J3/06-291 To: J3 From: Stan Whitlock Subject: Minutes of meeting #177 Date: 23 October 2006 Minutes of INCITS/J3 Committee Meeting #177 14-18 August 2006 Emerald Suites, Las Vegas, NV, USA 0. List of papers passed at meeting #177 This is a list of the paper numbers that passed at meeting #177, including interpretations. The reference is to the latest revision on the J3 server after the meeting, not to the actual revision that was voted upon. The motions below reference the actual revision voted upon. 06-186r1 section 4 06-213 06-235r1 06-257 06-188r1 06-215 06-236r1 06-261 06-191r2 06-217 06-237 06-262r1 06-192r1 06-219r2 06-238r1 06-264r1 06-193r1 06-220r2 06-239 06-265r1 06-194r1 06-221r1 06-240 06-266 06-195 06-222r1 06-242 06-267 06-197 edit 06-223 06-243 06-270r2 06-198 06-224 06-244 06-271 06-199 edit 06-225 06-245r1 06-272r1 06-203 edit 06-226r1 06-246 06-274r2 06-204 edit 06-227 06-247r1 06-275r2 06-205r1 06-228 06-248 06-276r1 06-206 edit 06-229 edit 06-250 06-280r2 06-207r1 06-230r1 06-251 06-281 06-208r4 06-231r1 06-252r2 06-282 edit 06-210r2 section 1 06-232r3 06-254r1 06-283 06-211r1 06-233r1 06-255 section 4 06-289 06-212r1 06-234 06-256r2 The papers above marked "edit" were accepted by /edit without a J3 vote. No interpretations were passed by this meeting: 06-006T2r1, "Interpretations for Fortran 2003 Corrigendum # 2", is in the post-meeting distribution. 1. Monday, August 14, 2006 8:00 AM ----------------------------------- The J3 meeting (#177) was called to order at 8:00 AM, Monday, August 14, 2006, at the Emerald Suites, Las Vegas, NV, USA, by the J3 chair, Dan Nagle. 1.1 Opening business D. Nagle The Chairman welcomed everyone. 1.1.1 Remarks from the chair D. Nagle This is the first of three meetings to integrate/polish the final document. Papers with edits against 06-007 will be processed by the three subgroups, each of whom processed one-third of 06-007. "UTI" means "Unresolved Technical Issue" as found in 06-007. 1.1.2 Adoption of agenda D. Nagle ** motion: Adopt the agenda as amended (moved by Bill Long/ seconded by Van Snyder): passed by unanimous consent {uc} 1.1.3 Approval of Meeting 176 minutes D. Nagle ** motion: Approve paper 06-183, the minutes of meeting #176 (Whitlock/North): uc 1.1.4 INCITS/SDB report (if any) D. Nagle Dan sent 3 PowerPoint slide sets to NCITS to cover the J3 annual report. INCITS complained that Dan should have presented them in person. Debbie at INCITS can change the "representative" designation on member fee bills if the member's company balks at paying for a "representative". Dan attended most of the CT22 meeting: they are trying unsuccessfully to kill APL. Cobol and C/C++ adopted a decimal floating-point data type but C/C++ wants to wait for 754r to decide what formats will be standardized. INCITS can't affect the IEEE schedule or content. INCITS will vote in favor of J3's new work item and TR on C Interoperability. Having a standard for terms to be used for parallel processing was discussed but Fortran and C++ are already working on parallel processing so there won't be independent standard terminology. The SC22 Working Group on "Vulnerability due to Language Features" will meet next in London. See the web site http://www.aitcnet.org/isai/Home.html about "ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/OWG:Vulnerabilities" for more info. Dan wants to contribute the suggestions on Fortran coding with J3's help. 1.1.5 ISO/WG5 report Van Snyder, IR ANSI wants the US TAG to approve the F2003 corrigendum #2. 1.1.6 J11 Liaison report (if any) C. Rasmussen Craig wrote 06-280 "Removal of the restrict keyword in the C header file, FDesc.h" at the request of John Benino {J11} to send to WG14. 1.1.7 H2 Liaison report (if any) D. Nagle Nothing new to report. 1.1.8 IEEE 754 report (if any) M. Ingrassia Nothing new to report. 1.1.9 Treasurer's report M. North Opening balance is $2079.00. There is a $50 meeting fee at this meeting. ** motion: Exempt Aleks Donev, John Wallin, and Chris Rickett from this meeting's fee (North/Whitlock): uc 1.1.10 Beginning membership report S. Whitlock Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 177 11 Majority 6 Quorum 4 members alternates R. Bleikamp C.M. North D. Hendrickson M. Ingrassia R. James K. Li B. Long J. Brixius J. Martin M. Cohen D. Nagle A. Donev C. Rasmussen V. Snyder R. Maine M. van Waveren T. Moene S. Whitlock No one's membership is in jeopardy due to attendance. Attendance - J3 Members present: Rich Bleikamp Dick Hendrickson Michael Ingrassia Rob James Bill Long Dan Nagle (J3 chairman) Craig Rasmusssen Van Snyder Stan Whitlock (Secretary) J3 Alternates present: Malcolm Cohen (alternate for J. Martin, not in attendance) Aleks Donev (alternate for D. Nagle, in attendance) C Mallory North (treasurer) (alternate for R. Bleikamp, in attendance) Guests Armando Celorio-Villasenn - NATURBO Technology Centers, Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte - author of 06-184 Chris Rickett - Los Alamos National Security John Wallin - George Mason University 1.1.11 Local arrangements D. Nagle Van Snyder has opened a free account for J3 as a non-profit organization at the Bank of America. Dan Nagle said the new J3 server is up at George Mason University, managed by John Wallin, but the official site hasn't yet switched from Rose-Hulman. 