J3/02-159 To: J3 From: Stan Whitlock Page 1 of 21 Date: 14-Apr-2002 Subject: J3 meeting #160 minutes Minutes of NCITS/J3 Committee Meeting #160 February 25 - March 1, 2002 Las Vegas, Nevada 0. List of papers passed at meeting #160 Here is a list of the paper numbers that passed at meeting #160, including F95 interpretations. The reference is to the latest revision on the ftp server after the meeting, not to the actual revision that was voted upon. The motions below reference the actual revision voted upon. 02-104r1 02-114r1 02-127r2 02-136r2 02-144 02-151r1 02-108r1 02-115r2 02-128r2 02-137r2 02-145 02-152r1 02-109r2 02-116r1 02-129r2 02-138r2 02-146r2 02-153r1 02-110r2 02-117r2 02-130 02-141 02-148r1 02-154r1 02-111r2 02-118r2 02-131r1 02-142r1 02-149 02-155r1 02-112r2 02-119r1 02-132r1 02-143 02-150r2 02-156 02-113r2 02-120r1 The following Fortran 95 interpretations were passed at this J3 meeting: 02-130 == JP-17 02-131r1 == JP-24 1. Monday, February 25, 2002 1.1 Opening business The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am, Monday, February 25, 2002, at the Las Vegas Marriott Residence Inn by Dan Nagle. 1.1.1 Remarks from the chair This is our last chance to put in changes and resolve J3 notes. 1.1.2 Adoption of agenda ** motion: adopt the agenda for meeting #160 as amended (moved by Dedo/seconded by Hendrickson) - passed by unanimous consent (u.c.) The final agenda is in Appendix A. 14-Apr-2002 Page 2 of 21 02-159 1.1.3 Approval of Meeting 159 minutes ** motion: adopt the minutes (01-404) of meeting #159 (Whitlock/Hendrickson) - u.c. 01-404 was not on the server but was distributed by e-mail. The Librarian put 01-404 on the server during the meeting. 1.1.4 NCITS/OMC report by D. Nagle - nothing to report. 1.1.5 ISO/WG5 report by V. Snyder ** motion: In favor of document SC22/N3344 Draft Corrigendum 2 for ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997(E) (Fortran 95) (Dedo/ Snyder) - passed 12-0 on a USTag vote The Enhanced Module TR passed SC22. 1.1.6 H2 liaison report by C. Dedo - nothing to report. 1.1.7 Treasurer's report by M. North As of last meeting after all expenses, $3096.34 balance. Meeting fee for this meeting is $50.00. 1.1.8 Beginning membership report by K. Hirchert Members present or represented: Rich Bleikamp, Rich Maine (alternate for Malcom Cohen), Craig Dedo, Dick Hendrickson, Kurt Hirchert, Bill Long, Jeanne Martin, Larry Meadows, Dan Nagle, Mallory North, Walt Brainerd (alternate for Brian Smith), Van Snyder, Matthijs van Waveren (and his alternate Toon Moene), Stan Whitlock. Members absent: Compaq Total membership at the beginning of the meeting is 15. There are 16 attendees, 14 members present or represented. A majority is 8 and quorum is 5. Rob James from IBM Toronto is a guest - he will be IBM's representative. If Compaq is not represented at this meeting, they will lose membership. No letter ballot results were recoreded between meetings. See appendix E for details. 14-Apr-2002 Page 3 of 21 02-159 1.1.9 Local arrangements by M. North - described but not recorded. 1.1.10 Comments from members - not recorded. 1.2 Subgroup organization Technical subgroups will meet and dispatch their work as early in the week as posisble: /interop: Larry Meadows (head), Walt Brainerd, Bill Long, Toon Moene Need to work on paper 02-137 "Dynamic Arrays and Interfacing with C" by J. Reid. We will continue to follow the work plan laid out in 01-199: Group A is /JOR: chapters 13 through end Stan Whitlock (head), Rich Bleikamp, Craig Dedo, Dick Hendrickson, Dan Nagle Papers to consider this week: 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128, 136, 138 Issues to work on this week: 351, 353, 346, 342, 347, 352, 341 Group B is /data: Beginning through chapter 7 Kurt Hirchert (head), Jeanne Martin, Van Snyder, Matthijs van Waveren Papers to consider this week: 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 122, 123, 129, 133, 134 Issues to work on this week: 340, 349, 348, 335, 334, 354 Group C is /interop: chapters 8 through 12 Larry Meadows (head), Walt Brainerd, Bill Long, Toon Moene