J3/05-281 Date: November 9, 2005 To: J3 From: Aleksandar Donev Subject: Specification, syntax, and edits for interoperability of optional, assumed-shape, allocatable, and pointer dummy arguments References: WG5 worklist item j3-041 (J3/05-271, J3/05-277) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: -------- Provide extensions to C Interop that allow for interoperable Fortran procedures that have data pointer, allocatable, assumed-shape array, or optional dummy arguments. Specification and Syntax: ------------------------- A Fortran procedure interface which has assumed-shape, allocatable, or data pointer dummy arguments, is interoperable with a C function prototype where the corresponding formal parameter has type FDesc_Assumed_t, FDesc_Alloc_t or FDesc_Pointer_t, respectively. That is to say, a C function calling a Fortran procedure with the BIND(C) attribute will pass a descriptor handle as the actual argument corresponding to an assumed-shape, allocatable, or data pointer dummy argument. Such an argument must have interoperable type and type parameters. The value FDESC_NULL is provided to represent (uninitialized) null descriptor handles. Depending on the details of the processor's Fortran descriptors, the procedure may be required to merge additional information into the descriptor based on the declaration of the dummy argument, or to create a local representation based on the information in the descriptor. If the dummy argument is deallocated, allocated, or has its pointer association status changed in the procedure, the descriptor shall be modified to reflect the new state of the argument on return from the Fortran procedure. Note to implementors. It is expected that a processor implementation will typedef a descriptor handle as a pointer to a descriptor. A procedure interface which has OPTIONAL dummy arguments can have the BIND(C) attribute and be interoperable. The VALUE attribute is not allowed for optional dummy arguments in a BIND(C) interface. The interoperable C prototype is the same as if the OPTIONAL attribute were not present, the only difference is the function reference on the C side. Namely, a C caller specifies a missing actual argument in a function reference by passing a NULL data pointer as the argument value if the corresponding dummy argument is a data object, or a NULL procedure pointer as the argument value if the corresponding dummy argument is a procedure. If the dummy is an optional assumed-shape, allocatable, or pointer dummy argument, the C caller can use FDESC_NULL as an actual argument. A Fortran procedure, as usual, omits the actual argument in the procedure reference. Edits: ------ Note: < and > are used to delimit italic font. << and >> are used to delimit bold font. All page and line numbers refer to j3/04-007. ______________ [xiii] Introduction, the list of new Fortran 2008 features should include Interoperability enhancements: Interoperability of optional, assumed-shape, allocatable, and pointer dummy arguments. ______________ [73:25] In C530, replace "The ALLOCATABLE, POINTER, or OPTIONAL attribute shall not be specified" with "The VALUE and OPTIONAL attributes shall not both be specified" [73:28-29] In C532, replace "shall be an interoperable variable (15.2)" with "shall be of interoperable type (15.2)" ______________ [400:14-17] Split item (5) into ORed subitems after "that is". Make "of a pointer type...formal parameter;" item a), and replace the semicolon with a comma. Add item "b) an assumed-shape descriptor handle (, and the dummy argument is an assumed-shape array" Add item "c) a pointer descriptor handle (, and the dummy argument is a data pointer, or" Add item "d) an allocatable descriptor handle (, and the dummy argument has the ALLOCATABLE attribute" [400:20+] Add sentence "Interoperability of procedures and procedure interfaces that have assumed-shape, allocatable, or pointer dummy arguments, is described in Section 15.5, and optional dummy arguments are discussed in Section 15.6." ______________ Add section "15.5 Interoperability of Assumed-Shape, Pointer and Allocatable Dummy Arguments" Fortran assumed-shape dummy arrays, array pointers, and allocatable arrays, are not interoperable with C arrays. This is because, unlike C arrays which are addresses, these types of Fortran arrays contain information about their bounds, extents, and strides. This standard provides means for external processors to directly reference Fortran procedures which have assumed-shape, data pointer, or allocatable dummy arguments, by using opaque descriptor handles (Section 15.7). For regularity, scalar data pointer and allocatable dummy arguments are included and treated as arrays of rank zero. Section 15.7 defines a header file with types, constants, and