J3/05-016 Completed Fortran 2003 Interpretations, October 25, 2005 Stan Whitlock for /interp > includes the Fortran 2003 interps that make up Technical Corrigendum > #1 (see N1636/N1640) [keep this text document to 70 characters per line]................... Table of Contents Part 0 contains the summary status of the Fortran interpretations contained herein Part 1 contains Fortran 90 and Fortran 95 interpretations that are included in F2003 Corrigendum #1 Part 2 contains F2003 interpretations that are included in the F2003 Technical Corrigenda ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== Part 0: Summary Status of these Fortran Interpretations ====================================================================== Note N: d == done {if S = C1 | C2 | T1 then done is assumed} * == active Status S: Defect Type T: P == J3 consideration in progress C == Clarification M Passed by J3 meeting E Erratum B Passed by J3 letter ballot I Interpretation W Passed by WG5 ballot T1 Included in F03 corrigendum 1 (see N1636/N1640) X Excluded for the reasons given N S T number title - - - ------ ----- T1 E F90/0207 Integer bit-model inconsistency T1 E F95/0030 Ordering requirements on definition of specification functions T1 E F95/0078 Resolving generic procedure references T1 E F95/0096 End-of-record and PAD T1 I F03/0001 Generic type-bound procedures T1 I F03/0002 Component value for pointer components T1 E F03/0005 Argument association and the TARGET attribute T1 E F03/0006 Intrinsic assignment and allocatable components T1 E F03/0007 Finalization of structure constructors in specifications T1 E F03/0009 VALUE attribute for passed-object dummy arguments T1 E F03/0010 Unlimited polymorphic pointer/allocatable dummy arguments T1 E F03/0011 Allocating objects of abstract types T1 E F03/0013 VALUE attribute for polymorphic dummy arguments T1 E F03/0014 Automatic arrays in interface bodies T1 E F03/0015 TARGET attribute for associate names T1 E F03/0016 Invoking type-bound procedures via array objects T1 I F03/0031 IEEE invalid T1 I F03/0032 Sign bit of IEEE NaN T1 I F03/0033 IEEE_VALUE() T1 I F03/0035 IEEE_NEXT_AFTER() T1 I F03/0036 IEEE_REM() T1 I F03/0037 IEEE_RINT() T1 I F03/0038 IEEE_SCALB() T1 I F03/0040 2.0+2.0 and IEEE T1 I F03/0041 IEEE halting and exceptions T1 E F03/0043 Passed-object arguments and procedure pointer components T1 E F03/0044 Implicit interfaces and conflicting references T1 I F03/0052 ADVANCE= specifier in child data transfer statements T1 E F03/0054 Denormal inputs to EXPONENT, FRACTION, and SET_EXPONENT T1 E F03/0055 Denormal inputs to SPACING and RRSPACING ====================================================================== Part 1: Fortran 90 and Fortran 95 Interpretations included in Fortran 2003 Corrigendum #1 ====================================================================== INTERPRETATION REQUEST: F90/000207 TITLE: Integer bit-model inconsistency KEYWORDS: Bit manipulation procedures, models for integer data DEFECT TYPE: Erratum QUESTION: Is the following observation true? [F90 185:last sentence of 13.5.7] and [WG5/N1176, 219:22+] says ``In particular, whereas the models are identical for w_{z-1}=0, they do not correspond for w_{z-1}=1 and ...'' This statement assumes r==2 in the model for integer data defined in 13.7.1, it is not true for general r. The above sentence should be changed to something like ``In particular, whereas the models are identical for r=2 and w_{z-1}=0, they do not correspond for r/=2 or w_{z-1}=1, and = ...'' ANSWER: Yes. DISCUSSION: The integer model in 13.7.1 describes integer values using a signed-magnitude, base r representation. The bit model in 13.5.7 describes a method for characterizing a sequence of bits. The two models do not generally correspond and the final sentence of 13.5.7 is defective. EDITS: [293:5-6] Remove the sentence beginning "In particular..." SUBMITTED BY: Michael Hennecke HISTORY: submitted Mar. 12, 1996 (first appeared in 96-006r2) WG5/N1404 Draft answer 00-260 m154 Passed by J3 meeting 00-329 m155 Failed J3 letter ballot WG5/N1452 Suggested revision 01-292 m158 Passed by J3 meeting 11-1 01-380 m159 Failed J3 letter ballot 04-305r1 m168 Passed by J3 meeting vote 04-417r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #8 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERPRETATION REQUEST: F95/000030 TITLE: Ordering requirements on definition of specification functions KEYWORDS: Specification expressions, specification functions DEFECT TYPE: Erratum QUESTION: Consider the following program unit. MODULE MOD INTERFACE INT MODULE PROCEDURE F1, F2 END INTERFACE CONTAINS INTEGER PURE FUNCTION F1(I) INTEGER :: A(INT(1_4)), B(INT(1_2)) ! A(1), B(19) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: KIND = SIZE(A) ! KIND == 1 INTEGER(KIND), INTENT(IN) :: I F1 = 17 END FUNCTION F1 INTEGER PURE FUNCTION F2(J) INTEGER :: C(INT(2_4)) ! C(2) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: KIND = SIZE(C) ! KIND == 2 INTEGER(KIND), INTENT(IN) :: J F2 = 19 END FUNCTION F2 END MODULE MOD In processing the references to "INT(1_4)" and "INT(1_2)" in F1, the processor needs to determine whether the references are to the intrinsic function, INT, or to one of the specific procedures, F1 or F2. Determining that requires the processor to have determined the kind type parameter of the dummy argument J, of F2. In turn, that requires the processor to determine whether the reference to "INT(2_4)" is a reference to the intrinsic function, INT, or to one of the specific procedures, F1 or F2. Determining that requires the processor to determine the kind type parameter of the dummy argument I, which requires it to determine that "INT(1_4)" in F1 was a reference to the intrinsic function INT. After all this is determined, the processor can determine that the reference to "INT(1_2)" in the declaration of B in F1 is a reference to the specification function F2. According to [94:38-41], "If an initialization expression includes a reference to an inquiry function for a type parameter or an array bound of an object specified in the same , the type parameter or array bound shall be specified in a prior specification of the . The prior specification may be to the left of the inquiry function in the same statement." According to [96:27-37], "A variable in a specification expression shall have its type and type parameters, if any, specified by a previous declaration in the same scoping unit, or by the implicit typing rules in effect for the scoping unit, or by host or use association. If a variable in a specification expression is typed by the implicit typing rules, its appearance in any subsequent type declaration statement shall confirm the implied type and type parameters. If a specification expression includes a reference to an inquiry function for a type parameter or an array bound of an entity specified in the same , the type parameter or array bound shall be specified in a prior specification of the . The prior specification may be to the left of the inquiry function reference in the same statement. If a specification expression includes a reference to