J3/00-158 Date: 17 April 2000 To: J3 From: John Reid Subject: Interpretation 001 Here are drafts for the ANSWER and EDITS sections of 001. They are based on the email from Henry Zongaro. Also, I propose that the addendum be removed. My first draft suggested that no edits were needed. I still think that the present working of the Standard is unambiguous, but email discussion made it clear that edits are desirable. I would like to thank all those that commented. ANSWER: The implied-DO variable is not visible to the using program. 14.1.3 Statement Entities states, in part, that The name of a variable that appears as the DO variable of an implied-DO in a DATA statement or an array constructor has a scope of the implied-DO list. It has the type and type parameter that it would have if it were the name of a variable in the scoping unit that includes the DATA statement or array constructor and this type must be integer. The words "would have if it were" were intended to convey the idea that the existence of an array constructor or data implied-DO variable does not actually cause an associated variable in the scoping unit to come into existence. Also, the following text appears in the same section (281:12-14): If the name of a global or local entity accessible in the scoping unit of a statement is the same as the name of a statement entity in that statement, the name is interpreted within the scope of the statement entity as that of the statement entity. The word "If" here implies that there need not be any such global or local entity with the same name as that of the statement entity. The first edit makes this clear. The second edit makes the same point for FORALL statements and constructs. EDITS: Page 280, Clause 14.1.3, at the end of the first paragragh (280:44) add: The appearance of a name as the DO variable of an implied-DO in a DATA statement or an array constructor is not an implicit declaration of a variable whose scope is the scoping unit that contains the statement. Page 281, Clause 14.1.3, at the end of the second paragraph [281:4] add: The appearance of a name as an index-name in a FORALL statement or FORALL construct is not an implicit declaration of a variable whose scope is the scoping unit that contains the statement or construct.