J3/03-119r1 To: J3 From: UK Fortran panel Subject: Edits for UK comment TC8 (Remove TYPEALIAS) Date: 1 April 2003 Revised by: Van Snyder Comment TC8 of the UK vote was: TC8 Remove the TYPEALIAS facility This complicates the language and adds little benefit. Since the ENUM definition makes use of TYPEALIAS, an alternative definition for ENUM is provided that does not depend on TYPEALIAS. Edits within Subclase 4.5 apply to 03-166; otherwise edits apply to 02-007r3. 10:9 and elsewhere (i.e. 61:18, 62:15 (twice), 62:27, 62:29, 63:1). Change every occurrence of 'enum-alias-def' to 'enum-def'. 10:15. Delete line 14:0+ Table 2.1. Delete "type alias definitions," 14:0+ Table 2.2 Notes: Delete "type alias statements, " 45:0+ Note 4.24 line 2. Delete "to type-alias names or" 56:9+ Note 4.47 line 1. Delete "a type-alias name or" 58:19. Delete line 58:22-23. Delete constraint C463 61:1-13. Delete section 4.6 and Note 4.59 61:15. Change first sentence to An enumeration is a set of enumerators. 61:16. Replace "a" by "its". 61:22. Delete ':: type-alias-name'. 62:4. Delete '[type-alias-name]'. 62:7-8. Delete constraint. 62:9-11. Replace "The ... specified'' by "For an enumeration". {This overrides edits to these lines in 03-142r1; 62:11-18 should still be exdented, as specified in 03-142r1.} 62:21. Delete 'with type type-alias-name and'. 63:1+. In NOTE 4.63, replace the last two lines by INTEGER (SELECTED_INT_KIND (2)), PARAMETER :: RED = 4, BLUE = 9, YELLOW = 10 67:23-24. Delete lines, including constraint C503 247:16. Delete "type aliases, " 381:10 Replace "enumerations (4.7), and type aliases (4.6)" by "and enumerations (4.7)" 386:2. Delete " or shall be a type alias name" 396:6. Delete "type aliases, " 401:24. Delete bullet point (15) 419:6. Delete "type alias, " 471:6. Delete line 471:12. Delete "SENDTYPE, " 471:18. Delete line 471:31-34. Delete paragraph 471:35. Replace "fourth" by "third" 472:3. Delete line 472:8. Delete "SENDTYPE, " 472:20-22. Delete paragraph 472:23. Replace "fourth" by "third"