the value of an element of an array specified in the same , the array shall be completely specified in prior declarations." The rules regarding references to variables in a specification expressions and initialization expressions require a strict left-to-right, top-to-bottom ordering between specification and inquiry. Specification functions appear to be unrestricted in this respect. Assuming that the processor supports integers with kind type parameters of 1, 2 and 4, was it the intent of the committee that the program unit above should be standard-conforming? ANSWER: No, it is not the intent that the above program unit be standard conforming. The required complexity of implementation is not justified. The standard has no prohibition against it, but the lack of such a prohibition was an oversight. The edits below correct this oversight. EDITS: Add the following new paragraph immediately before Note 7.11: If an initialization expression in a module includes a reference to a generic, that generic shall have no specific procedures defined in the module subsequent to the initialization expression. Add the following new paragraph immediately before Note 7.10: If a specification expression in a module includes a reference to a generic, that generic shall have no specific procedures defined in the module subsequent to the specification expression. SUBMITTED BY: Henry Zongaro HISTORY: 98-176 m146 Submitted 04-312R1 m168 Passed by J3 meeting vote 04-417r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #8 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERPRETATION REQUEST: F95/000078 TITLE: Resolving generic procedure references KEYWORDS: INTENT(IN), NULLIFY DEFECT TYPE: Erratum QUESTION: (Resolving procedure references) seems to fail to resolve the following example. Consider: INTERFACE sin CHARACTER FUNCTION sinch(c) CHARACTER,INTENT(IN) :: c END END INTERFACE PRINT *,sin(3.5) ! Reference to which procedure? END According to rule (1)(a), SIN is established to be generic; thus references are resolved by the rules in In Rule (1) fails - the reference is not consistent with any specific interface in the interface block for SIN. Rule (2) fails for the same reason. Rule (3) fails because there is no INTRINSIC statement. Rule (4) fails because there is no host scoping unit. Is this program legal? How should the reference to the generic procedure be resolved? ANSWER: This program was intended to be valid. The reference is to the intrinsic SIN. An edit is supplied to clarify this. DISCUSSION: (1) INTERFACE OPERATOR(+) does not hide the intrinsic operator. (2) CHARACTER SIN does not hide the intrinsic function. Given that, it would seem perverse for INTERFACE SIN to completely block the intrinsic. Indeed, according to interp F90/000054 the intrinsic is still accessible in this kind of situation. Furthermore, it is clear from the original version of Fortran 90 that a user generic was not intended to hide the intrinsic. This text was modified by interpretation F90/000083 which allowed the user to override an intrinsic function by providing a specific function with the same argument characteristics. The failure of the current to resolve the above example was an inadvertent side-effect of that change. EDITS: [278:5+] Append new paragraph "If (1), (2), (3) and (4) do not apply, the name is that of an intrinsic procedure, and the reference is consistent with the interface of that intrinsic procedure, then the reference is to that intrinsic procedure." {Note: This edit made to Fortran 2003 in WG5/N1620 is made as item (5), not as a new paragraph.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 99-202 m150 submitted 04-296r1 m168 Passed J3 meeting vote 04-417r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #8 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERPRETATION REQUEST: F95/000096 TITLE: End-of-record and PAD KEYWORDS: End-of-record, PAD DEFECT TYPE: Erratum Subclause 9.4.3 specifies: If an end-of-record condition occurs during execution of a nonadvancing input statement, the following occurs: if the PAD= specifier has the value YES, the record is padded with blanks ( to satisfy the input list item and corresponding data edit descriptor that require more characters than the record contains; There appears to be a problem if a list item does not correspond to exactly one edit descriptor. QUESTION: If an End-of-record condition occurs during execution of a nonadvancing input statement and the PAD= specifier has the value YES (1) do enough blanks get supplied for the next data edit descriptor and whatever part of the list item corresponds to that edit descriptor, or (2) do enough blanks get supplied for the remainder of the list item and as many edit descriptors as necessary, or (3) do enough blanks get supplied to process the rest of the input list? ANSWER: The situation can only arise for list items of complex type, because list items of derived type are processed as if their components had appeared as list items -- see [149:8-10]. It is clear from text at [150:15] and [153:13] that blanks are not supplied for more than one list item. So the answer to part (3) of the question is "no". Since the texts at [150:15] and [153:13] also refer to a single format item, this leaves the answer to parts (1) and (2) of the question ambiguous: Is it one list item, or one edit descriptor? The answer is that enough blanks are supplied by the processor to satisfy all of the edit descriptors for a list item. EDITS: Fortran 2003 introduced the concept of an "effective list item," which should be exploited to clarify this question. [198:12] Replace "input item and its corresponding data edit descriptor" by "effective input item and its corresponding data edit descriptors". [218:6-7] Replace "input list item ( and corresponding data edit descriptor that requires" by "effective input item (9.5.2) and its corresponding data edit descriptors that require". SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 01-340 m158 submitted 04-303 m168 Passed by J3 meeting vote 04-417r1 m170 Pass by J3 letter ballot #8 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 ====================================================================== Part 2: Fortran 2003 Interpretations included in Tecnical Corrigenda ====================================================================== NUMBER: F03/0001 TITLE: Generic type-bound procedures KEYWORDS: generic, type-bound DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Section 12.4.5 discusses how a in a (R1219) is resolved if the is that of a generic type-bound procedure. This seems to imply that it is intended to be possible to invoke a generic type-bound procedure (which one might have guessed anyway :-)). However, according to the bnf in 4.5.4, only a specific binding has a . The in is a list of specific binding names. Thus the discussion of generic s in 12.4.5 is moot, there being no such things. Consequently, R1219 appears to provide no syntax for invoking generic type-bound procedures. Should R1219 and 12.4.5 be modified to allow a reference of the form " % " where is the name of a generic