1.1.12 Comments from members None recorded 1.2 Subgroup organization D. Nagle J3 is divided into three subgroups, /A, /B, and /C, to work on integration of edits against 06-007. There will be no new features considered at this meeting. /A == JOR Whitlock (head), Bleikamp, Hendrickson, Nagle 06-007 chapters: beginning through 7 papers: 186r1, 188, 190, 191, 205, 210r1, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 273, 274 #4&6, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281 /B == DATA Cohen (head), Donev, Ingrassia, Snyder 06-007 chapters: 8 through 13 papers: 187, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201r1, 203, 204, 207, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263r1, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274 #12 /C == HPC Long (head), James, Rasmussen, Rickett, Wallin 06-007 chapters: 14 through end papers: 184, 197, 200, 202r1, 208r2, 211, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 253, 271, 272, 280 /INTERP Whitlock (head), Bleikamp, Cohen, Hendrickson papers: 06-209 /EDIT Cohen (head) papers: 06-206, 282 directions to /A, /B, and /C: see comments in 06-185 1.3 Subgroup meetings (9:15 AM) 1.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 PM) /B Papers 06-187 "Integration (feature creep?): fleshing out DO CONCURRENT functionality" [Snyder] and 189 "Are critical sections good enough?" [Snyder] will not be pursued but the possible feature in 187 lines 68-69 should be investigated by /A. /C Paper 06-197 "Comments on Annex D" [Snyder] goes to /EDIT /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Adjourned at 4:43 PM 2. Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:00 AM ------------------------------------ 2.1 F2008 Plenary (00-010) Subgroup Heads /A Discuss paper 06-274r1 "typos and editorial suggestions for INTRO to clause 4, 6, and 12" [by Dick Hendrickson]: in section #2 Straw Vote {SV}: put blank lines around rules as there are around constraints - leave it as is - undecided: 5-2-5 ** motion: 06-274r1 as amended (Whitlock/Bleikamp): passed 7-1 {there will be an updated 06-274r2 in the post-meeting papers} ** motion: 06-275r1 "clause 2 problems" [Hendrickson] (Whitlock/ Hendrickson) as amended: uc {post r2} /B Discuss 06-192r1 "Comments on Clause 8" [Snyder]: SV: in the "SYNC" statements [196:6], separate SYNC from next word with mandatory blank - optional blank - underscore - undecided: 8-2-0-1 ** motion: 06-192r1 as amended (Cohen/Ingrassia): uc {post r2} /C ** motion: 06-231r1 "C16 - UTI 75 : endian ordering" [Long] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-232r1 "C16 - UTI 76 : definition of associated objects" [Long] (Long/James): withdrawn ** motion: 06-233 "C16 - UTI 77 : bits storage association " [Long] (Long/James) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 06-234 "CC : Annex C error" [Long] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-271 "Issue 78 : scope of image indices" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): uc /A Discuss 06-273 "Macros, kinds, integration, and feature creep" [Hendrickson]: SV: investigate a "get kinds" feature for macros in F08: Y-N-undecided: 9-1-1 2.2 Tutorials (if needed) - none 2.3 Subgroup meetings (10:15 AM) 2.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 PM) /A The possible new feature in paper 06-187 "Integration (feature creep?): fleshing out DO CONCURRENT functionality" [Snyder] lines 68-69 will be investigated by /A == /JOR /B All chapter 13 work not already done by /B except 06-263 is assigned to /C /C 06-253 "Comment on IEEE_VALUE" [Snyder]: no further action /EDIT 06-229 "C13 : misc edits" [Long]: sent to /EDIT /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Adjourned at 4:46 PM 3. Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:00 AM -------------------------------------- 3.1 F2008 Plenary Subgroup Heads /A ** motion: 06-213 "C4 - UTI 14, 15 : definition of bits compatible / TKR" [Long] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): passed 7-2 ** motion: 06-214 "C4 - UTI 16 : bits compatible / TK compatible" [Long] (Whitlock/Hendrickson): withdrawn; UTI #16 unresolved ** motion: 06-215 "C4 - UTI 17 : generic resolution / moving TKR" [Long] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc ** motion: 06-216 "C4 - UTI 18 : variable length bit strings" [Long] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): withdrawn; UTI #18 removed ** motion: 06-217 "C4 - UTI 19 : interfaces for bits dummy arguments" [Long] (Whitlock/Long): passed 5-4 ** motion: 06-212 "C1 : backward compatibility" [Long] (Whitlock/ Long): withdrawn ** motion: 06-235 "Issues 1-2 : program and images" [Long/Reid] as amended (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc {post r1} ** motion: 06-236 "Issues 3-6 : image termination" [Long/Reid] option #1 (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc {post r1} ** motion: 06-237 "Issue 7 : co-dimension definition" [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc ** motion: 06-238 "Issues 8-10 : allocatable co-arrays and SAVE" [Long/Reid] as amended (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc {post r1} ** motion: 06-239 "Issue 12 : co-bounds definition" [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc ** motion: 06-240 "Issue 13 : co-array-spec semantics" [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc ** motion: 06-242 "Issue 21 : co-subscripts mapping" [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Hendrickson): uc ** motion: 06-243 "Issue 22 : co-arrays and type extension" [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc ** motion: 06-244 "Issue 24 : co-array polymorphic assignment " [Long/Reid] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc ** motion: 06-281 "C5 : bits/equivalence" [Long] (Whitlock/ Bleikamp): uc Paper 06-273 "Macros, kinds, integration, and feature creep" [Hendrickson] is withdrawn - it may appear at the next meeting Paper 06-241 "Issues 20, 23 : co-indexed variable" [Long/Reid] SV: retain allocatable components of co-indexed variables? Y-N-undecided: 2-8-2 Paper 06-241 withdrawn since it contains no edits /B ** motion: 06-193r1 "Comments on Clause 12" [Snyder] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-222r1 "C13 - UTI 60, 62, 65 : KIND arguments" [Donev] (Cohen/James): uc ** motion: 06-226r1 "C13 - UTI 67, 68 : MERGE_BITS" [Donev] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc /C ** motion: 06-208r3 "C_LOC and contiguous arrays" [James] (Long/ James) as amended: uc {post r4} ** motion: 06-211r1 "Comments on the index" [Snyder] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-272r1 "Notes on clauses 14-16 of F2008 draft" [James] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-280r1 "Removal of the restrict keyword in the C header file, FDesc.h" [Long] (Long/James) as amended: uc {post r2} ++ action item: Craig Rasmussen will send 06-280r2 to J11 ** motion: 06-283 "Reply to 06-184" [Long, ref: 06-184 "FORmula TRANslation improvements - Mathematical Assigment Expressions Legibility" [Celorio]] (Long/James): uc note: there is no need to send 06-283 to Armando Celorio, author of 06-184, since he was in attendance at this meeting 3.2 Tutorials (if needed) - none 3.3 Subgroup meetings (11:48 AM) 3.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 PM) /A The possible feature change in 06-187, lines 68-69, will receive no further attention at this meeting. /B No further action will be taken on papers: 06-218 "C8 - UTI 25 : CONCURRENT iteration" [Long], which is the same as 06-195 "Unresolved technical issue 25" [Snyder] 06-249 "Issue 37 : sync_memory Note" [Long/Reid], which is the same as 06-198 "Unresolved technical issue 37" [Snyder] /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Adjourned at 4:42 PM 4. Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:00 AM ------------------------------------- 4.1 F2008 Plenary Subgroup Heads /J3 ** motion: Move to adopt the two resolutions concerning bank accounts in paper 06-289 "Bank account resolutions" [Snyder] (Snyder/Long): uc /A ** motion: 06-212r1 "C1 : backward compatibility" [Long] (Whitlock/ Long): uc ** motion: 06-276r1 "clause 3 problems" [Hendrickson] (Whitlock/ Hendrickson): uc ** motion: 06-191r1 "Comments on Clause 7" [Hendrickson] (Whitlock/ Bleikamp) as amended: uc {post r2} ** motion: 06-198 "Unresolved technical issue 37" [Snyder] (Whitlock/Snyder): uc ** motion: 06-205r1 "Ultimate components" [Hendrickson] (Whitlock/ Cohen): uc /B ** motion: 06-194r1 "Comments on Clause 13" [Snyder] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc - no post r2 needed ** motion: 06-255 "Argument association restructuring" [Cohen] section 4 only (Cohen/Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-256r1 "Clause 12 niggles" [Cohen] as amended (Cohen/ Snyder): uc {post r2} ** motion: 06-195 "Unresolved technical issue 25" [Snyder] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc Group B solicited comments on paper 06-219r1 "C10 - UTI 45, 46, 47 : bits input with I format" [Ingrassia] - paper withdrawn ** motion: 06-212r1 "C1 : backward compatibility" [Long] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-245 "Issues 26-32 : STOP" [Long/Reid] (Cohen/ Ingrassia) as amended: uc {post r1 from Long} ** motion: 06-246 "Issue 34 : pointer components, notation" [Long/ Reid] no edits: uc ** motion: 06-247r1 "Issue 35 : team formation" [Donev] (Cohen/ Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-248 "Issue 36 : co-indexed image sets" [Long/Reid] (Cohen/Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-250 "Issue 38 : error without stat=" [Long/Reid] (Cohen/Ingrassia): uc /C ** motion: 06-223 "C13 - UTI 61 : BITS_KIND" [Long] (Long/ James): uc ** motion: 06-224 "C13 - UTI 64 : EOSHIFT" [Long] (Long/ James): uc ** motion: 06-225 "C13 - UTI 66 : LOGICAL" [Long] (Long/ James): uc ** motion: 06-227 "C13 - UTI 70 : RANDOM_NUMBER" [Long] (Long/ James: passed 9-1 ** motion: 06-228 "C13 - UTI 71, 72 : SHIFTA" [Long] (Long/ James): uc ** motion: 06-230r1 "C15 - UTI 74 : C names for BITS kinds" [Long] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-261 "Issue 56 : definition