Group C will initially work as /interop on Reid's paper Papers to consider this week: 104r1, 106, 107, 114, 115, 124, 132 Issues to work on this week: 350, 343, 356, 355, 344, 345 The editor is Rich Maine Papers to consider this week: 105, 121, 135 14-Apr-2002 Page 4 of 21 02-159 1.3 F95 interpretation organization /interp: Stan Whitlock (head), Rich Bleikamp Papers to consider this week: 130, 131 1.4 Subgroup meetings - Plenary recessed until 4:30 pm. 1.5 Subgroup reports - Plenary reconvened at 4:30 pm. The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was reviewed. Plenary recessed until 8:00 am Tuesday. 2. Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2.1 F2000 Plenary - Plenary reconvened at 8:00 am. Group A: ** motion: paper 02-126r1 (Whitlock/Dedo) as amended straw vote: #7: withdraw - leave as-is - undecided? 7-3-6 => withdraw #7 vote on the main motion as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-127r1 (Whitlock/Hendrickson) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-119 (Whitlock/Dedo) - u.c. {although amended, there will be no post-meeting r1} Group B - nothing to report Group C: ** motion: paper 02-137r1 (Meadows/van Waveren) as amended straw vote: use the term target - pointer - undecided? 9-3-3 => Dan will propose words {see 02-142} vote on the main motion as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} Chairman: ** motion: paper 02-140 (Nagle/Dedo) - failed 4-6 14-Apr-2002 Page 5 of 21 02-159 2.2 F95 interpretation processing ** motion: paper 02-130 interp JP-17 (Whitlock/Dedo) - passed 12-1 ** motion: paper 02-131 interp JP-24 (Whitlock/Hendrickson) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} 2.3 Tutorials - none given 2.4 Subgroup meetings - Plenary recessed until 5:00 pm. 2.5 Subgroup reports - Plenary reconvened at 5:00 pm. The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was reviewed. Plenary recessed until 8:00 am Wednesday. 3. Wednesday, February 27, 2002 3.1 F2000 Plenary - Plenary reconvened at 8:00 am. Group A: ** motion: paper 02-116r1 (Whitlock/Dedo) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-117r1 (Whitlock/Dedo) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-118r1 (Whitlock/Dedo) - withdrawn ** motion: paper 02-128r1 (Whitlock/Hendrickson) - withdrawn The question of whether SAME_TYPE_AS should return .TRUE. or .FALSE. when an unlimited polymorphic is an unallocated allocatable or a disassociated pointer was referred to /data. Group B: ** motion: paper 02-108r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-109r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-129r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended amendment by Dedo to remove part 4 failed for lack of a second. 14-Apr-2002 Page 6 of 21 02-159 vote on the main motion as amended: passed 13-1 {post-meeting r2} Paper 02-141 will be passed on to the editor. Group C: Paper 02-143 will be passed on to the editor. ** motion: paper 02-114 (Meadows/Brainerd) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} ** motion: paper 02-144 (Meadows/Brainerd) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-145 (Meadows/Dedo) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-142 (Meadows/Brainerd) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} ** motion: paper 02-146 (Meadows/Brainerd) - failed 3-10 Van: ** motion: paper 02-104r1 (Dedo/Snyder) - passed 9-4 3.2 F95 interpretation processing - nothing to do. 3.3 Tutorials - none given. 3.4 Subgroup meetings - Plenary recessed until 5:00 pm. 3.5 Subgroup reports - Plenary reconvened at 5:00 pm. Group C will take no action on paper 02-124. The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was reviewed. Plenary recessed until 8:00 am Thursday. 4. Thursday, February 28, 2002 4.1 F2000 Plenary - Plenary reconvened at 8:00 am. Group A: ** motion: paper 02-118r2 (Whitlock/Dedo) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-128r2 (Whitlock/Dedo) - u.c. 14-Apr-2002 Page 7 of 21 02-159 ** motion: paper 02-136r1 (Whitlock/Dedo) straw vote: leave constructs in chapter 4 - move to chapter 15 - undecided? 