J3/06-350r4 Date: November 16, 2006 To: J3 From: Aleksandar Donev Subject: Notes on Clause 12 References: 06-263r1, 06-377, 06-007r1 I split the comments into several categories: 1) Editorial corrections (no technical change) 2) Requests to clarify or change wording The remaining technical issues from 06-350r1 are in 06-377. _________________________________ Editorial corrections _________________________________ [301:1-] In the last line of Note 12.5, add a "WRITE (*,*)" before EXT3. [324:7+] In the penultimate line of Note 12.41, replace "A=" with "A(6:10,2)=". [334:35] Add a space before (16.6.7). _________________________________ Technical fixes and minor technical changes _________________________________ [296:25] In after "shape" add: "its co-rank, its co-dimensions," to the the characteristics of dummy data objects. [314:9] At the end of C1235, add "that does not have the CONTIGUOUS attribute" [316:19-20] Replace this sentence should be: "If the dummy argument is an allocatable co-array, the actual argument shall be an allocatable co-array with the same rank and co-rank." [320:3-4] After "assumed-shape array" add "that does not have the CONTIGUOUS attribute". Also do the same for the text at [321:9]. [336:8-9] Replace "scalar dummy data objects and shall not have the POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute." with: "scalar dummy data objects, shall not be co-arrays, and shall not have the POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute." [336:12-14] In C1290 replace "except as the argument" with: "except as the designator in a type parameter inquiry (6.1.4) or as the argument"