************************************************** J3/03-113r2 Date: 02 April 2003 (J3 meeting 164) To: J3 From: Aleksandar Donev Subject: Reinstating Deferred Bindings via Abstract Types Reference: Based on J3/02-296r3, also see J3/02-271r1 ************************************************** ______________________________________ Summary ______________________________________ See J3/03-113r2 for details. We propose to: 1. Add the DEFERRED attribute for a specific binding. 2. Require the ABSTRACT attribute for a type with a deferred binding. 3. Allow () to specify the deferred binding interface. 4. Ensure that no object has an abstract dynamic type. ______________________________________ Edits to J3-007R3 + J3/03-166 ______________________________________ [42:3+] Add: or ABSTRACT [42:9+] Add: C417a (R423) If the type definition contains or inherits ( a deferred binding (4.5.4), ABSTRACT shall appear. C417b (R423) If ABSTRACT appears, the type shall be extensible. [52:12-13] Delete. {Reworded version appears below at [53:22+]} [52:14] Replace PROCEDURE with: PROCEDURE [()] [52:16+] Add constraint: C446a (R444) If => appears, shall not appear. [52:17-18] Replace "If...appeared" by: If neither => nor appears, it is as though => had appeared [53:11+] Add: or DEFERRED [53:18+] Add: C454a (R444) NON_OVERRIDABLE and DEFERRED shall not both appear in the same . C454b (R444) DEFERRED shall appear if and only if appears. [53:22+] Add: C456a (R444) An overriding binding shall have the DEFERRED attribute only if the binding it overrides is deferred. C456b (R444) A binding shall not override ( an inherited binding ( that has the NON_OVERRIDABLE attribute. {This is a constraint version of [58:11]} [53:30] Add to end of paragraph: A binding that specifies the DEFERRED attribute is a <>. A deferred binding shall appear only in an abstract type. [53:31] Add to the end of the sentence: or the interface specified by [56:11+] Add: An <> is a type that has the ABSTRACT attribute. Add NOTE 4.52a: A deferred bindings (4.5.4) defers the implementation of a type-bound procedure to extensions of the type, and can appear only in an abstract type. The dynamic type of an object cannot be abstract; therefore, a deferred binding cannot be invoked. An extension of an abstract type need not be abstract if it has no deferred bindings. A short example of an abstract type is: TYPE, ABSTRACT :: FILE_HANDLE CONTAINS PROCEDURE(OPEN_FILE), DEFERRED, PASS(HANDLE) :: OPEN ... END TYPE An extended example can be found in section C1.3a. TYPE, ABSTRACT :: FILE_HANDLE CONTAINS PROCEDURE(OPEN_FILE), DEFERRED, PASS(HANDLE) :: OPEN ... END TYPE [58:11] Delete {This should be a constraint} [59:9+] Add: C453a (R451) The shall not specify an abstract type (4.5.3). [67:24+] Add: C503a (R503) The shall not specify an abstract type (4.5.3). {This prohibits TYPE(abstract-type), but not CLASS(abstract-type).} [103:3+] Add constraint: C611a (R612) In a , if the rightmost is of abstract type, shall be polymorphic. [415:6+] Add glossary entry: <> (4.5.7): A type that has the ABSTRACT attribute. A nonpolymorphic object shall not be declared to be of abstract type. A polymorphic object shall not be constructed or allocated to have a dynamic abstract type. [418:6+] Add glossary entry: <> (4.5.4): A binding with the DEFERRED attribute (4.5.4). A deferred binding shall appear only in an abstract type (4.5.3). [433:37+] Add new section with example: C1.3a Abstract Types. The following defines an object that can be displayed in an X window: TYPE, ABSTRACT :: DRAWABLE_OBJECT REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: RGB_COLOR=(/1.0,1.0,1.0/) ! White REAL, DIMENSION(2) :: POSITION=(/0.0,0.0/) ! Centroid CONTAINS PROCEDURE(RENDER_X), PASS(OBJECT) :: RENDER END TYPE DRAWABLE_OBJECT ABSTRACT INTERFACE SUBROUTINE RENDER_X(OBJECT, WINDOW) CLASS(DRAWABLE_OBJECT), INTENT(IN) :: OBJECT CLASS(X_WINDOW), INTENT(INOUT) :: WINDOW END SUBROUTINE RENDER_X END INTERFACE We can declare a nonabstract type by extending the abstract type: TYPE, EXTENDS(DRAWABLE_OBJECT) :: DRAWABLE_TRIANGLE ! Not ABSTRACT REAL, DIMENSION(2,3) :: VERTICES ! In relation to centeroid CONTAINS PROCEDURE, PASS(TRIANGLE) :: RENDER=>RENDER_TRIANGLE_X ! Not shown here END TYPE DRAWABLE_TRIANGLE The actual drawing procedure will draw a triangle in WINDOW with vertices at x coordinates TRIANGLE%POSITION(1)+TRIANGLE%VERTICES(1,:) and y coordinates TRIANGLE%POSITION(2)+TRIANGLE%VERTICES(2,:): SUBROUTINE RENDER_TRIANGLE_X(TRIANGLE, WINDOW) CLASS(DRAWABLE_TRIANGLE), INTENT(IN) :: TRIANGLE CLASS(X_WINDOW), INTENT(INOUT) :: WINDOW ... END SUBROUTINE RENDER_TRIANGLE_X