of 'collective'" [Long/ Reid] (Long/Whitlock): passed 9-1 ** motion: 06-262 "Issue 57 : definition of 'implicit team synchronization'" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): withdrawn ** motion: 06-264r1 "Issue 58 : FORM_TEAM Note" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-265r1 "Issue 59 : THIS_IMAGE" [Long/Reid] (Long/ James): passed 5-4 ** motion: 06-266 "Issue 63 : FORM_TEAM synchronization" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-267 "Issue 69 : log2_images / rem_images" [Long/ Reid] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-270r1 "Issue 73 : IMAGE_TEAM constraints" [Long/ Reid] (Long/James) as amended: withdrawn ** motion: 06-287 "Response to 06-200 about the C Interop TR" [James, ref: 06-200 "Interop TR: Binary Compatibility, TKR Genericity and Character strings" [Donev]] (Long/ James): failed 5-5 /A Paper 06-186r1 "Oh No! Not more left hand functions!" [Snyder] SV: keep on the left had side of an assignment? Y-N- undecided: 11-1-0 ** motion: 06-186r1 (Whitlock/Snyder): uc /B Paper 06-220 "C10 - UTI 48 : List-directed bits output" [Long] vs 06-220r1 [Ingrassia], 06-220 amended to require leading 0s: SV: do you want list-directed output of BITS (1) using Zw.w where w is ceiling (k divided by 4) [06-220 as amended] or (2) using Zw where w = 0 [06-220r1] or (3) using Zw where w is processor dependent or (4) undecided vote: 8-3-0-2 ** motion: 06-220 as amended (Cohen/Long): uc {post r2 by Long} Paper 06-288 "Straw votes for 06-245" [Donev, ref: 06-245 "Issues 26-32 : STOP" [Long/Reid]]: 1. SV: Should STOP terminate that one image - terminate all images - undecided: 9-2-2 2. SV: Should an error terminate that one image - terminate all images - undecided: 5-5-2 3. Third SV not taken /C SV: 1. leave interaction of LOGICALs and BITS as is or 2. remove BITS as argument to LOGICAL intrinsic and disallow assignment of BITS to LOGICAL or 3. undecided vote: 7-1-5 so paper 06-225 not affected 4.2 Tutorials (if needed) - none 4.3 Subgroup meetings (2:30 PM) 4.4 US TAG meeting (4:15 PM) Van Snyder, IR 4.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 PM) /A No action will be taken on the following papers; they may reappear at the next meeting: 06-210r2 "Notes on clauses 1-7 of F2008 draft" [Bleikamp] 06-277 "macros" [Hendrickson] 06-278 "clause 4 problems" [Hendrickson] 06-279 "clause 6 problems" [Hendrickson] /B Paper 06-204 "Comments on Clause 11" [Snyder] was sent to /edit No action will be taken on the following papers; they may reappear at the next meeting: 06-258 "Issues 42-43 : pre-connected units" [Long/Reid] 06-259 "Issue 44 : NEXTREC= and TEAM=" [Long/Reid] 06-260 "Issue 54 : allocatable co-array component argument" [Long/Reid] 06-263r1 "Notes on clauses 8-13 of F2008 draft" [Donev] 06-268 "Issue 79 : copy in/out prohibition for co-array dummies" [Long/Reid] 06-269 "Issues 49,50,51,55 : co-indexed actual arguments" [Long/Reid] 06-284 "Feature creep suggestions for Clause 12" [Snyder] 06-285 "Reorganization of 'Procedures Defined by Subprograms'" [Snyder] 06-286 "Clarifications of SYNC, QUERY" [Donev] /C No action will be taken on the following paper; it may reappear at the next meeting: 06-202r1 "BIND(C) for internal procedures" [Donev] /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Adjourned at 4:42 PM 5. Friday, August 18, 2006 8:00 AM ----------------------------------- 5.0 F2008 Plenary Subgroup Heads /A ** motion: 06-188r1 "Comments on and related to Clause 2" [Whitlock] (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc ** motion: 06-210r2 "Notes on clauses 1-7 of F2008 draft" [Bleikamp] section 1 (Whitlock/Bleikamp): uc /B ** motion: 06-219r2 "C10 - UTI 45, 46, 47 : bits input with I format" [Ingrassia] (Snyder/James): uc ** motion: 06-251 "Issue 39 : local units" [Long/Reid] (Snyder/ Long): uc ** motion: 06-257 "Issue 41 : unit connection" [Long/Reid] (Snyder/Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-252r1 "Issue 40 : INQUIRE(TEAM=) and TEAM_IMAGES" [Donev] (Snyder/Ingrassia) as amended: uc {post r2} ** motion: 06-254r1 "BLOCK construct fixes" [Cohen] section 8.3 (Snyder/Ingrassia): uc ** motion: 06-207r1 "Comments on C1107 and similar issues" [Snyder] (Snyder/James): uc /C ** motion: 06-232r3 "C16 - UTI 76 : definition of associated objects" [Long] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-262r1 "Issue 57 : definition of 'implicit team synchronization'" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): uc ** motion: 06-270r2 "Issue 73 : IMAGE_TEAM constraints" [Long/Reid] (Long/James): uc /B SV: allow scalar actual arguments associated with INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT) dummy arguments in references to impure elementals? Y-N-undecided: 11-0-0 5.1 Closing business 5.2 Review of action items (if any) 1. Van Snyder - will make new bank account happen 2. Dan Nagle - will work with Andy to move the J3 web site to George Mason University 3. Craig Rasmussen - will send paper 06-280r2 to J11 4. Malcolm Cohen - will produce the next draft of Fortran 2008 as 06-007r1; all papers in the next meeting will refer to line numbers in this new 06-007r1 5. Reading assignment for next meeting: B - start of draft through chapter 7 C - chapter 8 through chapter 12 A - chapter 13 through the end of the draft 5.3 Future meetings M. North and V. Snyder The next meeting is #178, November 13 - 17, 2006, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: October 30, 2006 See Appendix C details of future meetings. 