1-10-4 vote on the main motion as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-138r1 (Whitlock/Hendrickson) as amended straw vote: in #34, can IEEE_SUPPORT_*() if IEEE_SUPPORT_DATA_TYPE() == .FALSE.? {yes-no-undecided} 2-6-8 vote on the main motion as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-149 (Whitlock/Bleikamp) - u.c. Group B: ** motion: paper 02-110r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-111r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-112r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) sections 1 & 2 as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} straw vote: in section 4, should F2K specify the precision of constants in source? {yes-no-undecided} 4-7-5 ** motion: paper 02-113r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-147 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended straw vote: add list of names to CONTEXT? {yes-no- undecided} 12-0-4 vote on the main motion as amended: failed 4-10 Group C: ** motion: paper 02-132 (Meadows/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} ** motion: paper 02-115r1 (Meadows/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} ** motion: paper 02-148 (Meadows/Long) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} 14-Apr-2002 Page 8 of 21 02-159 ** motion: paper 02-146r1 (Meadows/Brainerd) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} 4.2 F95 interpretation processing - nothing to do. 4.3 Tutorials - none given 4.4 Subgroup meetings - Plenary recessed until 5:00 pm. 4.5 Subgroup reports - Plenary reconvened at 5:00 pm. /interp: Paper 157 will be interp #98 Host: J3 decided that Mallory should cancel all contracts with AmeriSuites and that J3 will continue to meet at the Residence Inn Marriott Librarian: Standing document 02-002 will be "LaTex Document Class for J3" J3: The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was reviewed. Plenary recessed until 8:00 am Friday. 5. Friday, March 1, 2002 Minutes kindness of Rich Bleikamp 5.1 F2000 Plenary - Plenary reconvened at 8:00 am. Group A: ** motion: paper 02-155 (Bleikamp/Meadows) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} Group B: ** motion: paper 02-120r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-150r1 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r2} 14-Apr-2002 Page 9 of 21 02-159 ** motion: paper 02-151 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} ** motion: paper 02-152r1 (Hirchert/Maine) - passed 10-3 ** motion: paper 02-153 (Hirchert/Snyder) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} Group C: ** motion: paper 02-154 (Meadows/Moene) as amended - u.c. {post-meeting r1} ** motion: paper 02-156 (Meadows/Long) "main proposal", not the alternative - u.c. ** motion: paper 02-107r1 (Meadows/Snyder) - withdrawn Group C will take no action on paper 02-106r1. 5.2 F95 interpretation processing - nothing to do. 5.3 Closing business 5.3.1 Review of action items - none 5.3.2 Future meetings Next J3 meeting (#161), here (Las Vegas) May 13-17, Marriot Residence Inn, 3 rooms available Saturday, rest on Sunday. 5.3.3 Treasurer's report - see paper 02-158 Received $800, spent $241.29. Need suggestions for the social event for the WG5 meeting. Meeting fee remains $50. 5.3.4 Closing membership report - see Appendix E IBM (Rob) intends to join. Compaq loses membership effective 3/1/2002. IBM joining so membership number stays the same. 5.3.5 Comments from members Editor: started with 19 unresolved issues, only one old one left, and two or three new ones. Minutes for meeting will be paper 02-159. 14-Apr-2002 Page 10 of 21 02-159 Mallory needs electronic copies of all papers and revisions. For next meeting, everybody reads everything. 