constraints on type-param-value in 4.5.5 apply to any type-param-value or just to those used in derived type specifiers." 4.5.5 does indeed cover all s, because the constraints are on R450 . Oops. "If the ones in 4.5.5 apply, we need to get the bit about * to agree (as we allow * in a few extra places for character). Since type-param-value is used for both derived and intrinsic types, it might be better to move R448 and its applicable constraints into, say, section 4.2, which is about type parameters in general, instead of 4.5.5, which is about derived types. It might then also be easier to make clear what constraints applied in all cases (put them in 4.2), what ones applied to derived type specifiers (in 4.5.5), and what constraints applied to characters (in" I concur wholeheartedly. Few will think to look for constraints on character length specification under "4.5.5 Derived-type specifier"! However, the only rule that need be moved is R450. R448 and R449 indeed only apply to derived-type specifiers and thus are appropriately placed. Since the constraint needed for assumed character length is significantly different from the constraint needed for other assumed type parameters, this paper proposes separate constraints for each occasion. Furthermore (really further to issue 134 which we fixed last meeting), there appears to be no definition of assumed type parameter anywhere; descriptive text but no definition. Sigh. 2. Edits to 99-007r2 There are multiple edits placing text at [32:34+]; each inserted text after the first one places the text immediately following the previous edit. I have noted where the edit to [32:34+] from 99-187r1 occurs. [32:13] Delete sentence "The ... (7.1.7)." {Delete sentence that duplicates the constraint previously at [58:9].} [32:14] Delete "in turn". {Improve wording.} [32:16] Change second "kind" to "KIND". {Improve readability.} [32:28] Delete. {Delete vacuous sentence.} [32:29] Delete "in turn". {Improve wording.} [32:31] Before "," insert "named LEN". {Specify the name of the character length parameter.} [32:34+] Insert new paragraph "A type parameter value expression is not required to be of the same integer kind as the corresponding type parameter." {Basically from [59:1-2] with slight rewording.} [32:34+] Move R450 from [57:42-44] to here, plus the constraint at [58:9]. This text reads: "R450 <> <> * <> : Constraint: The for a kind type parameter shall be an initialization expression." {Move rule and the only correct constraint.} [32:34+] Insert new constraint: "Constraint: A colon may be used as a only in the declaration of an entity or component that has the POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute." [32:34+] This is where the text from 99-187r1 should appear. {The definition of deferred type parameters.} [32:34+] Insert "An <> is a nonkind type parameter for which the is an asterisk. The values of the assumed type parameters of a dummy argument are assumed from the corresponding actual argument." {New definition of assumed type parameter.} [33:8-19] Delete. {Delete J3 note.} [57:42-44] Reminder: R450 was moved from here. [58:9] Reminder: A constraint was moved from here. [58:10-13] Replace two erroneous constraints with "Constraint: An asterisk may be used as a in a only in the declaration of a dummy argument." {Delete erroneous constraints. Colon constraint is now in 4.2, asterisk constraint remains here because we want to handle assumed character length differently.} [58:14-35] Delete. {Delete the J3 note.} [58:36-37] Delete. {Delete spurious and erroneous constraint.} [58:38-45] Delete. {Delete the J3 note.} [59:1-2] Delete sentence "A type parameter value ... parameter." {Superior sentence inserted into 4.2.} [59:3-6] Delete. {Superior text inserted into 4.2.} [73:41-42] Delete. {Delete spurious and erroneous constraint.}