5.4 Treasurer's report M. North balance at start of meeting $2079.00 fees collected + 600.00 expenses - 335.09 new balance will be $2343.91 There will be a meeting fee of $50 at the next meeting, #178. The treasurer's report is paper 06-290. 5.5 Closing membership report S. Whitlock Of 11 principal members, 9 were present; 1 voting and 1 non-voting alternates were present. 3 visitors were present. No one is in membership jeopardy because of meeting attendance. No one is in membership jeopardy because of letter ballot voting. See appendix E for details. 5.6 Comments from members None recorded. J3 Adjournment at 8:51 AM, August 18, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A: Final Agenda for J3 Meeting 176 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Draft Agenda for J3 Meeting 177 =============================== 1. Monday, August 14, 2006 8:00 am ------------------------------------- 1.1 Opening business D. Nagle Remarks from the chair D. Nagle Adoption of agenda D. Nagle Approval of Meeting 176 minutes D. Nagle NCITS/OMC report (if any) D. Nagle ISO/WG5 report Van Snyder, IR J11 Liaison report (if any) C. Rasmussen H2 Liaison report (if any) D. Nagle IEEE 754 report (if any) M. Ingrassia Treasurer's report M. North Beginning membership report S. Whitlock Local arrangements D. Nagle Comments from members 1.2 Subgroup organization D. Nagle 1.3 Subgroup meetings 1.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 2. Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:00 am -------------------------------------- 2.1 F2008 Plenary (00-010) Subgroup Heads 2.2 Tutorials (if needed) 2.3 Subgroup meetings 2.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 3. Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:00 am ---------------------------------------- 3.1 F2008 Plenary Subgroup Heads 3.2 Tutorials (if needed) 3.3 Subgroup meetings 3.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 4. Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:00 am --------------------------------------- 4.1 F2008 Plenary Subgroup Heads 4.2 Tutorials (if needed) 4.3 Subgroup meetings 4.4 TAG meeting (4:15 pm) Van Snyder, IR 4.5 Subgroup reports (4:00 pm) 5. Friday, August 18, 2006 8:00 am -------------------------------------- 5.1 Closing business 5.2 Review of action items (if any) 5.3 Future meetings M. North 5.4 Treasurer's report M. North 5.5 Closing membership report S. Whitlock 5.6 Comments from members Adjournment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B: J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 177 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, August 14 - 18, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/06-006T2r1060716 Whitlock Interpretations for Fortran 2003 txt Corrigendum # 2 J3/06-007 060711 Cohen Draft Revision to Fortran Standards txt,ps,pdf Document J3/06-011 060718 Cohen Editor's list of unresolved technical txt issues J3/06-014r1 060630 Cohen Cumulative edits for F2008 develop- txt ment J3/06-184 060626 Celorio FORmula TRANslation improvements txt,doc Mathematical Assigment Expressions Legibility J3/06-185 060718 Cohen Editor's report for J3/06-007 prepar- txt ation J3/06-186 060513 Snyder Oh No! Not more left hand functions! txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-186r1 060801 Snyder Oh No! Not more left hand functions! txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-187 060516 Snyder Integration (feature creep?): flesh- txt,ps,pdf,tex ing out DO CONCURRENT functionality J3/06-188 060604 Snyder Comments on and related to Clause 2 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-188r1 060817 Whitlock Comments on and related to Clause 2 txt J3/06-189 060516 Snyder Are critical sections good enough? txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-190 060713 Snyder Unresolved technical issues 1 and 2 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-191 060713 Snyder Comments on Clause 7 txt,pdf,tex J3/06-191r1 060816 Hendrickson Comments on Clause 7 txt J3/06-191r2 060817 Hendrickson Comments on Clause 7 txt J3/06-192 060713 Snyder Comments on Clause 8 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-192r1 060814 Snyder Comments on Clause 8 ps,pdf,tex J3/06-193 060724 Snyder Comments on Clause 12 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-193r1 060814 Snyder Comments on Clause 12 ps,pdf,tex J3/06-194 060713 Snyder Comments on Clause 13 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-194r1 060816 Snyder Comments on Clause 13 pdf,tex J3/06-195 060713 Snyder Unresolved technical issue 25 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-196 060713 Snyder Questions about DO CONCURRENT txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-197 060713 Snyder Comments on Annex D txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-198 060715 Snyder Unresolved technical issue 37 ps,pdf,tex J3/06-199 060717 Snyder Comments on Subclause 9 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-200 060723 Donev Interop TR: Binary Compatibility, TKR txt Genericity and Character strings J3/06-201 060723 Donev Impure ELEMENTAL integration txt J3/06-201r1 060731 Donev Impure ELEMENTAL integration txt J3/06-202 060723 Donev BIND(C) for internal procedures txt J3/06-202r1 060731 Donev BIND(C) for internal procedures txt J3/06-203 060720 Snyder Comments on Clause 10 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-204 060723 Snyder Comments on Clause 11 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-205 060724 Snyder Ultimate components txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-205r1 060816 Hendrickson Ultimate components txt J3/06-206 060724 Snyder Comments on Clauses 4 and 16 txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-207 060725 Snyder Comments on C1107 and similar issues txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-207r1 060817 Snyder Comments on C1107 and similar issues ps,pdf,tex J3/06-208 060728 Donev C_LOC and contiguous arrays txt J3/06-208r1 060731 Donev C_LOC and contiguous arrays txt J3/06-208r2 060805 Donev C_LOC and contiguous arrays txt J3/06-208r3 060805 James C_LOC and contiguous arrays txt J3/06-208r4 060816 James C_LOC and contiguous arrays txt J3/06-209 060728 Donev Pending interps for integration txt J3/06-210 060728 Donev Notes on clauses 1-7 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-210r1 060731 Donev Notes on clauses 1-7 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-210r2 060817 Bleikamp Notes on clauses 1-7 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-211 060612 Snyder Comments on the index txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-211r1 060815 Snyder Comments on the index txt J3/06-212 060728 Long C1 : backward compatibility txt J3/06-212r1 060816 Long C1 : backward compatibility txt J3/06-213 060728 Long C4 - UTI 14, 15 : definition of bits txt compatible / TKR J3/06-214 060728 Long C4 - UTI 16 : bits compatible / TK txt compatible J3/06-215 060728 Long C4 - UTI 17 : generic resolution / txt moving TKR J3/06-216 060728 Long C4 - UTI 18 : variable length bit txt strings J3/06-217 060728 Long C4 - UTI 19 : interfaces for bits txt dummy arguments J3/06-218 060728 Long C8 - UTI 25 : CONCURRENT iteration txt J3/06-219 060728 Long C10 - UTI 45, 46, 47 : bits input txt with I format J3/06-219r1 060816 Ingrassia C10 - UTI 45, 46, 47 : bits input txt with I format J3/06-219r2 060817 Ingrassia C10 - UTI 45, 46, 47 : bits input txt with I format J3/06-220 060728 Long C10 - UTI 48 : List-directed bits txt output J3/06-220r1 060816 Ingrassia C10 - UTI 48 : List-directed bits txt output J3/06-220r2 060817 Long C10 - UTI 48 : List-directed bits txt output J3/06-221 060728 Long C12 - UTI 52, 53 : bits pointer and txt argument association J3/06-221r1 060810 Long C12 - UTI 52 : bits pointer and txt argument association J3/06-222 060728 Long C13 - UTI 60, 62, 65 : KIND arguments txt J3/06-222r1 060815 Donev C13 - UTI 60, 62, 65 : KIND arguments txt J3/06-223 060728 Long C13 - UTI 61 : BITS_KIND txt J3/06-224 060728 Long C13 - UTI 64 : EOSHIFT txt J3/06-225 060728 Long C13 - UTI 66 : LOGICAL txt J3/06-226 060728 Long C13 - UTI 67, 68 : MERGE_BITS txt J3/06-226r1 060815 Donev C13 - UTI 67, 68 : MERGE_BITS txt J3/06-227 060728 Long C13 - UTI 70 : RANDOM_NUMBER txt J3/06-228 060728 Long C13 - UTI 71, 72 : SHIFTA txt J3/06-229 060728 Long C13 : misc edits txt J3/06-230 060728 Long C15 - UTI 74 : C names for BITS kinds txt J3/06-230r1 060816 Long C15 - UTI 74 : C names for BITS kinds txt J3/06-231 060728 Long C16 - UTI 75 : endian ordering txt J3/06-231r1 060814 Long C16 - UTI 75 : endian ordering txt J3/06-232 060728 Long C16 - UTI 76 : definition of txt associated objects J3/06-232r1 060814 Long C16 - UTI 76 : definition of txt associated objects J3/06-232r2 060815 Long C16 - UTI 76 : definition of txt associated objects J3/06-232r3 060817 Long C16 - UTI 76 : definition of txt associated objects J3/06-233 060728 Long C16 - UTI 77 : bits storage txt association J3/06-233r1 060815 Long C16 - UTI 77 : bits storage txt association J3/06-234 060728 Long CC : Annex C error txt J3/06-235 060731 Long/Reid Issues 1-2 : program and images txt J3/06-235r1 060816 Long/Reid Issues 1-2 : program and images txt J3/06-236 060731 Long/Reid Issues 3-6 : image termination txt J3/06-236r1 060816 Long/Reid Issues 3-6 : image termination txt J3/06-237 060731 Long/Reid Issue 7 : co-dimension definition txt J3/06-238 060731 Long/Reid Issues 8-10 : allocatable co-arrays txt and SAVE J3/06-238r1 060816 Long/Reid Issues 8-10 : allocatable co-arrays txt and SAVE J3/06-239 060731 Long/Reid Issue 12 : co-bounds definition txt J3/06-240 060731 Long/Reid Issue 13 : co-array-spec semantics txt J3/06-241 060731 Long/Reid Issues 20, 23 : co-indexed variable txt J3/06-242 060731 Long/Reid Issue 21 : co-subscripts mapping txt J3/06-243 060731 Long/Reid Issue 22 : co-arrays and type txt extension J3/06-244 060731 Long/Reid