J3/01-315r2 Date: 22 Aug 2001 To: J3 From: Richard Maine Subject: Response to a WG5 comment (value attribute) Wg5 resolution L4 in N1443 endorsed N1462, which, among other things, suggested allowing the VALUE attribute for procedures other than BIND(C) ones. A unanimous J3 straw vote agreed with this recommendation. The edits to do it are: {Remove the constraint} [65:15-16] Delete c528 {Target xref more precisely} [77:12] "12.4.1" -> "" {Delete earlier waffle in favor of more precise specification added later (and xrefed right above)} [77:13-18] Delete note 5.21 {This rationale is no longer sufficient, because VALUE can apply to non-C stuff. If we felt a rationale was needed, the C section wouldn't be the right place for it. Just let the normative text stand.} [361:28-30] Delete note 15.16 {Delete incorrect statement.} [447:29-30] Delete the sentence "Note...attribute."