5.3.6 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:09am, March 1, 2002. ********************************************************************** Appendix A: Final Agenda for J3 Meeting 160 =============================== 1. Monday, February 25, 2002 8:30 am ------------------------------------- 1.1 Opening business D. Nagle Remarks from the chair D. Nagle Adoption of agenda D. Nagle Approval of Meeting 159 minutes D. Nagle NCITS/OMC report (if any) D. Nagle ISO/WG5 report Van Snyder, IR H2 Liaison report (if any) C. Dedo Treasurer's report M. North Beginning membership report K. Hirchert Local arrangements M. North Comments from members 1.2 Subgroup organization D. Nagle 1.3 F95 interpretation organization S. Whitlock 1.4 Subgroup meetings 1.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 2. Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:00 am -------------------------------------- 2.1 F2000 Plenary (00-010) Subgroup Heads 2.2 F95 interpretation processing (00-006) S. Whitlock 2.3 Tutorials (if needed) 2.4 Subgroup meetings 2.5 Subgroup reports (5:00 pm) 3. Wednesday, February 27, 2002 8:00 am ---------------------------------------- 3.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup Heads 3.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 3.3 Tutorials (if needed) 3.4 Subgroup meetings 3.5 Subgroup reports (5:00 pm) 14-Apr-2002 Page 11 of 21 02-159 4. Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:00 am --------------------------------------- 4.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup Heads 4.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 4.3 Tutorials (if needed) 4.4 Subgroup meetings 4.5 Subgroup reports (5:00 pm) 4.6 TAG meeting (not needed) Van Snyder, IR 5. Friday, March 1, 2002 8:00 am --------------------------------- 5.1 F2000 Plenary Subgroup heads 5.2 F95 interpretation processing S. Whitlock 5.3 Closing business Review of action items (if any) Future meetings M. North Treasurer's report M. North Closing membership report K. Hirchert Comments from members Adjournment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-Apr-2002 Page 12 of 21 02-159 Appendix B: J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR 2002 J3/02-000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR 2001 02-000.TXT Revised March 20, 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp site: ftp://ftp.j3-fortran.org/j3/doc/year/02 J3 World Wide Web site URL: http://www.j3-fortran.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Standing Documents Paper Number Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/02-000 Register of Documents J3/02-001 Membership List J3/02-002 LaTeX Document Class for J3 (see J3/02-121) J3/02-003 J3 Member References J3/02-004 Journal of Requirements J3/02-005 J3 Resolutions and Responses to WG5 Resolutions J3/02-006 Defect Report J3/02-007 Draft Revision to Fortran 2000 J3/02-008 Editorial Considerations for F2000 Draft Review J3/02-009 Technical Proposals for Future Revisions J3/02-010 J3 Work Plan J3/02-011 Editor's List of Unresolved Issues J3/02-012 Friends of J3 J3/02-013 - J3/02-100 are unassigned ---------------------------------------------------------------------- II. 2002 Papers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 160 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 1, 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/02-007 020114 Maine Draft revision to Fortran 2000 tex,ps,txt,pdf J3/02-011 020114 Maine Editor's list of unresolved issues txt J3/02-101 020114 Maine Edits incorporated in 02-007 txt J3/02-102 020114 Maine Changes to list of unresolved issues txt J3/02-103 020114 Maine Unresolved issue index txt J3/02-104 020118 Snyder Seven characters defined by the C ps,tex standard need names 14-Apr-2002 Page 13 of 21 02-159 J3/02-104r1 020213 Snyder Seven characters defined by the C ps,tex standard need names J3/02-105 020207 Snyder General comments -- for the editor ps,tex J3/02-106 020207 Snyder Abstract interfaces are unnecessary ps,tex J3/02-106r1 020228 Snyder Abstract interfaces are unnecessary txt,ps,tex J3/02-107 020207 Snyder Comments on interface bodies and ps,tex external procedures J3/02-107r1 020228 Snyder Comments on interface bodies and txt external procedures J3/02-108 020207 Snyder Comments on the Foreword and ps,tex Introduction J3/02-108r1 020226 Snyder Comments on the Foreword and ps,tex Introduction J3/02-109 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 