Issue 24 : co-array polymorphic txt assignment J3/06-245 060731 Long/Reid Issues 26-32 : STOP txt J3/06-245r1 060817 Long/Reid Issues 26-32 : STOP txt J3/06-246 060731 Long/Reid Issue 34 : pointer components, txt notation J3/06-247 060731 Long/Reid Issue 35 : team formation txt J3/06-247r1 060816 Donev Issue 35 : team formation txt J3/06-248 060731 Long/Reid Issue 36 : co-indexed image sets txt J3/06-249 060731 Long/Reid Issue 37 : sync_memory Note txt J3/06-250 060731 Long/Reid Issue 38 : error without stat= txt J3/06-251 060731 Long/Reid Issue 39 : local units txt J3/06-252 060731 Long/Reid Issue 40 : INQUIRE(TEAM=) and txt TEAM_IMAGES J3/06-252r1 060817 Donev Issue 40 : INQUIRE(TEAM=) and txt TEAM_IMAGES J3/06-252r2 060818 Donev Issue 40 : INQUIRE(TEAM=) and txt TEAM_IMAGES J3/06-253 060729 Snyder Comment on IEEE_VALUE txt,ps,pdf,tex J3/06-254 060731 Cohen BLOCK construct fixes txt J3/06-254r1 060818 Cohen BLOCK construct fixes txt J3/06-255 060731 Cohen Argument association restructuring ps,pdf J3/06-256 060731 Cohen Clause 12 niggles txt J3/06-256r1 060816 Cohen Clause 12 niggles txt J3/06-256r2 060816 Cohen Clause 12 niggles txt J3/06-257 060801 Long/Reid Issue 41 : unit connection txt J3/06-258 060801 Long/Reid Issues 42-43 : pre-connected units txt J3/06-259 060801 Long/Reid Issue 44 : NEXTREC= and TEAM= txt J3/06-260 060801 Long/Reid Issue 54 : allocatable co-array txt component argument J3/06-261 060801 Long/Reid Issue 56 : definition of 'collective' txt J3/06-262 060801 Long/Reid Issue 57 : definition of 'implicit txt team synchronization' J3/06-262r1 060817 Long/Reid Issue 57 : definition of 'implicit txt team synchronization' J3/06-263 060801 Donev Notes on clauses 8-13 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-263r1 060803 Donev Notes on clauses 8-13 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-264 060801 Long/Reid Issue 58 : FORM_TEAM Note txt J3/06-264r1 060816 Long/Reid Issue 58 : FORM_TEAM Note txt J3/06-265 060801 Long/Reid Issue 59 : THIS_IMAGE txt J3/06-265r1 060816 Long/Reid Issue 59 : THIS_IMAGE txt J3/06-266 060801 Long/Reid Issue 63 : FORM_TEAM synchronization txt J3/06-267 060801 Long/Reid Issue 69 : log2_images / rem_images txt J3/06-268 060801 Long/Reid Issue 79 : copy in/out prohibition txt for co-array dummies J3/06-269 060803 Long/Reid Issues 49,50,51,55 : co-indexed act- txt ual arguments J3/06-270 060803 Long/Reid Issue 73 : IMAGE_TEAM constraints txt J3/06-270r1 060816 Long/Reid Issue 73 : IMAGE_TEAM constraints txt J3/06-270r2 060817 Long/Reid Issue 73 : IMAGE_TEAM constraints txt J3/06-271 060803 Long/Reid Issue 78 : scope of image indices txt J3/06-272 060803 Donev Notes on clauses 14-16 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-272r1 060815 James Notes on clauses 14-16 of F2008 draft txt J3/06-273 060810 Hendrickson Macros, kinds, integration, and txt feature creep J3/06-274 060810 Hendrickson typos and editorial suggestions for txt INTRO to clause 4, 6, and 12 J3/06-274r1 060814 Hendrickson typos and editorial suggestions for txt INTRO to clause 4, 6, and 12 J3/06-274r2 060815 Hendrickson typos and editorial suggestions for txt INTRO to clause 4, 6, and 12 J3/06-275 060810 Hendrickson clause 2 problems txt J3/06-275r1 060814 Hendrickson clause 1 and 2 problems txt J3/06-275r2 060815 Hendrickson clause 1 and 2 problems txt J3/06-276 060810 Hendrickson clause 3 problems txt J3/06-276r1 060816 Hendrickson clause 3 problems txt J3/06-277 060810 Hendrickson macros txt J3/06-278 060810 Hendrickson clause 4 problems txt J3/06-279 060810 Hendrickson clause 6 problems txt J3/06-280 060809 Rasmussen Removal of the restrict keyword in txt the C header file, FDesc.h J3/06-280r1 060815 Long Removal of the restrict keyword in txt the C header file, FDesc.h J3/06-280r2 060816 Long Removal of the restrict keyword in txt the C header file, FDesc.h J3/06-281 060810 Long C5 : bits/equivalence txt J3/06-282 060810 Long C9 : minor editorial issues txt J3/06-283 060815 Long Reply to 06-184 txt J3/06-284 060815 Snyder Feature creep suggestions for Clause pdf,ps,tex 12 J3/06-285 060815 Snyder Reorganization of "Procedures Defined pdf,ps,tex by Subprograms" J3/06-286 060815 Donev Clarifications of SYNC, QUERY txt J3/06-287 060816 James Response to 06-200 about the C txt Interop TR J3/06-288 060816 Donev Straw votes for 06-245 txt J3/06-289 060818 Snyder Bank account resolutions txt J3/06-290 060818 North Meeting 177 Treasurer's Report txt J3/06-291 061023 Whitlock Meeting 177 Minutes txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Future Meetings and Distribution Meeting Conventions: - Four meetings per year - Attempt to schedule second full week of the month - Attempt to schedule meeting contiguous or simultaneous with WG5 annual meeting Future meeting schedule: 178 November 13 - 17, 2006, in Las Vegas, NV Mallory North, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: October 30, 2006 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic 179 February 12 - 16, 2007, in Las Vegas, NV Van Snyder, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: January 29, 2007 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic 