J3/06-220r2 To: J3 From: Bill Long Subject: C10 - UTI 48 : List-directed bits output Date: 17-aug-2006 --------------------- Unresolved Technical Issue 48 (page 282) Asks three questions: Why are leading zeros considered significant in list-directed output for bits? Why is Z format user rather than B? What is the exact meaning of (k+3)/4 ? Reply: 1) In the bits context, I see no reason why a zero bit should be any less or more significant than a one bit. It is true that leading zeros are not included in B0, O0, and Z0 output, but that is mainly for backwards compatibility. List-directed output for bits is new and it seems reasonable to do it "right". For example, you might want to know if the leftmost bit of a value is zero. By printing all the bits, you can just look at the leftmost character printed, rather than having to count the number of characters output to determine if maybe some leading zero bits had been dropped. 2) The selection of Z format for list-directed output is mainly for practical considerations. B format output results in significantly, and in some cases, impractically long output strings. The use of Z format allows compact output from which the reader can easily visualize the represented bit pattern. 3) The intended meaning of (k+3)/4 was to be interpreted according to Fortran's integer divide rules. As written in the text, this is not clear. Edits are provided to fix this. Edits: ------ [281:11] Replace "Zw" with "Zw.w". [281:11] Replace (in LaTeX-ese) $ {k+3}\over 4 $ with "CEILING(k/4)". [287:14] Replace "Zw" with "Zw.w". [287:14] Replace (in LaTeX-ese) $ {k+3}\over 4 $ with "CEILING(k/4)".