4 March 2004 J3/04-269 Subject: Proposed changes to EM TR 19767 From: EM Subgroup / Van Snyder Page and line numbers refer to N1581 (which appears to have slightly different line numbers from 04-260!). [2:39] To remove the possibility of a perverse reading, insert "in" before "one". [6:2+] "In the first, third and fifth lines of the first paragraph of subclause 2.3.3, insert ', ' after '' three times." [6:7, 6:9, 6:10, 6:13, 6:14] Replace "and" with ", and within". [6:19] Replace "or" with ", or within". [7:2-3] Replace "C1109" by "C1110" twice. [8:17-20 (8:18-21 in 04-260)] Delete constraint C1237a, the description of where it was proposed to insert it into the FCD, and the note to WG5. [10:20+] "In the fifth line of the first paragraph of subclause, insert ', module procedure interfaces' after 'abstract interfaces'."