J3/08-145 To: J3 From: Van Snyder Subject: Editorial comments Date: 2008 April 11 [7:1.8p5-9] ---------------------------------------------------------- This is a stylistic decision. Should we move the additional discussion of ISO/IEC 9899 to be after the citation for it in paragraph 4, and the addition discussion for IEC 60559 in paragraph 9 to be after it at paragraph 6, or do we want these paragraphs of additional discussion to remain together, away from their relevant citations, but after all the citations? [30:2.4.2p1] --------------------------------------------------------- The sentence about external files belongs in Clause 9. Editor: Move "Whether ... dependent." to be a new paragraph after Note 9.5 at [194:9.3.1]. Move the first item in the list at [459:A.2p1] to be be between the items for 9.2.2 and 9.3.2 on page 460, and change the reference from 2.4.2 to 9.3.1. [43:3.3.1p3] --------------------------------------------------------- The term "source forms" is not in the list of defined terms in Clause 2. It probably doesn't need to be. Editor: Set "source forms" in normal density face instead of bold face. [72: Note 4.45] ------------------------------------------------------ The assertion in the note is not supported by 16.3 (or more specifically by 16.3.1p1(2)). Editor: Assuming Note 4.45 is what we intended, at [400:16.3.1p1(2)] delete "and" and insert "and generic bindings identified by