1 ps,tex J3/02-109r1 020226 Snyder Comments on Section 1, Unresolved ps,tex issue 340 J3/02-109r2 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 1, Unresolved ps,tex issue 340 J3/02-110 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 2, Unresolved ps,tex issue 349 J3/02-110r1 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 2, Unresolved ps,tex issue 349 J3/02-110r2 020228 Snyder Comments on Section 2, Unresolved ps,tex issue 349 J3/02-111 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 3 ps,tex J3/02-111r1 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 3 ps,tex J3/02-111r2 020228 Snyder Comments on Section 3 ps,tex J3/02-112 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 4 ps,tex J3/02-112r1 020226 Snyder Comments on Section 4 ps,tex J3/02-112r2 020228 Snyder Comments on Section 4 ps,tex J3/02-113 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 5, Unresolved ps,tex issue 348 J3/02-113r1 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 5, Unresolved ps,tex issue 348 J3/02-113r2 020228 Snyder Comments on Section 5, Unresolved ps,tex issue 348 J3/02-114 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 11 ps,tex J3/02-114r1 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 11 ps,tex 14-Apr-2002 Page 14 of 21 02-159 J3/02-115 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 12 ps,tex J3/02-115r1 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 12 txt,ps,tex J3/02-115r2 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 12 txt J3/02-116 020207 Snyder Comments on Sections 13 and 14 ps,tex J3/02-116r1 020226 Snyder Comments on Sections 13 and 14 txt J3/02-117 020207 Snyder Comments on Section 16 ps,tex J3/02-117r1 020226 Snyder Comments on Section 16 txt,ps,tex J3/02-117r2 020227 Subgroup A Comments on Section 16 txt J3/02-118 020207 Snyder Comments on Annex A ps,tex J3/02-118r1 020226 Subgroup A Comments on Annex A txt J3/02-118r2 020227 Subgroup A Comments on Annex A txt J3/02-119 020207 Snyder Unresolved issue 352 (the one in ps,tex Annex C) J3/02-120 020207 Snyder Unresolved issue 354 ps,tex J3/02-120r1 020228 Snyder Unresolved issue 354 ps,tex J3/02-121 020207 Snyder LaTeX document class for J3 ps,tex J3/02-122 020207 Hendrickson Update to 01-375 Chapter 4 comments txt J3/02-123 020207 Hendrickson Update to 01-377 Chapter 7 comments txt J3/02-124 020207 Hendrickson Update to 01-386 Questions about txt associated in CH 8 J3/02-125 020207 Hendrickson Minor typos txt J3/02-126 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, editorial txt J3/02-126r1 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, editorial txt,doc J3/02-126r2 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, editorial txt,doc J3/02-127 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, minor technical changes txt J3/02-127r1 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, minor technical changes txt,doc J3/02-127r2 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, minor technical changes txt,doc 14-Apr-2002 Page 15 of 21 02-159 J3/02-128 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, questions about intent txt and meaning J3/02-128r1 020208 Hendrickson Chapter 13, questions about intent txt,doc and meaning J3/02-128r2 020227 Hendrickson Chapter 13, questions about intent txt,doc and meaning J3/02-129 020208 Snyder Comments on Section 7 ps,txt J3/02-129r1 020226 Snyder Comments on Section 7, Unresolved ps,tex issues 334 and 335 J3/02-129r2 020227 Snyder Comments on Section 7, Unresolved ps,tex issues 334 and 335 J3/02-130 020208 Whitlock J3 reconsideration of F95 Interp txt JP-17 J3/02-131 020212 Whitlock J3 reconsideration of F95 Interp txt JP-24 J3/02-131r1 020309 Whitlock J3 reconsideration of F95 Interp txt JP-24 J3/02-132 020213 Snyder On Walt's observations about eof, ps,tex err, eor arguments of DTIO procedures J3/02-132r1 020228 Snyder On Walt's observations about eof, ps,tex err, eor arguments of DTIO procedures J3/02-133 020217 Brainerd Typos and minor wording txt J3/02-134 020217 Brainerd Some concerns txt J3/02-135 