J3/04-270 Date: 4 Mar 2004 To: J3 From: Richard Maine Subject: Collected FCD edits from meeting 167 The following suggested edits to the FCD were passed at J3 meeting 167. These are in addition to those edits in paper 03-280, which was the US country position. J3 paper numbers are noted in parens. Typos and editorial errors [298:7 lines from bottom] Insert a bullet before "char". (04-228) [397:2] Delete "a" (04-234) [409:18] Insert "or " before the period. (04-238) [262:Note 12.9 first line] "operators" -> "operations". (04-222) [403:30] Add "of a procedure" after "binding label". (04-268) Pointer objects (04-268) [74:4],[81:9],[423:34] Delete " or" [74:4+],[81:9+],[423:34+] Insert new item "(x.5) A or in a ," [304:24] "" -> " or " Clarification [285:3] "in an interface block" -> "by an interface body or procedure declaration statement" (04-222r1) Technical errors Pending I/O identifier (04-222) [206:9],[210:21] "" -> "" Corresponding changes in D.1 are automatic. [206:18],[213:2] "variable" -> "expression" Specific intrinsics and KIND arguments (04-228r1) [298:16+] Insert new para "In those cases where the corresponding generic function has an optional dummy argument named KIND, the specific function omits that argument. The special meaning of the KIND argument is fundamentally a generic concept." Intent and construct association (04-264) [161:19] Remove "INTENT,".