binding of the declared type of ? ANSWER: No. As is, the standard provides syntax for invoking a generic type-bound procedure. DISCUSSION: There is no explicit BNF definition of in 4.5.4 or elsewhere; therefore it's use in R1219 is, by our implicit BNF rules, simply equivalent to with the only constraints being those specified for R1219. In R1219, is allowed and indeed required to be a "binding name". This is a technical term defined in 4.5.4 (at [57:23-26]) to mean both the of a specific type- bound procedure and the of a generic type-bound procedure. Thus all of the analysis in the question is based on a false premise. EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Richard Maine HISTORY: 04-320 m169 Submitted 04-320r1 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0002 TITLE: Component value for pointer components KEYWORDS: component, value, pointer DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: According to 4.5.7, the component value for an allocatable component includes the bounds if the component is allocated. However, no mention is made of the bounds of pointer components. It is possible for pointers with different bounds to be associated with the same target (13.7.13); therefore, I conclude that the bounds are not part of the association. Is it standard conforming for a processor to print 1 as a result of the following program? program me type t integer, pointer :: p(:) end type t type(t) :: x allocate(x%p(3:5)) call sub(x) contains subroutine sub(y) type(t), value :: y write (*,*) lbound(y%p) end subroutine sub end program me ANSWER: No, a processor is required to print 3 as a result of the above program. The conclusion that the bounds are not part of a pointer's association is incorrect. DISCUSSION: The analysis appears to be based on the theory that the ASSOCIATED intrinsic function defines what is meant by "pointer association". In fact, the 1-argument form of that function only returns the pointer association *status*, and the 2-argument form only tests the association between a pointer and a target - it does not compare the pointer association of two pointers. If the bounds were not part of "pointer association", non-component pointers would be similarly faulty. Pointer association is established by the ALLOCATE statement ( and pointer assignment ( Both of these specify array bounds for the association. These are the defining sections for pointer association, and therefore, the bounds form part of that association. It is recommended that a future revision of the standard contain a more comprehensible definition of the term "pointer association". EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Richard Maine HISTORY: 04-321 m169 Submitted 04-321r1 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0005 TITLE: Argument association and the TARGET attribute KEYWORDS: argument, association, target, pointer DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Fortran 95 allowed the following program to print "T". Fortran 2003 does not appear to allow this. module m integer, pointer :: i_ptr contains subroutine sub(j) integer j call sub2(j) end subroutine subroutine sub2(j2) integer, target :: j2 print *, associated (i_ptr, j2) end subroutine end module program foo use m integer, target :: i i_ptr => i call sub(i) end program Fortran 95 stated, in section, on page 200: If the dummy argument does not have the TARGET or POINTER attribute, any pointers associated with the actual argument do not become associated with the corresponding dummy argument on invocation of the procedure. If such a dummy argument is associated with a dummy argument with the TARGET attribute, whether any pointers associated with the original actual argument become associated with the dummy argument with the TARGET attribute is processor dependent. Fortran 2003 (04-007) states, in section, on page 269: If the dummy argument does not have the TARGET or POINTER attribute, any pointers associated with the actual argument do not become associated with the corresponding dummy argument on invocation of the procedure. If such a dummy argument is associated with an actual argument that is a dummy argument with the TARGET attribute, whether any pointers associated with the original actual argument become associated with the dummy argument with the TARGET attribute is processor dependent. It's clear in this example that j is not associated with i_ptr, because it doesn't have the TARGET attribute. The dummy argument j2 with the TARGET attribute falls into the case described by the second sentence quoted from Fortran 95. It does not fall into the case described by the second sentence quoted from Fortran 2003, since j is not associated with an actual argument that is a dummy argument with the TARGET attribute. It appears that the second sentence in Fortran 2003 gets things backwards. Was it intended in the example above that the program should be allowed to print "T"? ANSWER: Yes. An edit is supplied to correct this error. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [270:1-2] Change "associated with an actual argument that is" to "used as an actual argument that is associated with". REFERENCES: 02-148r1 inserted this clarification but it is incorrect. SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-330 m169 Submitted 04-330r1 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0006 TITLE: Intrinsic assignment and allocatable components KEYWORDS: assignment, allocatable DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider the following code: type t integer, allocatable :: i end type type(t) :: x allocate(x%i) x = x print *, allocated(x%i) end In the intrinsic assignment, it is unclear whether the value of the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment should be determined before the any part of the left-hand side becomes defined. Section of Fortran 2003 states: The execution of the assignment shall have the same effect as if the evaluation of all operations in and occurred before any portion of is defined by the assignment. In this case, there are no operations in , so this sentence does not apply. There doesn't appear to be anything else to cover this situation, so it appears that in this case, does not have to be evaluated before any part of is defined. If x%i becomes deallocated before the is evaluated, then the call to the ALLOCATED intrinsic in this example would return the value .false. Was it intended that this program could print "F"? ANSWER: No. It was intended that the in an intrinsic assignment must be evaluated before any part of the is defined. An edit is supplied to correct this oversight. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [139:17] Change "the evaluation of all operations in and " to "the evaluation of and the evaluation of all expressions in ". [141:20,21,22] Before "" insert "the value of", thrice. SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-331 m169 Submitted 04-331r1 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0007 TITLE: Finalization of structure constructors in specifications KEYWORDS: finalization, structure constructor, specification expression DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Paragraphs 3-5 of subclause specify when finalization occurs for function results in executable constructs and in specification expressions. They also specify when finalization occurs for structure constructors in executable constructs. However, structure constructors in specification expressions do not appear to be mentioned. The apparent conclusion would be that structure constructors in specification expressions are not finalized, which seems inconsistent and contrary to the purpose of finalization. Q1. Are structure constructors in specification expressions finalized? If so, when? The phrase "before the first executable statement in a scoping unit" is used in two places in the standard ( and at [116:8] after note 6.24) to describe the first thing executed in a scoping unit. This phrase has two problems. First, not all executable statements can be executed as single statements; the description of execution sequence is in terms of executable constructs rather than executable statements. (See 2.3.4,, and Although this distinction seems unlikely to lead to confusion, the terminology seems inconsistent. Second, and more problematic, is that the first executable statement or construct in a scoping unit is not necessarily the first thing executed in the scoping unit; nor is it necessarily executed only once. An entry statement may cause execution to start at some other executable construct, in which case one might wonder whether the specified actions ever happen. A goto might cause the construct to be executed multiple times, in which case one might wonder whether the specified actions happen again. I seriously doubt that either of these represent the intent. Q2. If an event is specified to occcur before the first executable statement in a scoping unit, then for a single execution of that scoping unit, may the event happen zero times, multiple times, or after the execution of some other executable statement or construct in the scoping unit? ANSWER: A1. Yes, structure constructors in specification expressions are finalized. Just as with function results in specification expressions, this finalization occurs before execution of the executable constructs in the scoping unit. This was an accidental omission from the standard. Edits are supplied to correct it. A2. No. The intent is to describe events that happen once and only once per execution of a procedure defined by a scoping unit. Edits are supplied to state this more precisely. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [59:30] and [116:8] Change "first executable statement" -> "executable constructs" [59:30+] Insert new para "If a specification expression in a scoping unit references a structure constructor, the entity created by the structure constructor is finalized before execution of the executable constructs in the scoping unit." SUBMITTED BY: Richard Maine HISTORY: 04-332 m169 Submitted; Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0009 TITLE: VALUE attribute for passed-object dummy arguments KEYWORDS: VALUE, passed-object, dummy argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider the following program: module m type t integer :: id contains procedure :: doThings => doThingsT end type contains subroutine doThingsT (a) class(t), value :: a a%id = 5 end subroutine end module program p use m type(t) :: z = t(1) call z%doThings print *, z%id end program Section of Fortran 2003 states: In a reference to a type-bound procedure that has a passed-object dummy argument (, the of the or is associated, as an actual argument, with the passed-object dummy argument. This seems to be contrary to the idea of the VALUE attribute. For argument association where the dummy argument has the VALUE attribute, section of Fortran 2003 states: If the dummy argument has the VALUE attribute it becomes associated with a definable anonymous data object whose initial value is that of the actual argument. Subsequent changes to the value or definition status of the dummy argument do not affect the actual argument. It looks like the passed-object dummy argument is argument associated with the object z itself, rather than an anonymous data object whose initial value is that of z. What value should the above program print? ANSWER: This program was not intended to be standard-conforming; the VALUE attribute is not appropriate for a passed-object dummy argument. Edits are supplied to clarify this situation. DISCUSSION: As perhaps evidenced by its own name, the passed-object dummy argument was intended to be THE object through which the type-bound procedure was invoked. It performs the same function as the "self" or "this" variable of other object-oriented languages. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [53:1] Append to constraint "It shall not have the VALUE attribute." SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-334 m169 Submitted 04-334r1 m169 Revised 04-334r2 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0010 TITLE: Unlimited polymorphic pointer/allocatable dummy arguments KEYWORDS: polymorphism, POINTER, ALLOCATABLE, argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider the following program: module m type t integer i end type contains subroutine s (x) class (*), pointer, intent(inout) :: x end subroutine end module program p use m class (*), pointer :: up class (t), pointer :: lp call s (lp) call s (up) end program Section states: If a dummy argument is allocatable or a pointer, the associated actual argument shall be polymorphic if and only if the dummy argument is polymorphic, and the declared type of the actual argument shall be the same as the declared type of the dummy argument. Section states: An object declared with the CLASS(*) specifier is an unlimited polymorphic object. An unlimited polymorphic entity is not declared to have a type. It is not considered to have the same declared type as any other entity, including another unlimited polymorphic entity. Taken together, these two statements seem to imply that no unlimited polymorphic dummy argument that has the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute can be associated with any actual argument. Are either of the procedure calls in the given example standard-conforming? ANSWER: The first procedure call is not standard-conforming. The second procedure call was intended to be standard-conforming. Edits are provided to correct this oversight. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [268:23] Before "the declared", insert "either both the actual and dummy argument shall be unlimited polymorphic, or". SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-335 m169 Submitted; Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0011 TITLE: Allocating objects of abstract types KEYWORDS: ALLOCATE, ABSTRACT DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider the following code: module m type, abstract :: t integer :: i end type class(t), allocatable :: d end module program foo use m allocate(d) end One cannot declare a non-polymorphic object of an abstract type. Similarly, a polymorphic object should not be allocated with a dynamic type that is abstract. A in an allocate statement cannot specify an abstract type. But the effect of the allocate statement in the example above is the same as if a specifying an abstract type appeared in the allocate statement, which would not be standard-conforming. Was this example intended to be standard-conforming? ANSWER: No, this example was not intended to be standard-conforming. An edit is provided to correct this oversight. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [111:11-12] Change the words "unlimited polymorphic" in the constraint to "unlimited polymorphic or is of abstract type" so that it reads: C625 (R623) If any is unlimited polymorphic or is of abstract type, either or SOURCE= shall appear. SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-336 m169 Submitted 04-336r2 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0013 TITLE: VALUE attribute for polymorphic dummy arguments KEYWORDS: VALUE, CLASS DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: The VALUE attribute is not allowed for any dummy argument that has a (visible) nonconstant length type parameter. (Or indeed for any array.) The intent appears to be to restrict VALUE arguments to being of constant size. However consider: SUBROUTINE S(x) CLASS(t),VALUE :: x ... There is no requirement that X not be polymorphic, so this requires copying a variable (known only at runtime) sized value, in violation of the apparent intent of the other restrictions. For example, X might have an invisible nonconstant length type parameter in its dynamic type; this allows the user to bypass that particular VALUE restriction simply by obfuscating his code so that the nonconstant length type parameter is in the dynamic type but not in the declared type. Should there be a restriction that a VALUE dummy argument not be polymorphic? ANSWER: Yes, this restriction was accidentally omitted. An edit is provided to fix this oversight. DISCUSSION: The deduced intent is apparent from the rejection of the UK comment C7 on the FCD ballot. WG5 agreed that the existing constraint was inconsistent, but felt that there were potential implementation concerns with deleting it completely. Therefore, the constraint was instead modified to a simpler and more consistent form. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [72:23] Append "It shall not have the VALUE attribute." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 04-360 m169 Submitted; Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0014 TITLE: Automatic arrays in interface bodies KEYWORDS: automatic array, interface body DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Is the following program standard-conforming. program main interface subroutine sub(n) integer, intent(in) :: n real :: x(n) end subroutine sub end interface call sub(2) end program main subroutine sub(n) integer, intent(in) :: n real :: x(n) write (*,*) size(x) end subroutine sub The potential problem is the declaration of X in the interface body. According to C542 "An explicit-shape array whose bounds are not initialization expressions shall be a dummy argument, a function result, or an automatic array of a procedure." The definition of an automatic array is "An automatic array is an explicit-shape array that is declared in a subprogram, is not a dummy argument, and has bounds that are not initialization expressions." Although the X in subroutine sub fits this definition, the X in the interface body does not because an interface body is not a subprogram. In, at [259:36-37], we have "The specification part of an interface body may specify attributes or define values for data entities that do not determine characteristics of the procedure. Such specifications have no effect." The presumed reason for this is to allow the specification part of a procedure to be copied into an interface body. If the declarations of automatic arrays cannot be so copied, that would appear to negate the reason for the feature. ANSWER: Yes. This was intended to be standard conforming. Edits are provided to fix this error. EDITS: [78:23] "subprogram" -> "subprogram or interface body" [78:21-22] "shall be... procedure." -> "shall be declared only in a subprogram or interface body." SUBMITTED BY: Richard Maine HISTORY: 04-361 m169 Submitted; Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #9 with comment 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0015 TITLE: TARGET attribute for associate names KEYWORDS: TARGET, POINTER, ASSOCIATE DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider the following code: program assocTarget integer, pointer :: first_ptr integer, pointer :: second_ptr integer, target :: tgt tgt = 20 first_ptr => tgt associate(aname => first_ptr) second_ptr => aname end associate end Section (Construct association) indicates that the associating entity aname is associated with the target of first_ptr. However, section (Attributes of associate names) indicates that aname does not have the TARGET attribute, since this would only be true if the selector had the TARGET attribute. Was this example intended to be standard-conforming? ANSWER: Yes, this example was intended to be standard-conforming. Edits are supplied to correct this oversight. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [161:18-19] Remove ", TARGET,". [161:19] After "attribute.", insert the following sentence: The associating entity has the TARGET attribute if and only if the selector is a variable and has either the TARGET or POINTER attribute. SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 04-366 m169 Submitted 04-366r1 m169 Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0016 TITLE: Invoking type-bound procedures via array objects KEYWORDS: elemental, type-bound procedure, NOPASS attribute DEFECT TYPE:Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Consider INTERFACE SUBROUTINE sub; END END INTERFACE TYPE t CONTAINS PROCEDURE,NOPASS :: p => sub END TYPE TYPE(t) x(100) CALL x%p END (1) Is this program-unit standard-conforming? If so, how many times is SUB invoked? (2) If SUB has the ELEMENTAL attribute, does this change its standard conformance? If it is conforming, how many times is it executed? Consider: TYPE t ... CONTAINS PROCEDURE ep => emp END TYPE ... ELEMENTAL SUBROUTINE emp(x) CLASS(t),INTENT(INOUT) :: x ... END SUBROUTINE ... TYPE(t) a(10) CALL a%ep (3) Is this fragment standard-conforming, and if so, is "CALL a%ep" equivalent to "CALL emp(a)"? Consider: INTERFACE ELEMENTAL SUBROUTINE esub(r); REAL,INTENT(IN) :: r; END END INTERFACE TYPE t CONTAINS PROCEDURE,NOPASS :: ep => esub END TYPE TYPE(t) x(100) REAL y(50) CALL x%ep(y) END (4) Is this standard-conforming? If so, is ESUB invoked 50 times or 100 times? ANSWER: (1) No. (2) No. (3) Yes. (4) No. If the invoking object is an array, the type-bound procedure must be elemental and have the PASS attribute. An edit is supplied to clarify this. DISCUSSION: The invoking object can only enable elementalisation if it is an actual argument, i.e. if the type-bound procedure has the PASS attribute. If the type-bound procedure does not have both the PASS and ELEMENTAL attributes, the invoking object shall be scalar. EDITS: All edits refer to 04-007. [266:24+] Insert new constraint "C1224a (R1219) If is an array, the referenced type-bound procedure shall have the PASS attribute." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 04-368 m169 Submitted; Passed by J3 meeting 04-418r1 m170 Passed by J3 letter ballot #9 05-180 m172 Passed by WG5 ballot N1617 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0031 TITLE: IEEE invalid KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, invalid exception DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What exceptions (if any) are raised by the following: infinity + (-infinity) infinity - infinity 0.0 * infinity infinity / infinity 0.0 / 0.0 Fortran 2003 is silent on these expressions. IEEE-754 defines (in 7.1) those as invalid. ANSWER: The Fortran Standard and Technical Report ISO/IEC TR 15580 were written to supplement the IEEE International Standard and to allow for systems that do not fully support it. That the IEEE International Standard is a normative reference is made clear in 1.9. The questions related to infinity are answered by the third paragraph of 14.8, which states "The inquiry function IEEE_SUPPORT_INF is provided to inquire whether the processor supports IEEE infinities. Where these are supported, their behavior for unary and binary operations, including those defined by intrinsic functions and by functions in intrinsic modules, shall be consistent with the specifications in the IEEE International Standard." The expression 0.0 / 0.0 is defined as invalid by the IEEE International Standard and therefore causes the exception IEEE_INVALID to occur. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-110 m171 Submitted 05-110r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0032 TITLE: Sign bit of IEEE NaN KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, NaN, sign bit, negative DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Do IEEE-754 NaNs have a sign bit? Can they be negative? Does a sign bit imply a value can be either positive or negative? Fortran 2003 in 14.10.2 (IEEE_COPY_SIGN) says that NaNs have a sign bit. But, 14.10.10 (IEEE_IS_NEGATIVE) says NaNs are not negative. This appears to be a contradiction between two parts of Fortran 2003. ANSWER: The representation of a NaN has a sign bit, and this is what is referred to in 14.10.2. However, that bit is not interpreted as a sign (see IEEE standard, 6.3 "This standard does not interpret the sign of a NaN"). Thus 14.10.10 correctly says that a NaN is never negative. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-111 m171 Submitted 05-111r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0033 TITLE: IEEE_VALUE() KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, IEEE_VALUE DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What does "Generate an IEEE value" in 14.9.2 mean? Fortran 2003 in 14.9.2 has: "Generate an IEEE value" without any explanation of what that means, nor any indication that it is defined elsewhere. ANSWER: 14.9 contains tables of procedures with a short description of each, modeled on 13.5. Each procedure is specified in 14.10 and the reader should have no difficulty in finding its specification there. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-112 m171 Submitted 05-112r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0035 TITLE: IEEE_NEXT_AFTER() KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, nextafter() DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What is NEXT_AFTER(+0.0,-0.0)? NEXT_AFTER(-0.0,+0.0)? What is NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) if X and/or Y is NaN? C99 and IEEE-754R (the revision of IEEE-754 now in progress) define NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) as Y (not X) when X == Y. NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) when both X and Y are NaN shall be a NaN, and should be one of NaN arguments. NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) when one of X and Y is a NaN shall be a NaN, and should the NaN argument. ANSWER: The first paragraph of 14.8 states "Complete conformance with the IEEE International Standard is not required, but ... the functions copysign, scalb, logb, nextafter, rem, and unordered shall be provided by the functions IEEE_COPY_SIGN, IEEE_SCALB, IEEE_LOGB, IEEE_NEXT_AFTER, IEEE_REM, and IEEE_UNORDERED." For NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) with X == Y == 0, the result is X, see 14.10.13, Case (i). This is the recommendation of the IEEE International Standard. The current draft revision of that Standard uses the definition copysign(x,y) in this case. We will reconsider the Fortran definition of NEXT_AFTER if a revised IEEE Standard is adopted with this change present. The case of NEXT_AFTER(X,Y) when one or both of X and Y is a NaN is as defined by the IEEE International Standard, see the words from 14.8 quoted above. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-114 m171 Submitted 05-114r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0036 TITLE: IEEE_REM() KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, remainder() DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What is REM(infinity,Y)? REM(X,0.0)? What is REM(X,Y) if X and/or Y is NaN? IEEE-754 requires (in 7.1) both REM(infinity,Y) and REM(X,0.0) shall be a NaN and raise invalid. REM(X,Y) when both X and Y are NaN shall be a NaN, and should be one of the NaN arguments. REM(X,Y) when one of X and Y is a NaN shall be a NaN, and should be the NaN argument. ANSWER: The first paragraph of 14.8 states "Complete conformance with the IEEE International Standard is not required, but ... the IEEE operation rem shall be provided by the function IEEE_REM." The behaviour of IEEE_REM for the cases cited here is as defined for REM by the IEEE International Standard. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-115 m171 Submitted 05-115r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0037 TITLE: IEEE_RINT() KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, rint() DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What is RINT(+infinity)? RINT(-infinity)? RINT(NaN)? DISCUSSION: RINT(X) when X is an infinity shall be X. RINT(X) when X is a NaN shall be a NaN, and should be the NaN argument. ANSWER: The second and third paragraphs of 14.8 state "The inquiry function IEEE_SUPPORT_NAN is provided to inquire whether the processor supports IEEE NaNs. Where these are supported, their behavior for unary and binary operations, including those defined by intrinsic functions and by functions in intrinsic modules, shall be consistent with the specifications in the IEEE International Standard. The inquiry function IEEE_SUPPORT_INF is provided to inquire whether the processor supports IEEE infinities. Where these are supported, their behavior for unary and binary operations, including those defined by intrinsic functions and by functions in intrinsic modules, shall be consistent with the specifications in the IEEE International Standard. " Therefore, the behaviour of IEEE_RINT for the cases cited here is as defined by the IEEE International Standard in section 5.5. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-116 m171 Submitted 05-116r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0038 TITLE: IEEE_SCALB() KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, scalb() DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What is SCALB(NaN,Y)? DISCUSSION: SCALB(X,Y) when X is a NaN shall be a NaN, and should be the NaN argument. ANSWER: The second paragraph of 14.8 states "The inquiry function IEEE_SUPPORT_NAN is provided to inquire whether the processor supports IEEE NaNs. Where these are supported, their behavior for unary and binary operations, including those defined by intrinsic functions and by functions in intrinsic modules, shall be consistent with the specifications in the IEEE International Standard." Therefore, the behaviour of IEEE_SCALB for the case cited here is as defined for scalb by the IEEE International Standard. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-117 m171 Submitted 05-117r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0040 TITLE: 2.0+2.0 and IEEE KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, accuracy, transformation DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: For processors that use IEEE arithmetic, must 2.0+2.0 be 4.0? May x/5.0 be transformed into x*0.2? 1.4 (6) [2:4-5] has: "This standard does not specify: The physical properties of the representation of quantities and the method of rounding, approximating, or computing numeric values on a particular processor." That has been used as the reason why 2.0+2.0 is not required to be 4.0. Section 14 [364:6-13] has: "If a scoping unit has access to IEEE_DATATYPE of IEEE_FEATURES, within the scoping unit the processor shall support IEEE arithmetic and return true from IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE(X) (14.10.23) for at least one kind of real. Similarly, if IEEE_DENORMAL, IEEE_DIVIDE, IEEE_INF, IEEE_NAN, IEEE_ROUNDING, or IEEE_SQRT is accessible, within the scoping unit the processor shall support the feature and return true from the corresponding inquiry function for at least one kind of real. In the case of IEEE_ROUNDING, it shall return true for all the rounding modes IEEE_NEAREST, IEEE_TO_ZERO, IEEE_UP, and IEEE_DOWN." IEEE-754 specifies methods of rounding and computing numeric values, and in particular, requires that 2.0+2.0 be 4.0. So, does section 14 override the weasel words of 1.4(6)? If not, should something along the lines of: "The requirements of this section override 1.4(6)" be added to section 14? Using IEEE arithmetic, x/5.0 and x*0.2 are not equivalent, so the former may not be transformed into the latter. Does IEEE arithmetic override and Note 7.18 and prohibit that transformation? If not, should something along the lines of: "The requirements of this section override" be added to section 14? ANSWER: Yes, for processors that use IEEE arithmetic, 2.0+2.0 and 4.0 have the same value. That is a requirement of the IEEE International Standard. However, your example is very simple. For a more complicated expression, the IEEE Standard does not specify whether intermediate results are kept in extended- precision registers. The words in Section 1 are applicable and give compilers the freedom to choose whether to keep intermediate results in such registers. No, section 14 does not override the weasel words of 1.4(6). As you point out, Section 7 allows x/5.0 to be evaluated as x*0.2. The results may be different on any binary computer. Section 14 tells us about the rounding that will occur once the processor has chosen which way to evaluate this. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-119 m171 Submitted 05-119r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0041 TITLE: IEEE halting and exceptions KEYWORDS: IEEE-754, trapping, exception DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: If a specific Floating-Point (FP) exception flag is raised, and then HALTING for that FP exception is enabled for the first time, does the program halt? Or, must the specific FP exception happen after the halting is enabled for the program to halt? Section 14.5 [368:1-8] does not answer the question. ANSWER: Section 14.5 states "Halting is not precise and may occur any time after the exception has occurred." It is therefore processor dependent as to when, if ever, the program halts. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Fred Tydeman HISTORY: 05-120 m171 Submitted 05-120r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0043 TITLE: Passed-object arguments and procedure pointer components KEYWORDS: DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Section [52:5-7] of 04-007 indicates that passed-object dummy arguments are relevant for both type-bound procedures and procedure pointer components. However, section [268:17-19] of 04-007 on the passed-object dummy argument and argument association mentions only type-bound procedures. Should procedure pointer components also be mentioned in ANSWER: Yes. This was an omission in section EDITS: [268:17] After "procedure" insert " or a procedure pointer component" {The edit in 05-182r1 reads After "procedure", insert ", or a procedure pointer component," } SUBMITTED BY: Bill Long HISTORY: 05-106 m171 Submitted, passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0044 TITLE: Implicit interfaces and conflicting references KEYWORDS: implicit interface, procedure pointer, dummy procedure, procedure reference DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: Is the following program legal? module test_mod contains subroutine reference (proc,choice) ! Proc has implicit interface external :: proc ! Or ! procedure (), pointer :: proc logical :: choice if(choice) then call proc (1.0) ! Call with real argument else call proc (1) ! Call with integer argument end if end subroutine subroutine proc_real (x) real :: x end subroutine subroutine proc_integer (i) ! respelled from original submission ! without loss of generality integer :: i end subroutine end module program test use test_mod call reference (proc_real, .true.) call reference (proc_integer, .false.) end program says: "The type...of dummy arguments of a procedure referenced from a scoping unit where the interface of the procedure is implicit shall be such that the actual arguments are consistent with the characteristics of the dummy arguments." We define a procedure reference in 2.5.6 as the "appearance of procedure designator, ... in a context requiring execution at that point." Are both calls to proc above references, at compile time? If both calls to proc are references then they both need to be consistent with the interface of the actual argument associated with the dummy procedure. This is not possible and the program would be illegal. However, if only the call executed counts as a reference, than the program is legal. The same question applies to both dummy procedures and procedure pointers with implicit interfaces. ANSWER: Technically, the question