020220 Hendrickson Minor spelling and wording edits txt J3/02-136 020221 Reid Edits re interfacing with C txt J3/02-136r1 020227 Maine Issues 341, 342, 345, 346, and 347 txt J3/02-136r2 020228 Maine Issues 341, 342, 345, and 346 txt J3/02-137 020221 Reid Dynamic arrays and interfacing with C txt J3/02-137r1 020225 /Interop Dynamic arrays and interfacing with C txt J3/02-137r2 020225 /Interop Dynamic arrays and interfacing with C txt J3/02-138 020222 Hendrickson Chapter 14 comments txt J3/02-138r1 020222 Hendrickson Chapter 14 comments txt,doc J3/02-138r2 020228 Hendrickson Chapter 14 comments txt,doc J3/02-139 020225 Nagle Distribution of Unresolved Issues & txt Papers J3/02-140 020225 Nagle Document a Companion Processor txt 14-Apr-2002 Page 16 of 21 02-159 J3/02-141 020226 Snyder The term "type-compatible" shouldn't ps,tex be hyphenated J3/02-142 020226 Nagle Add Note Re Fortran Target v. C txt Pointer Reference J3/02-142r1 020226 Nagle Add Note Re Fortran Target v. C txt Pointer Reference J3/02-143 020226 Long Sections 8-12 Typos txt J3/02-144 020225 Meadows Misc edits in Sections 8-12 txt J3/02-145 020226 Meadows Restructuring of Section 8.1.4 txt J3/02-146 020226 Brainerd Unresolved issues 355 and 356 txt J3/02-146r1 020227 Brainerd Unresolved issues 355 and 356 txt J3/02-146r2 020228 Brainerd Unresolved issues 355 and 356 txt J3/02-147 020226 Hirchert CONTEXT Specs, Syntax, and Edits txt J3/02-148 020227 Meadows Misc issues in Sections 8-12 txt J3/02-148r1 020227 Meadows Misc issues in Sections 8-12 txt J3/02-149 020227 Bleikamp ISO_C_BINDING Named Constants + Misc. txt J3/02-150 020227 Snyder Define the declared type of unlimited ps,tex polymorphic entities J3/02-150r1 020228 Snyder Define the declared type of unlimited ps,tex polymorphic entities J3/02-150r2 020301 Snyder Define the declared type of unlimited ps,tex polymorphic entities J3/02-151 020227 Hirchert NULL() Initialization txt J3/02-151r1 010301 Hirchert NULL() Initialization txt J3/02-152 020227 Hirchert Specific or nongeneric? txt J3/02-152r1 020228 Hirchert Specific or nongeneric? txt J3/02-153 020228 Snyder Comments on Section 6 ps,tex J3/02-153r1 020301 Snyder Comments on Section 6 ps,tex J3/02-154 020228 Moene Unresolved issues 350 and 343 txt J3/02-154r1 020301 Moene Unresolved issues 350 and 343 txt J3/02-155 020228 Bleikamp BOZ: Issue 351 txt 14-Apr-2002 Page 17 of 21 02-159 J3/02-155r1 020301 Bleikamp BOZ: Issue 351 txt J3/02-156 020227 Meadows Unresolved issue 344, rounding modes, txt J3/02-157 020309 Whitlock Interp # 98: Assumed-len char dummy txt functions J3/02-158 020301 North Meeting 160 Treasurer's Report txt J3/02-159 020301 Whitlock Meeting 160 Minutes txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Future Meetings and Distribution Meeting Conventions: - Four meetings per year - Attempt to schedule second full week of the month - Attempt to schedule meeting contiguous with WG5 annual meeting Future meeting schedule: 161 May 13 - 17, 2002, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: April 29, 2002 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic 162 August 11 - 16, 2002, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: July 28, 2002 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Note: Joint meeting with WG5 163 November 11 - 15, 2002, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: October 28, 2002 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Committee materials availability: Agenda and meeting notice available at the J3 web site and from the J3 ftp server. Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail. 14-Apr-2002 Page 18 of 21 02-159 REQUIREMENT: Distribution 4 weeks prior to meeting (SD-2 4.3.3) Pre- and post-meeting distribution available at the J3 ftp and web sites. Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail. REQUIREMENT: Distribution of premeeting 2 weeks prior to meeting. (documents for action - two week rule: SD-2 4.3.4:1) Meeting minutes are available at the J3 web and ftp sites. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp site: ftp://ftp.j3-fortran.org/j3 J3 World Wide Web site URL: http://www.j3-fortran.