prototypes, used to define and manipulate descriptor handles. If a procedure reference in C, the actual argument corresponding to an assumed-shape, pointer, or allocatable dummy argument shall be a descriptor handle describing an array of the appropriate rank and type. The descriptor handle shall not be null unless the dummy argument is OPTIONAL (section 15.6). For allocatable or pointer dummy arguments, the descriptor handle reflects changes in the allocation or pointer association status upon return from the procedure. ______________ Note 1. Procedures with an interface that has an assumed-shape, pointer, or allocatable dummy argument can be defined by means other than Fortran, and referenced from Fortran programs. The processor will construct the appropriate descriptor handles for the actual arguments. However, such procedures must obey the semantics of Fortran programs, for example, assumed-shape array handles must not be modified, Fortran anti-aliasing rules must be satisfied, etc. ______________ Note 2. For example, the Fortran procedure with the interface SUBROUTINE MY_MATMUL(A,B,C) BIND(C,NAME="MatMul") ! Perform the matrix C=A*B USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING REAL(C_DOUBLE), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: A, B REAL(C_DOUBLE), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: C C=MATMUL(A,B) END SUBROUTINE can be called from a C program as follows (without careful error checking): include "fdesc.h" void MatMul(FDesc_Assumed_t, FDesc_Assumed_t, FDesc_Assumed_t); /* The interoperable prototype */ FDesc_Assumed_t A_desc, B_desc, C_desc; /* The opaque descriptor handles */ double AB[100][100][2]; /* A and B are interweaved parts of a rank-3 array */ double *C; /* The result will be dynamically allocated */ F_extent_t shape[2] = {100,100}; F_stride_t stride[2] = {2*sizeof(double),2*sizeof(double)}; FDesc_Assumed_Create(&A_desc,&storage[0,0,0],sizeof(double),2,shape,stride); FDesc_Assumed_Create(&B_desc,&storage[0,0,1],sizeof(double),2,shape,stride); C=(void*)malloc(100*100*sizeof(double)); /* Dynamically allocate memory */ FDesc_Assumed_Create(&C_desc,(void)C,sizeof(double),2,shape,stride); ReadValues(AB) /* Assign initial values to A, B */ MatMul(A,B,C); /* Perform C=A*B for 100x100 arrays */ ______________ 15.5.1 Opaque types and values defined in The processor shall provide a header file, , written in the C programming language. This file shall declare the set of C prototypes (15.5.2) that allows a C programmer access to array meta-data that is normally available to the Fortran processor for assumed-shape, pointer, and allocatable dummy arguments within the scope of a procedure. This file shall also define necessary C types describing the descriptor handles used as function parameters in the C prototypes. Descriptor handles Data in array descriptors shall be made accessible to C via descriptor handle. A scalar C object of type FDesc_Assumed_t is an <>; other descriptor handles are FDesc_Pointer_t, a <> and FDesc_Alloc_t, an <>. Descriptor handles can be used in C programs to access or manipulate descriptors for assumed-shape array, data pointer, or allocatable dummy arguments of interoperable Fortran procedures. The header file shall also define a constant FDESC_NULL that is the value of a <>. This constant may be assigned to a descriptor handle. FDESC_NULL is the value assigned to a descriptor handle if an error occurs in a descriptor create ( or destroy function (, as well as the value that can be used to signal that a dummy argument is not present (15.6). Stride and extent types The header file shall define two new integer types, F_stride_t, used to describe array stride information, and F_extent_t, used to describe array extents. 15.5.2 Function prototypes Descriptor allocation <> fdesc shall be the address of a descriptor handle of the specified type. Its value shall be the address of the allocated handle on return or FDESC_NULL if an error occurs. base_addr shall be the base address of an array or scalar object. elem_size shall be the size of an array element or scalar object in bytes. rank shall be the rank of the array or 0 if the object is a scalar. shape shall be an array containing the shape of the array object in elements. The shape array shall contain at least rank elements. stride shall be an array containing the distance in bytes between successive array elements for each dimension. The stride array shall contain at least rank elements. <> The result value shall be 0 if successful or nonzero if an error occurs. int FDesc_Assumed_Create ( FDesc_Assumed_t * restrict fdesc, void * restrict base_addr, size_t elem_size, unsigned int rank, const F_extent_t shape[restrict], const F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Creates