J3/01-311R1 To: J3 From: Larry Meadows Date: August 20, 2001 Subject: Square brackets for array constructors References: 01-124R1, Issue #119 01-124R1 allows square brackets to be used to delimit array constructors, in place of (/ and /). This usage conflicts with the usage of square brackets to delimit interval constants in Sun's Fortran product. This usage does not conflict with the usage of square brackets in Co-array Fortran, but there is some sentiment that it is visually distracting. While intervals are not a standard, they do have a growing following. Furthermore, the use of square brackets for array constructors seems to be gratuitous; to quote from 01-124R1: "Issue 119 advocates to put some use to the square brackets that have been added to the Fortran alphabet -- namely to enclose array constructors." It is also not possible to semantically disambiguate the use of square brackets for interval constants vs. array constructors in all cases; consider: INTERVAL I(2) I = [1,2] END Is I(1) equal to [1.0,2.0] or [1.0,1.0] ? This use of square brackets adds no new functionality to the language and conflicts with Sun's interval extension. It should be removed. Edits: [60:30] Delete [60:33-34] Delete [61:27] Change '[' to '(\' and ']' to '/)' three times [61:36] Change '[' to '(/' and ']' to '/)'