J3-01/394 To: J3 From: Larry Meadows Date: December 5, 2001 Subject: BOZ Constants References: J3-01/324 and lots of others J3 has indicated a desire to change the implementation of BOZ constants in 007-R4 so that they provide some new functionality while not breaking current practice. This paper changes the draft standard to revert to the use of BOZ constants in F95, with the additional ability to use BOZ constants in the type conversion intrinsics REAL, CMPLX, DBLE, or INT. Since DBLE and CMPLX refer to REAL, the edits to the definitions of DBLE and CMPLX are minimal. This paper does not allow definition of both real and imaginary parts of a complex number using a BOZ constant. Edits (007-R4): [35:20-21] Delete [35:19+] Insert the constraint: Cxxx(R408) A boz-literal-constant shall appear only in a DATA statement, as the first argument to the numeric intrinsic functions DBLE, REAL, or INT, or as the first or second argument to the numeric intrinsic function CMPLX. [84:26+] Insert the paragraph: If a data-statement-constant is a boz-literal-constant, the corresponding object shall be of type integer. A data-stmt-constant that is a boz-literal-constant is treated as if the constant were an int-literal-constant with a kind-param that specifies the representation method with the largest decimal exponent range supported by the processor. (allow BOZ constants in CMPLX) [289:25] Insert ", or a boz-literal-constant" before "." [289:26-] Insert ", or a boz-literal-constant" before "." Note to editor: there is no line number for the line before 26. In fact this appears to be a problem for many of the intrinsics in 13, where the description for an argument takes more than one line. (allow BOZ constants in DBLE) [294:13] Insert ", or a boz-literal-constant" before "." (allow BOZ constants in INT) [305:6] Insert ", or a boz-literal-constant" before "." [305:16+] Add a new case: Case (iv): If A is a boz-literal-constant, it is treated as if it were of the integer type that has a kind type parameter that specifies the representation method with the largest decimal exponent range supported by the processor. (allow BOZ constants in REAL) [325:31] Insert ", or a boz-literal-constant" before "." [326:2+] Add a new case: Case (iii): If A is a boz-literal-constant and KIND is present, the kind type parameter is that specified by the value of KIND. If A is a boz-literal-constant and KIND is not present, the kind type parameter is the processor-dependent kind type parameter for the default real type. [326:7+] Add a new case: Case (iii): If A is a boz-literal-constant, the result is equal to TRANSFER(INT(A),M) where M is scalar and of type REAL. If KIND is present, M has the kind type parameter specified by the value of KIND. If KIND is not present, M has the processor-dependent kind type parameter for the default real type.