storage for an assumed-shape descriptor handle and initializes it with the provided arguments. Memory for the descriptor shall be deallocated by a subsequent call to FDesc_Assumed_Destroy. The base address of the array shall be provided by a previous call to FDesc_Assumed_Allocate or by other means (e.g., malloc). int FDesc_Pointer_Create ( FDesc_Pointer_t * restrict fdesc, void * base_addr, size_t elem_size, unsigned int rank, const F_extent_t shape[restrict], const F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Creates storage for an pointer descriptor handle and initializes it with the provided arguments. Memory for the descriptor shall be deallocated by a subsequent call to FDesc_Pointer_Destroy. The base address of the array shall be provided by a previous call to FDesc_Pointer_Allocate or by other means (e.g., malloc). int FDesc_Alloc_Create ( FDesc_Alloc_t * restrict fdesc, void * restrict base_addr, size_t elem_size, unsigned int rank; const F_extent_t shape[restrict] ); <> Creates storage for an allocatable descriptor handle and initializes it with the provided arguments. Memory for the descriptor shall be deallocated by a subsequent call to FDesc_Alloc_Destroy. The base address of the array shall be provided by a previous call to FDesc_Alloc_Allocate. Descriptor deallocation <> fdesc shall be the address of a descriptor handle of the specified type. Its value shall be FDESC_NULL on return. <> The result value shall be 0 if successful or nonzero if an error occurs. int FDesc_Assumed_Destroy ( FDesc_Assumed_t * restrict fdesc ); <> Deallocates storage for an assumed-shape descriptor handle previously allocated with a call to FDesc_Assumed_Create. Memory for the array shall not be deallocated. int FDesc_Pointer_Destroy ( FDesc_Pointer_t * restrict fdesc ); <> Deallocates storage for a pointer descriptor handle previously allocated with a call to FDesc_Pointer_Create. Memory for the array shall not be deallocated. int FDesc_Alloc_Destroy ( FDesc_Alloc_t * restrict fdesc ); <> Deallocates storage for an allocatable descriptor handle previously allocated with a call to FDesc_Alloc_Create. Memory for the array shall not be deallocated. Descriptor reset <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. base_addr shall be the base address of an array or scalar object. shape shall be an array containing the shape of the array object in elements. The shape array shall contain at least descriptor rank number of elements, unless base_addr is NULL, in which case the contents of shape are ignored and the descriptor shape values are set to 0. stride shall be an array containing the distance in bytes between successive array elements for each dimension. The stride array shall contain at least descriptor rank number of elements, unless base_addr is NULL, in which case the contents of stride are ignored and the descriptor stride values are set to 0. <> The result value shall be 0 if successful or nonzero if an error occurs. int FDesc_Assumed_Reset ( FDesc_Assumed_t fdesc, void * restrict base_addr, const F_extent_t shape[restrict], const F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Sets or resets the elements of an assumed-shape descriptor, allowing descriptor memory to be reused. Neither the rank nor the element size of the array associated with the descriptor shall change. int FDesc_Pointer_Reset ( FDesc_Pointer_t fdesc, void * base_addr, const F_extent_t shape[restrict], const F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Sets or resets the elements of a pointer descriptor, allowing descriptor memory to be reused. Neither the rank nor the element size of the array associated with the descriptor shall change. int FDesc_Alloc_Reset ( FDesc_Alloc_t fdesc, void * restrict base_addr, const F_extent_t shape[restrict] ); <> Sets or resets the elements of an allocatable descriptor allowing descriptor memory to be reused. Neither the rank nor the element size of the array associated with the descriptor shall change. Array memory allocation <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. size shall be the amount of memory to allocate, in bytes. <> The result value shall be a pointer to the allocated memory, or NULL if the memory allocation fails. void * FDesc_Assumed_Allocate ( size_t size ); <> Allocates memory appropriate for use as base_addr in FDesc_Assumed_Create or FDest_Assumed_Reset. Memory allocated by this routine may be deallocated by a Fortran procedure or by FDesc_Assumed_Deallocate (, but deallocation shall not be done twice. void * FDesc_Pointer_Allocate ( size_t size ); <> Allocates memory appropriate for use as base_addr in FDesc_Pointer_Create or FDest_Pointer_Reset. Memory allocated by this routine may be deallocated by a Fortran procedure