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** Appendix D: Committee Organization D.1 Officers and Management Chair D. Nagle International Rep. V. Snyder Secretary S. Whitlock Treasurer M. North Librarian M. North Editor R. Maine (WG5 appointment) Maintenance S. Whitlock Vocabulary Rep. K. Hirchert Future Meetings M. North Membership List K. Hirchert H2 Liaison C. Dedo D.2 Subgroups JOR: Responsible for the maintenance of the Journal of Development (standing document 004) and managing the following Fortran 2000 requirements: R.1, R.2, R.8, and all MTE and B items. S. Whitlock (head), R. Bleikamp, C. Dedo, D. Hendrickson, D. Nagle DATA: Responsible for language design topics related to data and data structures; manages the following Fortran 2000 requirements: R3, R5, R6, and R7. 14-Apr-2002 Page 19 of 21 02-159 M. Cohen (head), K. Hirchert, R. Maine, J. Martin, V. Snyder INTEROP: Responsible for R9 (interoperability with C) L. Meadows (head), W. Brainerd, B. Long, R. Maine, M. van Waveren {Toon Moene} INTERP: Responsible for evaluating interpretation requests, providing responses to such requests, and maintaining standing document 006. S. Whitlock (head), R. Bleikamp, M. Cohen 14-Apr-2002 Page 20 of 21 02-159 Appendix E: Membership summary J3 Meeting Attendance (Principal Members) Meeting # 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Location (state) NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV Date (month year) 11 02 05 09 12 03 06 08 12 02 99 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 02 Name Affiliation Bleikamp, R HP A** V V V A V A** V A** V Cohen, M NAG V V R V V V V V A R (Compaq rep) Compaq RP RP RP RP RP RP RP A A** A*** Dedo, C self V V V V V V V V V V Hendrickson, D self V V V A V A** V V V V Hirchert, K U of IL Q V V V V V V V Hirchert, K U of KY V V Q Long, W Cray RP RP RP RP RP RP V V V V Martin, J self V V V Meadows, L Sun RP RP V V V V V V V V Nagle, D self V V V V V V V V V V North, M Rose-Hulman V V V V V V V V V V Smith, B U of NM A** R R R R A R A** R** R Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V V van Waveren, M Fujitsu V R V A A** R** V R A V Whitlock, S Intel P A RP R RP R A V V V J3 Letter Ballot Participation (Principal Members) Meeting # 152a 153a 154a 155a 156a 157a 158a Date (month year) 05 07 11 03 05 07 10 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 Name Affiliation Bleikamp, R HP V V V V V V V Cohen, M NAG V V V R V V V (Compaq rep) Compaq RP RP RP RP RP RP A Dedo, C self V V V V V V V Hendrickson, D self V V V V V V V Hirchert, K U of IL V V V V V Hirchert, K U of KY V V Long, W Cray RP RP RP RP V V V Martin, J self A Meadows, L Sun RP V V V V V V Martin, J self A Nagle, D self V V V V V V V North, M Rose-Hulman V V V V V V V Smith, B U of NM R R R R A R A** Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V van Waveren, M Fujitsu V V R V V V V Whitlock, S Intel E RP RP RP RP RP V 14-Apr-2002 Page 21 of 21 02-159 V present and voting other voting attendees: R absent but represented W Brainerd, alternate for B Smith A absent and not represented R Maine, alternate for M Cohen P present and not voting RP represented by previous member non-voting attendees: E Excused T Moene, alternate for M van Waveren Q Resigned R James, observer from IBM ** missed 2 of last 3 meetings *** lost membership Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 160 15 Majority 8 Quorum 5 Total Membership at end of Meeting 160 15 Total Members Attended or Represented at 160 14 Total Attendees at Meeting 160 16 membership changes since last meeting: The Compaq membership lapsed for nonparticipation at the end of meeting 160. IBM expressed its intention to join. ************************************************************************ Appendix F: Membership Roster The Membership Roster is not reproduced here. The current Membership Roster may be found in ftp://j3-fortran.org/j3/doc/standing/02-001.html and ftp://j3-fortran.org/j3/doc/standing/02-001.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------