is ill-formed in asking whether the calls are references "at compile time". The standard does not have a notion of compile-time. The calls to proc are indeed references according to the definition in 2.5.6. This is a purely syntactic notion since a call-stmt is an example of "a context requiring execution at that point" and proc is the procedure designator in call proc(1.0) and call proc(1) specifies a requirement, violations of which are not required to be detected at compile-time ( is not a constraint). Every line of the program when it is actually executed by a standard-conforming processor uses only forms and relationships defined by the standard [2:9-10], and the program has an interpretation according to the standard. This program was intended to be standard conforming. However, the current language of is confusing. The requirement on the type of dummy arguments must be laid on the procedure actually invoked and not on the procedure named in the procedure reference. A procedure with only an implicit interface has no nominal dummy arguments on which a requirement can be levied! (Ask yourself: what are the names of the dummy argument(s) of proc ?) Put another way, in call proc (1.0) proc is a "procedure reference" but proc_real is actually the procedure referenced. An edit is supplied to make this clearer. EDITS: In [266:8] change "referenced" to "invoked" SUBMITTED BY: Aleksandar Donev HISTORY: 05-127 m171 Submitted 05-127r3 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0052 TITLE: ADVANCE= specifier in child data transfer statements KEYWORDS: ADVANCE=, UDDTIO, data transfer DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: The appearance of the ADVANCE= specifier in a child data transfer statement is not prohibited, but such an appearance is meaningless. 9.5.3 of Fortran 2003 states that the file is positioned after data transfer only if the statement is not a child data transfer. The appearance of the ADVANCE= specifier in such a statement would seem to serve only to confuse people maintaining a program that contains it. Was it intended that the ADVANCE= specifier should be allowed to appear in a child data transfer statement? ANSWER: Yes, it was intended that the ADVANCE= specifier should be allowed to appear in a child data transfer statement. Such a specifier has no effect. Note that a user defined derived type I/O routine can be called explicitly by the user, and in that case, the I/O statements therein are not child data transfer statements. EDITS: None SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 05-143 m171 Submitted 05-143r1 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 - no edits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0054 TITLE: Denormal inputs to EXPONENT, FRACTION, and SET_EXPONENT KEYWORDS: denormal, intrinsic, EXPONENT, FRACTION, SET_EXPONENT DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What results do EXPONENT, FRACTION, and SET_EXPONENT return if the value of X is denormal? If a denorm is loaded into the cpu in extended precision, it becomes a normal value with changed fractional and exponent parts. Which of these values should be taken? In the definition of EXPONENT, the words 'of the model representation for the value of X' appear; but in the definition of FRACTION and SET_EXPONENT, the words are 'for the model representation of X'. Was this difference intended? ANSWER: In all three cases, the intention was to treat the value as if it were held according to the model in 13.14 with the same radix b, but with an expanded exponent range. This is why the words 'for the value of X' were used in EXPONENT. It has to be this way for a denormal value since otherwise it does not lie within the model. Edits are provided to make the intention clear. DISCUSSION: This interpretation is satisfactory from a mathematical point of view since the values of EXPONENT(X) and EXPONENT(DBLE(X)) will be the same when X is of type default real and has a denormal value. Similar properties holds for the other two functions. EDITS: Page and line numbers refer to J3/04-007. [316:5-6] Subclause 13.7.37, Result Value, lines 1-2. Replace "model ... X" by "representation for the value of X in the model (13.4) that has the radix of X but no limits on exponent values". [317:8] Subclause 13.7.40, Result Value, line 2. Replace "model ... X" by "representation for the value of X in the model that has the radix of X but no limits on exponent values". [351:5] Subclause 13.7.107, Result Value, line 2. Replace "model ... X" by "representation for the value of X in the model that has the radix of X but no limits on exponent values". SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 05-152 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0055 TITLE: Denormal inputs to SPACING and RRSPACING KEYWORDS: denormal, intrinsic, SPACING, RRSPACING DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Included in F03 corrigendum 1 QUESTION: What results do SPACING and RRSPACING return if the value of X lies outside the model of 13.4, in particular if it is denormal? In the definition of EXPONENT, the words 'of the model representation for the value of X' appear; but in the definition of SPACING and RRSPACING, the words are 'for the model representation of X'. Was this difference intended? Is the intention to indicate that for SPACING and RRSPACING, the model is that of all reals with the same kind type parameter value as X? In the IEEE model, the spacing between any two adjacent denorms is equal to the smallest denorm. Is it intended that this value be returned by SPACING? ANSWER: The informal description refers to 'model numbers near the argument value', but the text does not reflect this. Edits are provided to correct this. Yes, the difference was intended. In both models, the lower bound on the exponent has a profound effect on the spacing of tiny values, so it is important that it be taken into account. It was intended to refer to the model for all the reals with the same kind type parameter value as X. Here is it the model of 13.4 that is involved, as the words in 13.4 make clear. If the argument value is a positive denorm, the model numbers near it are TINY(X) and 0. Their spacing is TINY(X). Edits are provided to make this intention clear. EDITS: Page and line numbers refer to J3/04-007. [347:22] Subclause 13.7.100, Result Value, line 2. Replace "the model representation of X." by "the value nearest to X in the model for real values whose kind type parameter is that of X; if there are two such values, the value of greater absolute value is taken." [353:9] Subclause 13.7.113, Result Value, line 2. Replace "the model representation of X." by "the value nearest to X in the model for real values whose kind type parameter is that of X; if there are two such values, the value of greater absolute value is taken." SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 05-153 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-170 m172 Passed J3 letter ballot #11 05-182r1 m172 Added to F03 Corrigendum 1 N1636 ----------------------------------------------------------------------