or by FDesc_Pointer_Deallocate (, but deallocation shall not be done twice. void * FDesc_Alloc_Allocate ( size_t size ); <> Allocates memory appropriate for use as base_addr in FDesc_Alloc_Create or FDest_Alloc_Reset. Memory allocated by this routine may be deallocated by a Fortran procedure or by FDesc_Alloc_Deallocate (, but deallocation shall not be done twice. Array memory deallocation <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. The base_addr value in the descriptor shall be set to NULL on return. <> The result value shall be 0 if successful or nonzero if an error occurs. int FDesc_Assumed_Deallocate ( FDesc_Assumed_t fdesc ); <> Deallocates memory previously allocated with FDesc_Assumed_Allocate. int FDesc_Pointer_Deallocate ( FDesc_Pointer_t fdesc ); <> Deallocates memory previously allocated with FDesc_Pointer_Allocate. This function may be used to deallocate memory previously allocated by a Fortran procedure. int FDesc_Alloc_Deallocate ( FDesc_Alloc_t fdesc ); <> Deallocates memory previously allocated with FDesc_Alloc_Allocate. This function may be used to deallocate memory previously allocated by a Fortran procedure. Pointer association status _Bool FDesc_Associated ( FDesc_Pointer_t fdesc ); <> Returns the association status of the pointer object associated with the descriptor. <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. <> The result value shall be true if the pointer is associated or false otherwise. Array allocation status _Bool FDesc_Allocated ( FDesc_Alloc_t fdesc ); <> Returns the allocation status of the allocatable array associated with the descriptor. <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. <> The result value shall be true if the array is allocated or false otherwise. Array rank <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. <> The result value is the rank of the array or pointer object associated with the descriptor. int FDesc_Assumed_Rank ( FDesc_Assumed_t fdesc ); <> Returns the rank of the assumed-shape array associated with the descriptor. int FDesc_Pointer_Rank ( FDesc_Pointer_t fdesc ); <> Returns the rank of the pointer object associated with the descriptor. int FDesc_Alloc_Rank ( FDesc_Alloc_t fdesc ); <> Returns the rank of the allocatable array associated with the descriptor. Descriptor access functions <> fdesc shall be a descriptor handle of the specified type. base_addr shall be a pointer containing the address of the array or scalar object on return. shape shall be an array containing the shape of the array object object in elements on return. The shape array shall be of sufficient size to contain at least descriptor rank number of elements. If the descriptor rank is 0, stride is not returned. stride shall be an array containing the distance in bytes between successive array elements for each dimension on return. The stride array shall be of sufficient size to contain at least descriptor rank number of elements. If the descriptor rank is 0, stride is not returned. <> The result value shall be 0 if successful or nonzero if an error occurs. int FDesc_Assumed_Get ( Desc_Assumed_t fdesc, void ** base_addr, F_extent_t shape[restrict], F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Returns address, shape, and stride information for the assumed-shape array associated with the descriptor. int FDesc_Pointer_Get ( FDesc_Pointer_t fdesc, void ** base_addr, F_extent_t shape[restrict], F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Returns address, shape, and stride information for the pointer object associated with the descriptor. int FDesc_Alloc_Get ( FDesc_Alloc_t fdesc, void ** restrict base_addr, F_extent_t shape[restrict], F_stride_t stride[restrict] ); <> Returns address, shape, and stride information for the allocatable array associated with the descriptor. ______________ Add section "15.6 Interoperability of Optional Dummy Arguments" An interoperable Fortran procedure can have OPTIONAL dummy arguments. The VALUE attribute cannot be combined with the OPTIONAL attribute. If such a procedure is referenced in C and the actual argument corresponding to that dummy argument is a) a null pointer, and the dummy argument is interoperable, or b) a null descriptor handle, and the dummy argument is an assumed-shape array, allocatable variable, or data pointer then the dummy argument is not present (, otherwise, it is present. ______________ History: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional: Paper 04-373 meeting 169 Submitted 171 Accepted as complete ------------------------------------------------------------------ Pointers, allocatables, and assumed-shape arrays: Paper 04-371r2 meeting 169 Submitted 05-159 171 Accepted as complete ------------------------------------------------------------------