02-243r1 To: J3 From: John Reid Subject: Edits for sections 7 to 10 Date: 6 August 2002 124:17. Change 'x_2 match those of d_2' to 'd_2 match the corresponding type parameters of x_2'. [x_2 may be an extension of d_2.] 124:36. Change 'x_1 and x_2 match those of d_1 and d_2' to 'd_1 and d_2 match the corresponding type parameters of x_1 and x_2'. 128:24-25. Change sentece to An <> is an expression with limitations that ensure that its value cannot change. [The list is incomplete - better to avoid such a list.] 144:18. Change 'x_1 and x_2 match those of d_1 and d_2' to 'd_1 and d_2 match the corresponding type parameters of x_1 and x_2'. 163:10. After 'causes' add 'execution of its followed by'. 164:11+ (TECHNICAL CHANGE). Replace the note by C810a (R822) The form selector> shall be used if is not a named variable. [The text on page 165 does not work if there is no and is not named. Also, I took a long time (unsuccessfully) trying to understand exactly what the note meant.] 179:10. After ';' add 'if the stream or record file is unformatted,'. [A stream file may be formatted.] 198:20-21. Change 'The' to 'On input from a file connected for sequential or direct access, the' and move the sentence to make a new paragraph at line 24+. [This does not apply to stream access and is among statements that refer to both input and output.] 200:16-17. Delete 'shall not process those derived-type list items as described in 9.5.2. Instead, it'. [Very confusing since 9.5.2 mentions this form of processing. There are already enough words in 9.5.2 to make any extra restriction here unnecessary.] 203:10-11. Change '(or some portion thereof)' to '(or a portion thereof if the type of the item is an extension of the type of <>)'. 216:19-22 (TECHNICAL CHANGE). Replace by If the output list in an INQUIRE statement contains an effective item that requires a user-defined derived-type input/output procedure as described in section 9.5.2, every effective item in the list shall have a defined value. [This means that the implementor has only to perform actual i/o to a buffer and count the file storage units.] 218:27. Delete ', or an input/output statement that references an external unit, '. [Wrong, but done correctly in 9.11.] 218:28+. Change '7.1.8' to '(7.1.8)' 219:25+. Delete NOTE 9.65. [Already present as NOTE 9.64.]