J3 01-174 To: J3 From: /interop Date: 20 March 2001 Subject: Unresolved issue 250 Unresolved issue 250 states that there needs to be a restriction on the use of setjmp and longjmp. setjmp and longjmp are essentially non-local gotos and subvert the ordinary flow of control. Their use in Fortran can cause many problems. It is safe to use them in a call-stack that does not contain any Fortran subprograms. Edits: Delete unresolved issue #250 [270:38-43] delete [270:30+] Insert the following paragraph: setjmp and longjmp (C standard 7.13) shall not be invoked by a procedure defined by means of Fortran. If a procedure defined by means other than Fortran invokes setjmp or longjmp, then that procedure shall not cause any procedure defined by means of Fortran to be invoked.