180 May 7 - 11, 2007, in Las Vegas, NV Mike Ingrassia, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: April 23, 2007 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic 181 August 6 - 10, 2007, in London, UK (concurrent with WG5) Ian Chivers & Jane Sleightholme, acting hosts Premeeting distribution deadline: July 23, 2007 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic 182 November 12 - 16, 2007, in Las Vegas, NV Stan Whitlock, acting host Premeeting distribution deadline: October 29, 2007 Premeeting distribution: electronic Post-meeting distribution: electronic Committee materials availability: Agenda and meeting notice available at the J3 web site: Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail. REQUIREMENT: Distribution 4 weeks prior to meeting (SD-2 4.3.3) Pre- and post-meeting distribution available at the J3 web site: Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material via electronic mail. REQUIREMENT: Distribution of premeeting 2 weeks prior to meeting. (documents for action - two week rule: SD-2 4.3.4:1) Meeting minutes are available at the J3 web site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J3 World Wide Web site URL: http://www.j3-fortran.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Appendix D: Committee Organization D.1 Officers and Management Chair D. Nagle International Rep. V. Snyder Secretary S. Whitlock Treasurer V. Snyder Librarian D. Nagle Editor M. Cohen (WG5 appointment) Maintenance S. Whitlock Vocabulary Rep. none Future Meetings V. Snyder Membership List S. Whitlock H2 Liaison D. Nagle J11 Liaison C. Rasmussen IEEE 754R Working Group M. Ingrassia D.2 Subgroups JOR: Responsible for the maintenance of the Journal of Development (standing document 004) S. Whitlock (head), R. Bleikamp, D. Hendrickson, D. Nagle DATA: Responsible for language design topics related to data and data structures M. Cohen (head), A. Donev, J. Martin, V. Snyder INTEROP: Responsible for interoperability with C B. Long (head), M. Ingrassia, R. James, M. van Waveren HPC: Responsible for topics in High Performance Computing B. Long (head), R. James, C. Rasmussen, M. van Waveren INTERP: Responsible for evaluating interpretation requests, providing responses to such requests, and maintaining standing document 006 S. Whitlock (head), R. Bleikamp, M. Cohen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix E: Membership summary J3 Meeting Attendance (Principal Members) Meeting # 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Location (state) NV NV NV NV Delft NV NV VA NV NV Date (month) 05 08 11 02 05 08 11 02 05 08 (year) 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 Name Affiliation Bleikamp, R HP R V R V A V R V R V Hendrickson, D self A V V V V V V V V V Ingrassia, M Sun V V A V V V V V V V James, R IBM V V V V V V A V V V Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V V Martin, J self V V V V R V V V V R Nagle, D self V V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C LANL V V A V A V V V A V Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V V van Waveren, M Fujitsu V** V A V V A A** V** R A Whitlock, S Intel V V V V A V V V V V J3 Letter Ballot Participation (Principal Members) Meeting # 163b 163c 163 164 168 169 170 171 174 Date (month) 12 02 03 07 08 10 12 03 12 (year) 02 03 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 Name Affiliation I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 Bleikamp, R HP V V V V A A** V** V V Hendrickson, D self V V V V A V V V V Ingrassia, M Sun RP RP RP A V A** V V V James, R IBM E V V V V V V V V Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V Martin, J self V V V V A V V V A Nagle, D self V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C LANL E A V A** V Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V van Waveren, M Fujitsu E R V V V R V V A Whitlock, S Intel V V V V V V V V V V present and voting Voting alternates: R absent but represented M. Cohen (alternate for J. Martin) A absent and not represented P present and not voting RP represented by previous member Non-voting attendees: E Excused C.M. North (alternate for R. Bleikamp) Q Resigned A. Donev (alternate for D. Nagle) ** missed 2 of last 3 meetings/votes *** lost membership Guests present at Meeting 177: John Wallin - George Mason University Chris Rickett - Los Alamos National Security Armando Celorio-Villasenor - NATURBO Technology Centers, Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 177 11 Majority 6 Quorum 4 Total Membership at end of Meeting 177 11 Total Members Attended or Represented at 176 10 Total Attendees at Meeting 176 15 Membership changes since last meeting: No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of missing 2 of the last 3 meetings. No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of missing 2 of the last 3 letter ballots. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix F: Membership Roster The Membership Roster is not reproduced here. The current Membership Roster may be found on the J3 web site at http://www.j3-fortran.org by clicking on the tab "J3 Members" and then clicking on the pointer to "full membership list".