J3/07-131 To: J3 Date: 24 January 2007 From: Bill Long and John Reid Subject: UTI 98: derived types defined in intrnsic modules References: J3/07-007 Discussion For the IEEE derived types, [440:23-24] states: "No direct component of any of these types is allocatable or a pointer." For C_PTR and C_FUNPTR, [474:2-3] "No direct component of either of these types is allocatable or a pointer." UTI 98 (page 440) says: "If it is found to be correct on review, all that is needed is to delete this UTI." and "This also affects TYPE(C_PTR) and TYPE(C_FUNPTR); the text the editor added to these (see 15.3.3) also needs to be reviewed and accepted before deleting this UTI." We agree. Edits to J3/07-007 (none)