To: J3 07-302 From: Jim Xia Subject: Interpretation: SIZE= specifier and UDDTIO Date: 2007 October 15 NUMBER: F03/ TITLE: SIZE= specifier and UDDTIO KEYWORDS: SIZE=, UDDTIO DEFECT TYPE: Error STATUS: Erratum DISCUSSION [191:21-26] says that when SIZE= specifier is used in a formatted input statement with explicit format specifications, the variable specified in the SIZE= specifier is determined by the data edit descriptors during the input statement. These rules, however, did not take into account of the following situation where a parent READ statement with a DT edit descriptor invokes a user-defined DTIO formatted read subroutine that reads input data using list-directed or namelist READ statement. Consider the following example, module example type A integer x(10) contains procedure :: readArray generic :: read(formatted) => readArray end type contains subroutine readArray (dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg) class(A), intent(inout) :: dtv integer, intent(in) :: unit character(*), intent(in) :: iotype integer, intent(in) :: v_list(:) integer, intent(out) :: iostat character(*), intent(inout) :: iomsg read (unit, fmt=*, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) dtv%x end subroutine end module use example type(A) x integer countChar open (1, file='example.input', form='formatted') read (1, fmt='(DT)', advance='no', size=countChar) x end Note that there is no data edit descriptor in the UDDTIO subroutine, readArray, to count the total number of characters transferred during the child read. QUESTION: (a) Is this example intended to be standard conforming? (b) If the answer to (a) is yes, then assume the file example.input contains the following text: . where each . represents a space. Then what value would the example assign to the variable countChar after the READ statement? ANSWER: (a) No, this example is not standard conforming. (b) Not applicable. SIZE= specifier is not allowed in the example presented here. Edits are provided to correct this oversight. EDITS: [188:8+] Append to the end of the paragraph "A SIZE= specifier shall not appear in a parent input statement if the user-defined derived-type input procedure to be invoked contains either a list-directed or a namelist input statement on the same input unit." SUBMITTED BY: Jim Xia HISTORY: m182 Submitted